
Forum > Questions > New.. 2 Questions
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Bubzeh [17]
2019-05-17 06:27:03 🔗
[5 years, 283 days ago]

1 - What is the point / purpose of the game for you? What do you do.

Is it just a case of training and gaining EXP, randomly fighting people your level and buying decent gear?

2 - How do we know who beat us when we log on? I have 5 wins and 1 loss. Is there a way of seeing who beat me?

Bazza [68]
2019-05-17 06:30:24 🔗
[5 years, 283 days ago]

answer to question 2, fight history

Fishwick [135]
2019-05-17 10:00:40 🔗
[5 years, 283 days ago]

For a lot of people, the motivation to play is clans. The clan race has quite the competitive history, and grouping people up and making them fight against each other seems to make people eager to click. For some it's all about personal achievements and being the best at solo energy gain. Then you have the people who just want to train and get to the highest level. Lots of different paths, but mostly people are driven by wanting to be the best at what they pick.

El Hefe [390]
2019-05-17 11:50:11 🔗
[5 years, 283 days ago]

and then there are the people that are the best in what they click and really cba about it.. how cool are they? ^^

but no seriously, fishwick is right, everyone has a different way of playing and a different interest. My advice would be to find out for yourself what suits you best and enjoy :)

in my not so humble opinion, making friends and playing together is very useful in the game and also makes playing a lot more fun

talking to experienced players will also benefit you in getting the hang of every aspect of the game..

at first you may be happily clicking around the block for no reason at all and the next moment the game may get you and you build hundreds of bots and click like there was no tomorrow

also, every friday we have a huge party with karaoke and beer

Ender [1]
2019-05-19 11:28:34 🔗
[5 years, 281 days ago]

As others have said, you'll get different answers from different people about the "goal" of the game, but IMO the main one is to just have fun through whatever means that may be:

  • Leveling as high as you can.
  • Having an entire fleet of bots.
  • Obtaining rare platinum trophies.
  • The clan race.
  • Having really strong bots / winning tournaments.
  • Studying game mechanics / building simulators to min/max.
  • Socializing (this is the one that will keep you here for years).

Also, since I'm always curious about how people discover this game, can I ask how you found it? Were you a bots2 player?

Bubzeh [18]
2019-05-23 11:58:35 🔗
[5 years, 277 days ago]

Yeah I used to play Bots2 a lil bit with my friends back when I was a kid (probably 15 years ago now wow) and got bored one day recently at work and found out Bots4 was a thing.

I trained alot to get to level 18 but now I returned and lost a fight. He took 4k Kudos from me! All of it!

Is that how it works? You lose a fight and lose all your Kudos?

Fishwick [135]
2019-05-23 12:12:39 🔗
[5 years, 277 days ago]

Not normally, no. You take around 33% of someones kudos when you beat them but that can be modified by buffs. Standard ones available from the trophies page would increase that by 150/200/250%, but he likely used the beginner buff that gives a 300% increase, meaning he steals every last kudo. This'll be less of an issue once you level past people who are still using their initial beginner buff

Bubzeh [20]
2019-05-23 12:18:33 🔗
[5 years, 277 days ago]

Thanks Fish.

Think I'll give it a go for a while. Seems fun.

To get more Kudos I should really aim to attack people with good ratios right? Or is it all luck.

Fishwick [135]
2019-05-23 12:20:13 🔗
[5 years, 277 days ago]

That's definitely what I do (and sometimes people get mad), but at a low level without a specifically crafted build, you're probably better off training for them. Especially if you have more than 10 int.

El Hefe [391]
2019-05-23 12:21:40 🔗
[5 years, 277 days ago]

lower levels can be an issue getting kudos, especially when you are new.. bots that have lots of kudos mostly wont be beatable unless you got a good build and training kudos wll be slow

an option here would be to make a 'kudobot', create a new bot with a fair amount of int that can create more kudos faster.. then attack your own kudobot when you can, to take its kudos

Bubzeh [20]
2019-05-23 12:25:18 🔗
[5 years, 277 days ago]

Thanks all, will review tommorrow when I'm back at work and chat more.

Quick question.

I just "lost" because I was exahausted? But his HP went to Barely Alive and I was around 45 percent? What's that all about.

But I handed him kudos.

El Hefe [391]
2019-05-23 12:27:58 🔗
[5 years, 277 days ago]

^^ there is a time limit, when the fight isnt over in euhrm 3 or 4 minutes (without buffs) the fight stops and the defender wins

mainly to prevent a bot with broken gear fighting another bot with broken gear whcich fights could last endlessly without a limit

mustve been a really long fight tho? you with bad gear fighting a bot with almost broken stuff?

Ender [1]
2019-05-23 23:40:36 🔗
[5 years, 277 days ago]

Aye, there's a 300 attempt limit for the entire battle. If that's exceeded, the defender wins.

Bubzeh [27]
2019-05-24 03:57:19 🔗
[5 years, 276 days ago]


Right, thanks for the replies guys. Think I'm getting to grips with things a little better.

One thing that I'm struggling with however, is understand EXP from fights. Sometimes I've got 23k (more than 1 level) and sometimes I'm getting 500.

When I'm scouting who to fight down at the bottom, who should I be aiming to fight? What's the strategy.

Also at what level should I start getting geared up. I don't really have good gear for level 27 because I'm going through the levels so fast.

Fishwick [135]
2019-05-24 04:07:17 🔗
[5 years, 276 days ago]

It depends if you want to continue leveling or fighting, but you'll pretty consistently level "accidentally" until at least 50 or so

Exp from fighting players is decided mostly from their health, level and ratio. If someone is above 3.0 ratio, significantly above your level and has a lot of Con, you'll get thousands times more xp than fighting a low hp, similarly levelled 0.0 ratio guy.

Bubzeh [40]
2019-05-24 06:46:53 🔗
[5 years, 276 days ago]

Think I'm getting the hang of finding players that will give me good exp per win. I just find somebody 5 levels higher and then raid them 10-15 times to gain a few levels.

What about Workshop skills? What do people tend to do with these. (I know what their definitions are) Is there a ratio I should look at distributing them? Imo INT is something I shouldn't be adding points to.

Fishwick [135]
2019-05-24 13:39:41 🔗
[5 years, 276 days ago]

Strength builds are generally more dominant, somewhere between a 2:1 to 3:1 ratio of str:dex, but each type of build can do well at certain levels

Bubzeh [47]
2019-05-25 05:25:25 🔗
[5 years, 275 days ago]

So nothing for cont / int? Leave them at 20?

Forum > Questions > New.. 2 Questions
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