edition 115


2024-08-25 12:00:00 [193 days ago]


category level range entrants winner clan
1 301+ 17 Myriad [427] <Lusitania>
2 251-300 18 Naruto [300] <Lusitania>
3 201-250 13 NaturalBornWinner [250] <Lusitania>
4 176-200 27 Hypermania [200] <Apex>
5 151-175 22 Brazo Izquierda [175] <Lusitania>
6 141-150 23 Fizzy05 [150] <Lusitania>
7 131-140 41 Jack The Joker [140] <Apex>
8 121-130 35 Images and Words [130] <Apex>
9 111-120 46 Fizzy39 [120] <Lusitania>
10 101-110 38 Andalusia [110] <Apex>
11 91-100 43 Seventh Wonder [100] <Apex>
12 81-90 29 Bad Omens [90] <Apex>
13 71-80 40 Vivacity [80] <Lusitania>
14 61-70 25 Brutai [70] <Apex>
15 51-60 31 phillips011 [60] <Lusitania>
16 41-50 35 Mitico15 [50] <Lusitania>
17 31-40 31 Mitico07 [40] <Lusitania>
18 20-30 32 Grumpy Pink [30] <Apex>

Clan rankings

Note: Clan points use Formula One scoring.

rank clan points bot count
1 <Lusitania> 887 288
2 <Apex> 886 243
3 <Rapture> 18 2
4 <Mount Wario> 18 2
5 <Gedankenexperiment> 6 1
6 <1234> 2 1
7 <Ship of Theseus> 1 1
8 <Strung Out> 0 1
9 <Storage> 0 1
10 <Solo Act> 0 1
11 <Alternate History> 0 1