
Zach01 [366]
2023-12-23 03:50:56 🔗
[1 year, 77 days ago]

Basically a repeat of what was mentioned in chat with Ender when using Hastened Adventure on sub 5 second unbuffed fights getting the "Your target is currently battling" message frequently because of the fight length mechanics or whatever reason, even when being careful not to click too fast it happens quite commonly.

I'm sure others have noticed it too, has happened recently to me using standard speed buffs on well built windumpers too.

Luth [201]
2023-12-24 08:49:56 🔗
[1 year, 76 days ago]


Ender [1]
2024-06-23 01:21:15 🔗
[259 days ago]

This should be fixed now, but the fix was a little tricky and this problem can be difficult to reproduce, so please let me know if it's still happening (or if I've inadvertently broken something else).

Details: Until now, the game stored the timestamp that your bot is battling until with a resolution of seconds. I changed it to use microseconds instead, which I think addresses the edge case that could sometimes happen and trick the game into thinking your bot is battling a second longer than it really is. Note that I also reverted the Minimum battle time is now 1 second change, which I believe is no longer necessary as a result of this fix.

Gpof2 [132]
2024-06-23 01:29:46 🔗
[259 days ago]

Seems to be working from what I can tell. Was able to to do several consecutive hastened fights with sub 1 second times without it yelling at me.

Vegan Project [228]
2024-06-23 01:44:27 🔗
[259 days ago]

Let's celebrate with a new (1k uses) Hastened Adventure xD