
Ender [1]
2021-08-01 00:10:01 🔗
[3 years, 206 days ago]

Congrats to Zizu [150] for leading <Apex> to victory in the July 2021 clan competition and securing a 1st George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Apex> Zizu [150]
2,909,616 (x3.33)
2 <Reaper of souls> diablek [387]
1,360,673 (x1.52)
3 <Strung Out> Chriseps [168]
1,237,386 (x1.40)
4 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [339]
1,071,018 (x1.20)
5 <Escapism> Myriad [417]
937,770 (x1.05)
6 <Trump Tower> Killary Killer [60] 907,328 (x1.02)
7 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [306] 905,980 (x1.02)
8 <Silence is Golden> Kaori Momoi [200] 903,456 (x1.02)
9 <Hotty4> Karen01 [111]
901,097 (x1.01)
10 <Hotty5> Sophie01 [111]
898,584 (x1.01)

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