
Forum > Questions > ratio search ender
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mei ping [1]
2013-04-21 22:05:02 🔗
[11 years, 310 days ago]

ratio isnt in the hall of fame, so would you ender be able to manually do 2 searches, one being the current list of highest ratios and the 2nd one the all time list?

mei ping [1]
2013-04-21 22:32:40 🔗
[11 years, 310 days ago]

on a side note yesterday i couldnt buy items and today i cant train. im playing on my phones [plural] i think i need to change some settings. ill ask back if i dont figure it out myself

Ender [1]
2013-04-22 21:03:54 🔗
[11 years, 309 days ago]

Hm, is this one of those ad hoc stats that has been requested before, like 2 train bots, most played time, or most trains at level 1? If not, I'd be happy to do it, though I'd guess there will be a bit of nuance to make the stats interesting because of things like low level NaNs.

As for your side note, if you want me to followup on that, please create a new thread in the bugs subforum with all the details you can provide and I will followup there.

mei ping [2]
2013-04-23 03:27:16 🔗
[11 years, 309 days ago]

i s'pose it is. the current ratio hof would be pretty easy to get wouldnt it? the one id love to see is the all time hof. i suppose highest nan is something else entirely you could do that as well [i had a 2000 win nan id like to see if it made it]

i continue to have issues on my phone as well, ill post something in the bugs

Ender [1]
2013-04-23 22:09:54 🔗
[11 years, 308 days ago]

Here's the current top 30 ratios (NaNs are treated as having 1 loss):

mysql> SELECT
    ->   @rank := @rank + 1 AS rank,
    ->   id,
    ->   expToLevel(exp) AS level,
    ->   username,
    ->   wins,
    ->   losses,
    ->   wins / IF(losses = 0, 1, losses) AS ratio
    -> FROM bots
    -> JOIN (SELECT @rank := 0) r
    -> ORDER BY ratio DESC
    -> LIMIT 30;
| rank | id    | level | username           | wins   | losses | ratio      |
|    1 |  3636 |   341 | Myriad             | 234846 |     17 | 13814.4706 |
|    2 |   174 |   262 | Lyrad              | 358050 |     79 |  4532.2785 |
|    3 | 29028 |   100 | Fusion07           |   3301 |      1 |  3301.0000 |
|    4 | 29029 |   100 | Fusion08           |   3102 |      0 |  3102.0000 |
|    5 | 29030 |   100 | Fusion09           |   3100 |      1 |  3100.0000 |
|    6 | 29031 |   100 | Fusion10           |   3080 |      0 |  3080.0000 |
|    7 | 10425 |   100 | Zalachorn          |   2740 |      1 |  2740.0000 |
|    8 |   190 |   200 | Draoi              | 497426 |    185 |  2688.7892 |
|    9 | 13681 |   134 | Esvrainzas         | 147786 |     57 |  2592.7368 |
|   10 | 29026 |   100 | Fusion05           |   2500 |      0 |  2500.0000 |
|   11 |  9780 |    30 | HeartattackAndVine |  43077 |     18 |  2393.1667 |
|   12 | 29027 |   100 | Fusion06           |   2317 |      1 |  2317.0000 |
|   13 | 21858 |   160 | Elendilmir         |   8314 |      4 |  2078.5000 |
|   14 |  8969 |   105 | SG9                |   3866 |      2 |  1933.0000 |
|   15 | 29520 |    30 | Hey                |   1867 |      1 |  1867.0000 |
|   16 | 12261 |    27 | Sero               |   3698 |      2 |  1849.0000 |
|   17 | 29575 |    24 | Anti Christ        |   1754 |      0 |  1754.0000 |
|   18 | 27727 |    32 | Mountain           |   1688 |      1 |  1688.0000 |
|   19 |  2785 |    34 | FUBAR              |   3320 |      2 |  1660.0000 |
|   20 | 29473 |    34 | yoloyolo           |   1652 |      0 |  1652.0000 |
|   21 | 28298 |    72 | endone12           |   1646 |      1 |  1646.0000 |
|   22 | 28300 |    72 | endone14           |   1627 |      1 |  1627.0000 |
|   23 | 28304 |    72 | endone18           |   1613 |      1 |  1613.0000 |
|   24 | 28301 |    72 | endone15           |   1609 |      1 |  1609.0000 |
|   25 | 28305 |    72 | endone19           |   1593 |      1 |  1593.0000 |
|   26 | 28303 |    72 | endone17           |   1585 |      1 |  1585.0000 |
|   27 |  3887 |   150 | thingTWO           |   9447 |      6 |  1574.5000 |
|   28 | 28302 |    72 | endone16           |   1563 |      1 |  1563.0000 |
|   29 | 27230 |   100 | Celeste            |   4403 |      3 |  1467.6667 |
|   30 | 24759 |   132 | Primoris           |  61565 |     42 |  1465.8333 |

All time top ratios is a statistic lost to the sands of time.

Myriad [342]
2013-04-24 08:25:20 🔗
[11 years, 308 days ago]

As long as you don't care too much about who is #2 and beyond for all time ratio, this should suffice:

mei ping [2]
2013-04-25 00:33:34 🔗
[11 years, 307 days ago]

thankyou ender. and wtf that pic has to be photoshopped. did you make that bot? its beleivable if you made it xD

Esvrainzas [134]
2013-04-27 16:21:15 🔗
[11 years, 304 days ago]

I'm in top10! woot!

About that pic, its not photoshopped. ReneDescartes did it in March while scoring with Primoris for Escapism. A very nice accomplishment. Congrats!

Forum > Questions > ratio search ender
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