
Forum > Marketplace > buying a high ratio bot
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MasmasterPro [139]
2012-08-28 17:31:23 🔗
[12 years, 193 days ago]

for one star i will buy a bot with a high ratio inbetween lvl 150-190 that i can attack and go 400-0 on. or hopefully that lol

im not buying a bot per say, just the ability to freely attack it for lvling.

Nosferatu [155]
2012-08-28 17:38:54 🔗
[12 years, 193 days ago]

400 attacks is at level 200. It's 300 attacks at level 150-199.

On a side note, is this 1 star for 300 attacks once, or 300 attacks until you get where you want to go? Because the former is worth it, the latter people are going to tell you to fuck off.

masmaster666 [79]
2012-08-28 17:41:20 🔗
[12 years, 193 days ago]

my bad on the 400 my finger slipped, and its 300 per star. but i would like to be able to win the majority of them or it wouldnt be worth it.

300 attacks total equals one star.

Forum > Marketplace > buying a high ratio bot
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