145lvl, full behe set + rhino, tiger fang + hyperion. 20 base int - 20 re-dis. Can have freaked holy raptures at 150lvl.
cash or stars.
Spawn [58] |
145lvl, full behe set + rhino, tiger fang + hyperion. 20 base int - 20 re-dis. Can have freaked holy raptures at 150lvl. cash or stars. |
0.001 stars |
Vector Alpha [97] <Valhalla>
2 stars |
OP, could you post the exact stats and rediss? Or bmail them to me? |
Spawn [58] |
done. |
Also interested, would you be able to drop me a bmail if this is still for sale. Cheers |
Spawn [62] |
Spawn [69] |
2 bots, 3 stars auto-win. |
Spawn [75] |
up |
Vector Alpha [97] <Valhalla>
i bid 4 stars |
Spawn [78] |
sold. |