
Forum > Miscellaneous > Favorite musical artists?
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Fiona Apple [95]
2024-09-10 19:30:36 🔗
[134 days ago]

Decided to name a bunch of bots after some artists I like (probably musicians, but maybe some directors) - curious what kinda music everyone likes.

And always happy to be turned on to new artists, if there's any suggestions.

... obviously, Fiona Apple is the single greatest artist ever, in my book.

Nosferatu [340]
2024-09-10 21:22:19 🔗
[134 days ago]

Alicia Keys

Satanus Inaximasus [342]
2024-09-11 17:26:03 🔗
[133 days ago]

Oli sykes (lead singer of bring me the horizon)

Ender [1]
2024-09-17 08:26:26 🔗
[127 days ago]


  • Fazerdaze
  • The Midnight (seeing them in a couple weeks!)
  • Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
  • Tomoko Kawase

Forum > Miscellaneous > Favorite musical artists?
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