
Forum > Miscellaneous > Bmails and messages
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Esvrainzas [337]
2024-11-07 15:49:32 🔗
[107 days ago]

Bmails: 2,606 Messages: 17,152

Who is the most social player???

Ender [1]
2024-11-07 16:11:05 🔗
[107 days ago]

Bmails: 3,015 Messages: 10,431

ziaodix [294]
2024-11-07 16:24:33 🔗
[107 days ago]

Bmails: 0 Messages: 0

Azeryk [95]
2024-11-07 16:27:04 🔗
[107 days ago]

Bmails: 83,624 Messages: 433,471

I think the server wins. ^^

Ender [1]
2024-11-07 16:34:38 🔗
[107 days ago]

Most bmails:

mysql> SELECT bot_id, username, COUNT(0) AS bmails
    -> FROM bmail_threads
    -> INNER JOIN bmail_bots ON bmail_threads.id = bmail_bots.thread_id
    -> INNER JOIN bots ON bmail_bots.bot_id = bots.id
    -> WHERE is_deleted = FALSE
    -> GROUP BY 1, 2
    -> ORDER BY 3 DESC
    -> LIMIT 10;
| bot_id | username           | bmails |
|    937 | shoyuken           |   3621 |
|     40 | Satanus Inaximasus |   3528 |
|      1 | Ender              |   3016 |
|  13681 | Esvrainzas         |   2607 |
|   3636 | Myriad             |   2471 |
|    152 | Shoegazer          |   2379 |
|    174 | Lyrad              |   2249 |
|    142 | TheCause           |   1842 |
|   2571 | Sera               |   1620 |
|  60509 | El Hefe            |   1495 |

Most messages:

mysql> SELECT bmail_bots.bot_id, username, COUNT(0) AS messages
    -> FROM bmail_posts
    -> INNER JOIN bmail_bots ON bmail_posts.thread_id = bmail_bots.thread_id
    -> INNER JOIN bots ON bmail_bots.bot_id = bots.id
    -> WHERE is_deleted = FALSE
    -> GROUP BY 1, 2
    -> ORDER BY 3 DESC
    -> LIMIT 10;
| bot_id | username           | messages |
|     40 | Satanus Inaximasus |    35452 |
|   3636 | Myriad             |    23371 |
|  60509 | El Hefe            |    17594 |
|  13681 | Esvrainzas         |    17157 |
|    152 | Shoegazer          |    15783 |
|    142 | TheCause           |    15264 |
|    174 | Lyrad              |    14839 |
|   1883 | Leader             |    14126 |
|  27695 | Lobster            |    10701 |
|      1 | Ender              |    10434 |

Some aggregate stats:

  • Top 10 inboxes have 24,828 bmails, which is ~30% of the 83,612 systemwide bmails
  • Top 10 inboxes have 174,721 messages, which is ~40% of the 433,418 systemwide messages.

Kind of messed up. :D Looks like an example of the Pareto principle.

P.S. I'm about to post this and see Azeryk's post. I noticed our systemwide numbers a slightly different and wondered why since the documentation page is cached. I looked and saw the page I'd loaded says "[last computed 86,211 seconds ago, eligible for recomputation in 189 seconds]". Funny timing. :P

Esvrainzas [337]
2024-11-07 16:45:07 🔗
[107 days ago]

After you Ender, my bet was SJ and I wasn't wrong lol

Anyway, I'm #4 on both ranks!

Fishwick [135]
2024-11-07 17:10:57 🔗
[107 days ago]

Bmails: 1,318 Messages: 6,925

Kind of impressive to see Shoy and Shoe being up there still after not playing for so long. Shoy being #1 in mails but unranked in messages is wild, he must have been up to some strange stuff.

Esvrainzas [337]
2024-11-07 17:13:03 🔗
[107 days ago]

I guess nowadays with Discord, people send less bmails than before. Another reason could be that we are fewer players now than 10 years ago.

Myriad [428]
2024-11-07 19:45:48 🔗
[107 days ago]

Half of my messages are replying to Daz's spam

Forum > Miscellaneous > Bmails and messages
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