
Ender [1]
2024-06-24 23:21:55 🔗
[238 days ago]

If you've been reading the Bugs subforum over the past couple weeks, you're probably already aware of a good number of these changes. Here's a complete list of everything that's changed since June 14:

Quality-of-life improvements:

  • Fight list loading speed: The number of bots shown on the fight list page is now capped to improve loading times. For a given level, the 500 most recently-active bots are shown, as well as any clanned bot. Long-term, I'd like to eventually bring back the full list, but with proper filtering and searching (and perhaps pagination) so that the list size is always manageable.
  • Workshop stat bulk spend: To make it faster to spend higher numbers of stat points in the workshop, +5 and +10 buttons now appear in the workshop if you have at least that many unspent points.
  • Header card stat freshness: Stats in the header card (level, exp, kudos, wins, losses, monthly energy) now reflect the outcome of the current battle, rather than needing to go to another page to see updates.

Bug fixes:

  • Clan name already taken: When trying to create a clan with a name that's already in use, a proper error is now shown (thread).
  • Bot still battling: Fixed an edge case where the game would sometimes mistakenly think your bot is still battling when using speed buffs (Hastened Adventure in particular) (thread).
  • Showroom countdown accuracy: The showroom countdown timer should be more accurate now. Instead of decreasing by 1 every second, it now continuously recalculates the remaining time, which will be accurate even if Javascript execution gets delayed (this was reported to be happening in Safari sometimes).
  • Email links: Email links for email verification, email cancelation, and viewing all bots associated with an email now require a second click on the game website to trigger their action. This is to avoid cases where the action was accidentally being triggered by something else, e.g. Outlook has a preview feature that does this.
  • 136 year club: Bots should no longer end up with a played time of 136+ years (thread).
  • Global played time: The global played time on the documentation page is fixed (thread).

Minor tweaks:

  • Old HoF pages: A warning is now shown on very old (August 2011 and earlier) Hall of Fame pages about bots being capped at level 114 (thread).
  • Header card alignment: The exp and kudos bars in the header are now centered when the header card grows to show more buffs than fit by default (thread).
  • Insurance text: Updated the insurance salesman text slightly. The text no longer implies a question of buying a policy if there are none you can afford.
  • Infinite kudos glitch: Bots will no longer give 1 kudos to the winner when they actually have 0 (thread).

Bots Unauthorized:

  • Safari build calc support: The build calculator should now work properly in Safari (previously, equiping an item in one slot would sometimes mistakenly equip in a different slot).

Vegan Project [231]
2024-06-24 23:25:55 🔗
[238 days ago]

Nice to see you are working on the game, hope there is more to come, small and "big" changes.

Off [41]
2024-06-25 06:52:34 🔗
[238 days ago]

Wow that's awesome i think a 500 hastened refresher is in order for this magnificent update ^_^ (good job Ender) :P

Myriad [427]
2024-06-25 07:21:17 🔗
[238 days ago]
Header card stat freshness: Stats in the header card (level, exp, kudos, wins, losses, monthly energy) now reflect the outcome of the current battle, rather than needing to go to another page to see updates.

This is something I never knew I needed so badly. Thanks Ender

Vegan Project [232]
2024-06-26 01:13:16 🔗
[237 days ago]

Love that the showroom never lags out anymore.

Gpof2 [132]
2024-06-28 07:10:25 🔗
[235 days ago]

I second Myriads sentiments. I've always opened new tabs of the workshop to refresh my xp bar/kudos when building things.

It's not the battle page, but perhaps for continuity this could be applied to the redis purchase screen as well. I think that might be the only other place that doesn't update the header since buying buffs, showroom purchases etc refresh the page already.

Ender [1]
2024-06-28 15:36:28 🔗
[234 days ago]

It's not the battle page, but perhaps for continuity this could be applied to the redis purchase screen as well. I think that might be the only other place that doesn't update the header since buying buffs, showroom purchases etc refresh the page already.

Done, the kudos in the header now gets updated when buying redis points.

little neps [130]
2024-06-30 22:31:08 🔗
[232 days ago]

I like the update where your portrait is updated the same fight now. I think another good change around that is add remaining energy of the opponent when attacking should be added. Theres situations where your buff lines up with the exact amount of energy they have left and if your not keeping track of it in your head you end up wasting a fight to get 0 energy which is not a great feeling.

Gpof2 [132]
2024-06-30 23:56:19 🔗
[232 days ago]

Clay Banger has a script for that. The "Opponent Energy Display" one that's listed in that pinned post.

little neps [130]
2024-06-30 23:58:47 🔗
[232 days ago]

I know it hasnt worked in a long time for me :P would be nice to have it in the game baseline

Gpof2 [132]
2024-07-10 19:43:51 🔗
[222 days ago]

Fight list

I thought of a good semi permanent patch for this that (probably?) won't have to turn into a career move. Just make the current filter a checkbox in the showroom that is on by default. Most people who the filter affects negatively in any way I'm sure knows their way around workshop settings.

Gpof2 [132]
2024-07-18 22:45:03 🔗
[214 days ago]

I think that might be the only other place that doesn't update the header since buying buffs, showroom purchases etc refresh the page already.

I lied, the showroom actually does not update the header kudos after a purchase (although there is already a separate display of the proper amount within the showroom page of course).

Clay Banger [74]
2024-07-21 19:34:32 🔗
[211 days ago]
I know it hasnt worked in a long time for me :P would be nice to have it in the game baseline

I haven't heard any reports of it no longer working, and it still works well for me (Firefox + Tampermonkey). If you're having issues, PM me your setup & any error details and I'll have a look.