
Forum > Questions > We have some assholes in the game
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SharunasP [32]
2011-08-03 08:12:14 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]
32 SharunasP - 1 35 checking what's happening -

29 Faceless Void 5,336 (+5,216)

fighting against SharunasP [32] -

Sweet... still atacking +15 times.. now and 20 times ;D i have no money, +int bot... but anywhy atacking and for what ?...

Alan [120]
2011-08-03 08:13:02 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]
part of the game man.
SharunasP [32]
2011-08-03 08:14:21 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

ATTACK THEN when i'm no ONLINE ... now just training and boom - can't attack and still fighting.. lol :D

SharunasP [32]
2011-08-03 08:15:45 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

Look at ''online'' still atacking me.. ;D 28lvl ;D

small neps [68]
2011-08-03 08:16:10 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

Sorry man, no rules broken.

SharunasP [32]
2011-08-03 08:17:49 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

Where respect then ? who played bots2, know - do not attack online players'' ;]ahh.. nwm.. :D just first time i see this situacion ;D oh he finished rape me ;D

Alan [120]
2011-08-03 08:18:44 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

This isn't Bots2.

gr33n [62]
2011-08-03 08:25:36 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

Even on Bots II onlining was a great sport :)

The Pirate [87]
2011-08-03 12:28:47 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

If they refuse to stop when you ask then they are dick head assholes. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do about it. I understand and certainly do sympathize with the way you feel about this...

Faceless Void [31]
2011-08-03 13:01:58 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

SharunasP [32]
2011-08-03 08:02:50
[4 hours ago]

FUCK OFF , or i report you and you'll been deleted


Scyther [74]
2011-08-03 13:10:42 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

MarvoloRiddle [69] 4 9 45 rank 4 2011-08-02 18:55:12 [18 hours ago]

i let you level up of my bot, but let me finish first, k?

lol...and then after I keep raping

Re: gonna rape your face and shove it up your ass MarvoloRiddle [69] 4 9 45 rank 4 2011-08-02 19:01:49 [18 hours ago]

The Pirate [87]
2011-08-03 13:30:39 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

What it all boils down to is how much you respect your fellow human beings. Obviously there isn't much respect going on here or anywhere in the world these days. That truly is sad...

neps [146]
2011-08-03 18:04:22 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

Griefers will exist as long as people exist that bitch about them in this manner.

If I were a griefer, I probably would have forgotten about that little onlining incident by now, but upon reading how much attention it got me here thanks to your post, I now make a mental note to online you, you specifically, every chance I get.

Sinister Shadows [150]
2011-08-03 18:08:39 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

is it annoying? a little bit. bitching about it helping? makes you a target for further onlining.

seems the best way to deal with it is to ignore it completly.

DarkNinjaMaster [69]
2011-08-03 21:55:16 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

So, like if you were playing RS or WoW and you got telestomped to death (or w/e) by someone better than you would you bitch moan complain in a forum? Probably yes but the real solutions is BE BETTER. Same solution as in all online games. I understand you are an int bot but shit man, just make another bot and online his ass back, or be in a good clan and get some revenge. bmc'in in a forum will just get you more grief....

DarkNinjaMaster [69]
2011-08-03 21:55:32 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

Also, LMFAO!

Zabo [71]
2011-08-03 21:59:45 🔗
[13 years, 219 days ago]

lolol, some guy attacked me when I was online 4 times, later when he caught up to my level, I changed my build drastically and raped his bot 100 times, waited another 24 hours and did 100 more. His name is Viper X. Ask him how it feels having a negative K/D. Also ask Jessix or something stupid like that. I haven't seen Jessix since I've sent them a bmail flaming them because I raped their bot because they onlined me a few times while I was training.

DarkNinjaMaster [69]
2011-08-04 05:25:53 🔗
[13 years, 218 days ago]

Wow your totally 1337 bro, remind me not to tangle with you!

/me scared

Zabo [71]
2011-08-04 06:35:25 🔗
[13 years, 218 days ago]

you should be! Come @ me bro!

Forum > Questions > We have some assholes in the game
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