
MarvelVsCapcom [67]
2017-05-15 19:14:36 🔗
[7 years, 285 days ago]

I'm looking for perhaps a Steam card instead of the usual PayPal method since Steam's summer sale is coming up. They're international (unless you're in southeast Asia) so the sale should be nice and quick this way. I'm looking for $50 USD for the package unless that's too high so feel free to bid. I thought $50 would be a good Steam card price number.

Another note, I just repermed one of the stars so the 9th star needs a 5 day cooldown. So I'll leave the auction open for 5 days at least if there's any offers.

MarvelVsCapcom [67]
2017-05-15 19:15:12 🔗
[7 years, 285 days ago]

I didn't mean 9th star, I meant 10th star, sorry.

Osh [70]
2017-05-16 04:59:57 🔗
[7 years, 285 days ago]

Seems fair, I'll take that. I'm from Australia though, can I get steam cards here? ( I've never used steam )

MarvelVsCapcom [67]
2017-05-16 08:55:25 🔗
[7 years, 285 days ago]

I think EB Games sells them in Australia. There are probably other stores. From what I saw on Google they might be USD cards so they might cost more in AUS.

MarvelVsCapcom [67]
2017-05-17 10:53:15 🔗
[7 years, 284 days ago]

Hey Osh, have you bought the Steam card yet? Because if you haven't then I'll just cancel the sale. If you have though we'll go through with it since they are non-refundable. I was a bit hasty in quitting on my part is all.

Osh [70]
2017-05-19 10:23:28 🔗
[7 years, 282 days ago]

Sorry just seen this, will be buying it sometime tomorrow on my lunch break lad cheers