I am selling some bots i no longer use or dont have time for looking for cash
- lvl 176 mainor II - Dodgy intel lvling bot
- lvl 139 Blazed trail - Blazed trail freaked blasters
- lvl 173 Claypan - Drover Demon Hammer bot
- lvl 125 hhgttg - ParanoidAndroid Freaked soul harvestors
- lvl 144 Dexteris - Dexteris Dex Bot
- lvl 128 Stiprus - Stiprus freaked soul harvestors
- lvl 157 Fieldsofbabylon - Fieldsofbabylon freaked intel bot
- lvl 204 Unigue Force - oneofakind freaked oblits
- lvl 208 battleminion - freakster
- lvl 145 Cylix - cylix freaked stormblade bot
- lvl 130 Mainor x - endified blaster maul bot
- lvl 109 freakster - battleminion
may sell neps if price is right
lvl 204 Unigue Force - oneofakind - 4 stars
So far tolli is the highest for unique force
Link to bots would be so much easier searching for everyone of these is a bum
yeah i dont know how do that
Go to each bot's profile, click on the website address, copy it, paste it onto notepad or on the forum here then link each address by putting [ in front of the address and ] at the end of it then press ( and paste the address again and then put a ) at the end o it. It's under "show help". You can personalize the name of the link in the [ and ] bits.
also this is for sale lvl 160 freaked mithril sledges
I'll bid 3 stars for The Doggett
it does have my name, and picture on it..
~ Ville
If you had told me the stats of รขโฌยขlvl 208 battleminion - freakster ...
You may have sold it by now.
Stats are
Str 385
Con 110
Dex 329
Int 44
Redis 9 5 to buy
Has full mystery intel gear and avenger and oaken shield
Does unique force has base intel?
Bots still for sale except unique force
Bump will take stars aswell
Try to update which bots are still for sale
All of them excet unique force
Also selling 26 stars as downsizing preferbly want to sell bulk but will sperate
May have more stars for sale still going through what i own bot wise and what i want stars on and need
35 stars for sale and bots as listed
How much for godfather or drover