
Forum > Bugs > Xp glitch
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Serpentine [291]
2020-05-13 06:23:16 🔗
[4 years, 298 days ago]

So I noticed something strange when checking my fight history today:


As good as the xp is, and as much as I would want to have earned about 18,000 times the total amount of xp of all bots in the history of this game, I think it's a display error :p Also of note is that several of the other xp values around these seem to be erroneously low. For example I definitely would have got more xp than 10 billion from 34 fights at level 274. Possibly relevant to the issue is I was using a hastened adventure buff during these particular fights.

Gpof2 [131]
2020-05-14 14:51:26 🔗
[4 years, 297 days ago]

Wow, ratio whores have really evolved.

Ender [1]
2020-06-02 21:07:51 🔗
[4 years, 278 days ago]

Thanks for the report and sorry I haven't fixed this yet. It should be a pretty straightforward issue to resolve, but I recently b0rked my local development environment, which makes it a good bit more annoying to do game work. Working on fixing this...

Ender [1]
2020-07-03 10:46:58 🔗
[4 years, 247 days ago]

Good news: My local development environment is fixed.

Bad news: I can't reproduce this problem. I already purged May backups from the server and, due to some unusual circumstances, I won't have access to the machine I copied them to for (at least) a few months. This means I can't replay exactly what you had been seeing back when this thread was created. I played around a bit to see if I could find another example of this happening, or see if I could force it to happen somehow, but I've been unsuccessful so far.

If anyone can reproduce this problem, please let me know!

Forum > Bugs > Xp glitch
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