
Forum > Suggestions > Unique Weapons
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eugen21 [28]
2011-07-04 05:11:16 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

We have unique armors in the game, what if we would have unique weapons too ?:D Personally i think that the game would be a little bit more interesting

DNM [73]
2011-07-04 05:29:30 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

There were unique weapons in bots2 but they got taken out for some reason, I'm sure someone will fill you in.

And yeah, I agree.

Draoi [61]
2011-07-04 09:19:40 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

They were taken out because if you were lucky enough to buy one while it popped up in the showroom you became superfuckingIwillcreamyourface awesome.

Draoi [61]
2011-07-04 09:20:05 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

Oh, they didn't have stats they had shit like hit twice instead of once stuff.

Hobo [59]
2011-07-04 09:20:44 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

but thats cool

spud [71]
2011-07-04 10:15:16 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

If you want to hit twice, fight someone with a shield :D

eugen21 [29]
2011-07-04 16:23:34 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

No, i don't think it would be cool with things like hit twice. But they could be like the armors too with bonus stats :)

Mainor [55]
2011-07-04 17:07:15 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

i'm no against this, but in general i do not think that ideas are good which will make the gap bigger between the casual or new player with the experienced player. Atm it must be hard enough for new people to stick around even though this game can not survive solely on old players.

Overkill [25]
2011-07-04 17:15:27 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

the sad part is most players nowadays need graphics to play a game :(

Hobo [63]
2011-07-04 19:37:03 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

yup, there all used to ps3's and xbox's

Sinister Shadows [94]
2011-07-04 19:39:13 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

I one that needs graphics to play a game... but i thought that was what the banner at the top was for.. to fill the one graphic quota.

zipter11 [62]
2011-07-04 19:43:52 🔗
[13 years, 249 days ago]

lol 3D text game!!!!!

Forum > Suggestions > Unique Weapons
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