
Forum > Questions > 2 top stat bots
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OldTime v2 [300]
2019-05-10 06:34:45 πŸ”—
[5 years, 302 days ago]

Got a question prob for Ender what happens if 2 bots have the same total stats ( lets say both have 1k str) do they both get the top stats platinum or what happens in this case ?

Amazing T [100]
2019-05-10 06:49:36 πŸ”—
[5 years, 302 days ago]

i guess newest one is that top ;)

Ecoueses [354]
2019-05-10 09:15:44 πŸ”—
[5 years, 302 days ago]

It happened in first month of bots. I got the trophy, both me and Lyrad had same strength. Lower ID bot gets it. I knew ill get it, he went apeshit. Was fun.

Off [318]
2019-05-10 09:18:53 πŸ”—
[5 years, 302 days ago]

Ok cool thnx was just curious

El Hefe [390]
2019-05-10 12:27:12 πŸ”—
[5 years, 302 days ago]

oh i thought the first one to reach it got it

El Hefe [390]
2019-05-10 12:33:20 πŸ”—
[5 years, 302 days ago]

btw, reset those hardlines, they serve no purpose but screwing people over :p

Arkuden [130]
2019-05-10 19:32:28 πŸ”—
[5 years, 302 days ago]

Those hardline bots are mine and wonÒ€ℒt be getting reset thanks :P

Sinister Shadows [373]
2019-05-10 22:59:55 πŸ”—
[5 years, 301 days ago]

do explain how they are screwing people over amigo ? XD

El Hefe [390]
2019-05-11 06:23:10 πŸ”—
[5 years, 301 days ago]

just kidding my buddies ^^

Ender [1]
2019-05-14 01:13:36 πŸ”—
[5 years, 298 days ago]

Yup, lower id wins.

Fun fact: Most (all?) of the database queries in this game have something along the lines of "sort by the thing that matters (bot stat in this thread's example), then by id ascending". It's not always fair, but it's pretty consistently applied, so at least there's no nondeterminism.

Trivia fact: There was a subtle tournament bug working against lower id bots that was noticed and fixed during the first tournament:

There may have also been a bias that worked in favor of bots with higher ids. Because of the order that battles run, I think bots with higher ids were more likely to be matched up against "tired" bots (read: bots that have had their equipment condition worn out more), therefore giving them some advantage.

Interesting fact: There was a subtle tournament bug working against higher id bots that was noticed shortly after tournaments were released and fixed a bit over a year later:

In case you missed it, the bot with the lower id will always be the attacker. 1 int bots are especially common in tournaments, so there is therefore a small edge for bots with lower ids.

Forum > Questions > 2 top stat bots
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