
Forum > Questions > Email address
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Alamyne [60]
2021-05-16 09:11:45 🔗
[3 years, 295 days ago]

I'm trying to add an email address to one of my accounts so that I can reset that account but I keep getting an error "There was an error with your request". Is there a fix to this?

battleminion [344]
2021-05-16 09:21:38 🔗
[3 years, 295 days ago]

no sadly the email adding or verification or anything requiring an email to be sent to you is broken in the back end of the server been like that for a while only Ender can fix it and hes MIA currently so there is no fix until he does it

jaffar666 [35]
2021-05-17 13:53:23 🔗
[3 years, 294 days ago]

Yes I can confirm this is true ^^

Alamyne [60]
2021-05-18 14:06:10 🔗
[3 years, 293 days ago]

Missing in action god damn

Forum > Questions > Email address
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