
Ender [1]
2018-04-01 00:10:01 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Congrats to Samuli [150] for leading <Torment> to victory in the March 2018 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Torment> Samuli [150]
10,681,340 (x15.06)
2 <Escapism> Esvrainzas [253]
10,038,790 (x11.49)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [252]
3,708,777 (x4.33)
4 <Reaper of souls> diablek [271]
1,604,267 (x1.80)
5 <Platinium Squad> jezz [361]
1,602,565 (x1.80)
6 <Silence is Golden> The Goddess [145]
1,146,925 (x1.36)
7 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
920,995 (x1.03)
8 <Mordor> weep20 [100] 911,846 (x1.02)
9 <Loop> Loop01 [67] 910,087 (x1.02)
10 <Bacteria> Bac13 [100] 904,994 (x1.02)

Also see:

Kudosbot 001 [33]
2018-04-01 00:38:37 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]


Executed [130]
2018-04-01 00:47:50 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Congrats on a streak that will most likely never be broken.

Thank you to everyone in Torment for the hard work this month.

insert random "only won cause unlimited dumpers" "only won cause old escapism members bullshit below"

Arkuden [36]
2018-04-01 00:53:09 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

I actually don't understand your comment Kevin, are you being a smart ass? I can't tell, no offence but I think that ^^ might be nerd talk. But like I said well done

Executed [130]
2018-04-01 01:11:38 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

usual other people crying giving them free excuses since escapism was "unbeatable" :P

Baddest2 [24]
2018-04-01 02:18:02 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Lets build new streak guys. Gratz Uncle Sam :)

Myriad [395]
2018-04-01 02:58:33 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Torment outdumped us and was consistently more active than us throughout the month, so kudos. The last week of the month was probably more combined scatter dumping than we've ever seen in the history of the game.

As much as I enjoyed our streak, competition is necessary for the health and wellbeing of the game. Hopefully there can be new players inspired by the activity we saw last month and we can see a resurgence for bots4 that we've been long hoping for.

Samuli [150]
2018-04-01 04:01:47 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Thank you to our great team which made this win possible!

Bazza [300]
2018-04-01 04:06:46 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

congrats sam and torment

El Hefe [324]
2018-04-01 04:43:22 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

grats sam, kev, tucks and everyone else in torment =] and thanks to both torment escapism for making this an exciting month to watch.

lets have more exciting months.. make bots great again!

Babuka [27]
2018-04-01 06:25:49 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Congratz to everyone, myriad has made a good point, and after this last month I think the game went on a higher lvl, I hope that it will continue like that.

Cheers :)

Fishwick [135]
2018-04-01 06:46:48 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Well done to Torment, a bunch of us were ready to go hard until the last minute but your scattering made it pointless. The last time a non-Escapism team put up 10m was Eternal in 2013. Insane first month.

Sir Chimpus [294]
2018-04-01 08:05:14 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

good job guys hope for another run like that soon :P

roflcopter 2 [2]
2018-04-01 08:33:19 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

shame ville was scoring for torment. another tainted victory

Fishwick [135]
2018-04-01 09:10:07 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Anything involving Ville is tainted, but Sam, Kev and a few others still worked pretty hard legitimately.

MrZal2 [100]
2018-04-01 09:18:32 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]
insert random "only won cause unlimited dumpers" "only won cause old escapism members bullshit below"

A. You guys did use a bunch of dumpers to achieve victory. And whores by people other than yourselves. So it's more of a fact than anything else. It would be nice to show some thanks to the other people that helped you too.

B. I don't think an awful lot of us understand why you all even left Escapism. The only logical reason I could come up with was 2x the platinums for Samulii instead of giving one to Myriad. Or that you were all just bored.

C. The streak has changed but nobody's opinions on any of you have. Without much of a purpose, the only thing that comes up is that Torment is a sham, a secondary Escapism clan. That the entire thing is fixed even if it looks real. And if it is real, it changes nothing.

D. That's about it. Goodbye captcha, March 31, 2018 :(

Just some opinions from a nobody who likes to talk shit though.

Maleficent [202]
2018-04-01 09:57:06 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Congratulations guys \o/

Esvrainzas [253]
2018-04-01 14:38:44 🔗
[6 years, 341 days ago]

Congratulations Torment, you played very well this month. After all we aren't invincible :P

Looking forward to the next months :)

Shoegazer [103]
2018-04-02 18:16:20 🔗
[6 years, 340 days ago]

Was keeping an eye on the race from afar, and I'm happy to log in to post my congrats. Really really happy for Sammy. Good job and keep it going!

The Firelord [92]
2018-04-03 01:20:14 🔗
[6 years, 339 days ago]

Thank you. You are also welcome to make a comeback and join us Shoe ;)

Xplode [34]
2018-04-03 08:41:44 🔗
[6 years, 339 days ago]

the activity levels were crazy been a long time since i have consistently seen 30+ guys online even though it was some on 4 bots or more.

taduccci [60]
2018-04-03 13:45:29 🔗
[6 years, 339 days ago]

Crazy activity ? Man... it used to be crazy back in bots2 when was 100+ real players online.. now here 30 is like 3 players on 5 bots from one clan vs 3 players from another clan

Esvrainzas [255]
2018-04-03 15:32:10 🔗
[6 years, 339 days ago]

The popularity of a text game when bots2 started wasn't the same as it is now...

The Firelord [92]
2018-04-04 02:28:25 🔗
[6 years, 338 days ago]

And in bots2 you would keep 20 bots of yourself online just to not let other clans members log in...

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2018-04-07 18:53:18 🔗
[6 years, 335 days ago]

you are all sad get a fucking life lol

well done to Torment for being having less of a life than the escapism folk kudos on the win though :)

Zord [71]
2018-04-17 13:59:56 🔗
[6 years, 325 days ago]

Wow... Escapism second :O

who would have thought that...

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-21 18:31:15 🔗
[6 years, 321 days ago]

Grats guys, I've been in Salford royal hospital for past 2 weeks with a depressed fracture to the skull and a blood clot in the brain after being hit over the head with a dumbbell bar so I had an op on my brain!(honestly) not that anyone cares. Feels good to be alive. I love you all.

El Hefe [327]
2018-04-21 18:36:09 🔗
[6 years, 321 days ago]

hey potty, that sounds heavy! you doing better now? (yes i care)

only thing tho, do i want to ask how on earth you get hit on the head with a dumbbell?

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-21 18:44:22 🔗
[6 years, 321 days ago]

one sec let me copy and paste from facebook lol....Basically to put it short, had a row with the neighbours few days later they decided to kick my door through I beat the first one up got him to the floor then as the next one came in I turned around the guy on the floor got up they dragged me into my own bath punched me a few times then literally CRACKed me over the head with a dumbbell bar, so I was rushed to Salford royal hospital for a brain op and have been recovering for past 2 weeks x

El Hefe [327]
2018-04-21 18:49:56 🔗
[6 years, 321 days ago]

thats.. really heavy.. in the neths we usually just drink beer with our neighbours..

anyway i hoppe you wont have any permanent damage?

Cosby [192]
2018-04-22 05:11:32 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

Jesus dude...I'm really sorry to hear that :(


Arkuden [41]
2018-04-22 05:56:51 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

Haha you would of deserved it pothead you wanker. Best thing I've heard all day :')

Esvrainzas [263]
2018-04-22 06:35:43 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

If you behaved with your neighboors like you behaved in bots, there's no surprise someone got mad with you...

Maybe what happened was the equivalent to when you onlined Rene and he took 100k from Eternal. Pitty Eternal didn't survive to that one.

Either way, I'm sorry for you and I hope you can recover 100% from what happened to you.

Retirement [71]
2018-04-22 06:57:03 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

I think hes full of shit tbh. Wants attention he hasnt had in a while.

If not then I'm sorry to hear what happened. And hope you recover.

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-22 10:41:17 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

If you don't believe me add me on facebook and look at my head, its incredible how I'm alive.. thank for your supportive messages and the obvious you got what you deserved message lol. A bit of noise deserves death after all.

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-22 10:47:20 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

Also arkuden I'm absolutely fine now, it has brought my family closer than ever before... made me value life like nothing you could imagine and I'm looking at a hell of a lot of money in criminal compensation not to mention financial support from my extremely wealthy dad I haven't spoke to in years who feels bad so I'm glad your happy about it like I am.

MrZal2 [100]
2018-04-22 11:31:17 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

Sorry to hear that happened to you Pothead. When you're feeling better feel free to send me a bmail and chat. We're two people on this game that certain people would just be happy if we straight up and died so we gotta stick together somehow. But a guy doesn't deserve to be invaded by intruders and have his head bashed in, regardless of what he or she says. I find it sad when anyone wishes for someone else to be hurt. This is just a game guys, you don't have to bring your personal bias into judging people you don't actually know in real life. I know I shit on people and I have no good excuse for it then maybe wanting a better game at first, but life isn't just lollipops and ice cream all the damn time. People get mad, people do stupid shit, we are not infallible. We deserve criticism sometimes, but not when we are in pain and suffering. So put on your damn adult panties people and wish a fellow person to get better like normal human beings or shut the hell up why don't ya?

insert section here when I apologize when Pothead says lulz, I made it all up

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-22 12:18:29 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

Thanks Zal it means a lot and really nice to read that. I'm honestly not lying add me on facebook my name is zach symonds-vigne as some people already know....

I just hope he doesn't have to be strapped to a neck collar on a bed for an hour and a half, blood pouring out of the top of head and then start crying when a doctor comes above you and tells you that you have an open depressed fracture to the skull with an island of of bone stuck on the brain and will have to be moved miles away quickly to see a specialist and have an operation on the brain. But hey I did attack his bots lol.

Executed [130]
2018-04-22 17:27:46 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

Pothead might be a bit of an idiot on here sometimes but to hate on the guy after an injury is pretty low. Anyways get well soon potty

Ender [1]
2018-04-22 18:23:44 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

Head injuries are bad news, glad you're doing alright.

Retirement [71]
2018-04-22 21:13:30 🔗
[6 years, 320 days ago]

After reading his last comments he proved my points from way back. I still have no sympathy for you. Although Head injuries arent a joke I still don't habe sympathy.

Why does it matter to you about the money? Fucking disgusting. No one gives 2 fucks about MONEY after they've been hurt. Sorry potty but you haven't changed. To me this looks like a sympathy post.

Should be moved to somewhere else isntead of torments glorious win over escapism

Quit [51]
2018-04-23 00:20:46 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

It seems that head injury didnt change you potty. But its all true: what goes around comes around. You have never been, you are not and you will never be a good person.

Samuli [150]
2018-04-23 05:35:33 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

All the best to you Zach! Get well soon.

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-23 16:25:07 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

I'm not bothered about the money just saying it's nice, the nicer thing is that my family are closer to me and hopefully touch wood I don't have any serious brain damage just a huge crater/scar on the side of my head. I don't remember saying any of it mattered most. Thanks for the nice comments from the wiser more grown up players, I can be a dick on this game in the way I played sometimes but it's just a game I don't steal bots or cheat but I do make mistakes like deleting eternal, overreacting and taking things a bit too seriously.

Nobody deserves to be hit so hard with a dumbbell bar over the head it cracks their skull and they beg for their life, no matter what they have done or said and certainly not over a bit of petty name calling.

Juv0 [72]
2018-04-23 17:32:26 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

get well soon pothead.

Razarac [79]
2018-04-23 17:37:42 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

U deserve 10 times more. Enough said by u being so pathetic looking for pity around here on this post and still onlining people because you are too jealous on everything and everyone, just like I suppose u were jealous on ur neighbours so I even more suppose u deserved it! Enjoy ur days in hope u will realize how wrong person u always were and have been.


Razarac [79]
2018-04-23 17:52:06 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

Because real life or bots or where ever it truly does not matter a man is acting the same everywhere, my words might sound disgusting and whatsoever but acting like u have a huge dick against everyone in real life or here on bots, dick gets back to you and hits u right in the head when u least expect it. Cheers.

Twinx [60]
2018-04-23 18:23:06 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

Well I do not know Potty, but I caught him! He's been watching who's online and he simply attack bots online in this case he just attack me 12 times so he break my trophie NaN. . I already answered this bot without knowing who I was and I got it right!

PS: I think you should to get a girl first because seems you have no blood (nolife). You look like children who need attention!.

From/To: JackReacher2 [76]
Re: Hi Po
Twinx [60]
2018-04-23 16:47:07
[1 hour ago]
Hi Pot, how you feel ? :/

JackReacher2 [76]
2018-04-23 16:48:20
[1 hour ago]
Much better now :)

Twinx [60]
2018-04-23 16:50:07
[1 hour ago]
What doctors said?

JackReacher2 [76]
2018-04-23 16:51:35
[1 hour ago]
Will be consulting next few days bout it

Twinx [60]
2018-04-23 16:52:29
[1 hour ago]

JackReacher2 [76]
2018-04-23 16:54:08
[1 hour ago]
How did you know its me?


Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-23 18:43:29 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

lol I'm not even playing I'm enjoying my second chance at life, it's something I would do though even if it was me I would tell you. Reborn you just admitted what you are saying is disgusting, what have I done to deserve such a brutal assault in my own home? I'm also not looking for sympathy just telling good people I've known for a long time my news intact I knew there would be many childish/miserable responses like yours.

Razarac [80]
2018-04-23 18:46:34 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

U have pm for that and a place on a forum where to type a thing like that, so the one childish and pitiful here is you. Some things will never change in life, just like u will never change. Stay just like that, because what will the world be without pupils like urself. Cheers.

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-23 18:49:11 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

jesus, ok o.O

pot head [2]
2018-04-23 20:47:42 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

pothead are you the same zach symonds-vigne that in 2017 broke a hospital window and then smeared their own feaces around a police cell so much that it required a deep clean:

just asking for a friend

Arkuden [42]
2018-04-23 20:51:46 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

Fuck off pothead ya wanker...

Make up your mind first off you were knocked out with a bar. Now your saying you were begging for your life. Get ya story straight before you go feeding the community with bullshit.

HOWEVER! if this is just the tiniest bit true. Please send me the address of your neighbours so I can send them a thank you basket from 90% of the bots community :)

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-23 20:54:34 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

Ha, I didn't smear poo on anything I was incredibly drunk trying to knock myself out for an irregular shift pattern and I was at hospital because I had smashed the majority of my own flat up. I regret doing it but we all make mistakes particularly when we are drunk.

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-23 20:56:19 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

Oh god I'm going to log off, think you should too...

Arkuden [42]
2018-04-23 20:58:30 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

Good log off you fuckwit. No one actually likes you here. There just giving you sympathy for your bulshit story. Instead of telling a bunch of random people who don't even like you your bullshit story. Why not go feed it to your mates and family who care about you? Oh wait no one actually does.. my bad that's why your here trying to get someone to care.

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-23 21:14:36 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

Or you're getting worked up that people can see past a game and don't seriously wish to see such a vicious injury inflicted on me. Please copy and paste where I said I was "knocked out" or lost consciousness?? You're comical, why you so mad? Also please explain how you know what contact I have with my family because I'm pretty sure you don't. :)

Arkuden [42]
2018-04-23 21:17:46 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

I thought you were going potty? You won't go nowhere. Because if you do it will be just you talking to a brick wall cause fact is in the real world no cunt would even piss on you to put you out.

Pothead2 [1]
2018-04-23 21:20:26 🔗
[6 years, 319 days ago]

You quite finished? Good night :D

Fishwick [135]
2018-04-24 03:02:27 🔗
[6 years, 318 days ago]

Alright this has got pretty far off topic and is not really a discussion anymore, just a flame war. Talk about Torment, or make your own thread to flame here

Fishwick [135]
2018-04-24 13:42:24 🔗
[6 years, 318 days ago]

Alright that's enough, cleaning up comments. Anyone who posts not related to Torments win (and only torments win) will be muted.

Oldbutt [85]
2018-04-24 14:09:41 🔗
[6 years, 318 days ago]

Btw you spamming Fishy ;) and gratz torment gor wonderful win