
Forum > Marketplace > 1 star or 10$ for this build...
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Reality Rift [1]
2014-01-10 18:39:42 🔗
[11 years, 47 days ago]
Level 80 answerers (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator.
                             STR  CON  DEX  INT  ARMOR
Raven Caw                     +6       +10         550
Manic Cranium                 +7  +11       -15    160
Satans Claw                  +10        +5   -8     91
Troll Shoe                   +14   +8   -7   -8     91
answerer           (102-204)
answerer           (102-204)
                             +37  +19   +8  -31    892

STR :  237 =  200+37         Left-hand  : 343.7-687.5
CON :   71 =   52+19         Right-hand : 343.7-687.5
DEX :  102 =   94 +8         HP         : 760
INT :  5 =   10-31         Block      : 8.13%
                             Absorb     : 59.74%

preferably with under 200 losses. The build will be done on this bot I'm posting from.

btw, is this an optimal level 80 build to fight with?

Wannabe [46]
2014-01-10 18:56:53 🔗
[11 years, 47 days ago]

I can make it for cash

Reality Rift [1]
2014-01-11 05:59:50 🔗
[11 years, 47 days ago]

ok, send me a pm so I can give you the pass. tell me when you can start

Esvrainzas [134]
2014-01-11 13:44:26 🔗
[11 years, 46 days ago]

Its the best non-freaked build. However, freaked builds are obviously stronger than that one. For scoring purposes, it will work but if you piss someone you can be drained more easily than if you had a freaked build. To have a freaked build you should have stars on the bot to have more stash space and switch between the equipments needed to freak the bot.

Btw this is a freak build (these are the final armours and you dont have the stats to equip answerer. to do that you need to switch manic cranium by valkyrie wing.). Note that my build has the same absorb of yours but has more CON.

Level 80 answerers (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator.
                             STR  CON  DEX  INT  ARMOR
Raven Caw                     +6       +10         550
Manic Cranium                 +7  +11       -15    160
Satans Claw                  +10        +5   -8     91
Troll Shoe                   +14   +8   -7   -8     91
answerer           (102-204)
answerer           (102-204)
                             +37  +19   +8  -31    892

STR :  244 =  207+37         Left-hand  : 343.7-687.5
CON :   76 =   57+19         Right-hand : 343.7-687.5
DEX :   90 =   82 +8         HP         : 810
INT :  5 =   10-31         Block      : 5.00%
                             Absorb     : 59.74%

Esvrainzas [134]
2014-01-11 13:46:26 🔗
[11 years, 46 days ago]

However my build has much less DEX so maybe the extra 50 HP arent enough to cover that. The best way to freak asnwerers is to have STR equips that make you able to equip a duriels shell or a shaftstop.

Reality Rift [1]
2014-01-11 22:19:56 🔗
[11 years, 46 days ago]

thank you. got someone to build it for me. t/c

shadow_rith [74]
2014-01-12 09:28:44 🔗
[11 years, 46 days ago]

Normally how i do freaked answers..

Level 80 answerers (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator.
                             STR  CON  DEX  INT  ARMOR
Shaftstop                          +6  +12         590
Manic Cranium                 +7  +11       -15    160
Lava Gout                     -5   +6   +6          70
Waterwalk                     -6   +7   +7          74
answerer           (102-204)
answerer           (102-204)
                              -4  +30  +25  -15    894

STR :  210 =  214 -4         Left-hand  : 358.0-716.0
CON :   93 =   63+30         Right-hand : 358.0-716.0
DEX :   94 =   69+25         HP         : 980
INT :   5 =   10-15         Block      : 5.00%
                             Absorb     : 59.8%

New Alan [79]
2014-01-12 11:47:46 🔗
[11 years, 45 days ago]

214 str 64 con 68 dex

shadow_rith [74]
2014-01-12 21:35:11 🔗
[11 years, 45 days ago]

woops was half asleep.

Reality Rift [80]
2014-01-13 05:27:56 🔗
[11 years, 45 days ago]

project done. star moved. thank you!

Forum > Marketplace > 1 star or 10$ for this build...
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