
Total Loser [26]
2024-09-29 20:10:14 🔗
[145 days ago]

That's really new, isn't it?

How long has the game let ya do that?

Brain go Brr [297]
2024-09-29 20:25:35 🔗
[145 days ago]

Isn't 5 the limit from the same IP? I usually have 3-4 online nowadays :)

Total Loser [26]
2024-09-29 20:42:29 🔗
[145 days ago]

Oh, musta been total random coincidence that we just went from 11 online to almost 30 all at once and there's over a dozen low-level yellow bots all doing the same work, too.


Total Loser [26]
2024-09-29 21:17:18 🔗
[145 days ago]

But I guess the question really is if this is just some sorta technicality where the rule states you're only allowed 5 per IP, so it's clever to just log on a zillion bots all at once, so long as you make sure they're not using same IP?

Cute trick is all.

Love me some lateral thinking! Well done.

Ender [1]
2024-10-26 18:47:13 🔗
[118 days ago]

My vague recollection of my policy on multi-botting is that it's somewhat intentionally loosely defined/enforced because of the difficulty of enforcement. There's light automatic enforcement (IIRC the game will stop you from logging in a 6th bot from the same IP), but obviously this is pretty easy to get around for anyone that knows how to use proxies/VPNs/etc. That leads me to manual enforcement. In general this kind of stuff takes an enormous amount of resources / human attention to police, which is why playing multiple bots simultaneously is so baked into the DNA of this game (i.e. I'd rather support it than try to police it). That said, if things get particularly "egregious" (see earlier point about loose definitions...), feel free to bmail me details and I can look into it.