
Forum > Suggestions > Offensive content and moderation
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Ender [34]
2011-03-16 16:29:58 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

This community has been remarkably well-behaved on the forums so far, considering that we don't even have moderators, let alone moderation tools. Any editing of posts would have to be done by me manually through the database, and I haven't had to do that yet. That's pretty damn good for 6k+ posts from hundreds of people, so thank you!

However, none of us are new to the Internet and it's unlikely that this will continue, especially as competition heats up and rivalries are formed/rekindled. There was just a brief discussion on IRC about what sort of policy will be in place for dealing with offensive usernames and this got me thinking. The conversation is at the bottom of this post if you'd like to read.

I'm making this forum thread as a place to discuss this topic because I think the policy we end up with should ultimately be decided on by the players. I personally am very hands-off about moderation and see text as text (I won't allow cp/gore/nude images), but maybe others feel differently. Penny Arcade got a lot of heat last year for using the word "rape" in a joking context (I think those people would implode if they saw the bots2 forums). I'd like to think we don't need filters on what people say to one another, but I am perhaps too desensitized having grown up on the Internet.

Here's the IRC log that brought this topic up:

[20:48:37] <ForThePeople> Also Ed, are you allowing racist names in game
[20:48:38] <AquaRegia> noob
[20:48:44] <AquaRegia> lol wtf?
[20:48:54] <bahamutzero> ForThePeople you have no idea how close I was to making a bot with a racist name
[20:49:00] <Ender> i'm torn on that
[20:49:06] <bahamutzero> it wasn't even anti-croatian fuck all you people that assume that
[20:49:11] <AquaRegia>
[20:49:13] <AquaRegia> #11!
[20:49:13] <dragonrose> really wiggon? O,o
[20:49:17] <bahamutzero> on
[20:49:22] <ForThePeople> 43 niggagangsta nigga - 14 45 - -
[20:49:28] <bahamutzero> seems like it should be a flat no
[20:49:34] <bahamutzero> like REALISTICALLY
[20:49:35] <Ender> my problem is where to draw the line
[20:49:41] <Ender> if one is to be drawn at all
[20:49:51] <bahamutzero> I'll make a bot called Black
[20:49:54] <Ender> i'm very hands-off about moderation/nannying
[20:49:54] <bahamutzero> color will be all white
[20:50:05] <bahamutzero> it'll post in the forums that it hates being black and it wants to be white
[20:50:07] <bahamutzero> or it'll be a wigger
[20:50:10] * dragonrose makes a bot called die croatians
[20:50:18] <bahamutzero> then everyone assumes it's me
[20:50:23] <dragonrose> ^^
[20:50:28] <bahamutzero> it'll be on when i'm asleep and stuff
[20:50:29] <dragonrose> win/win
[20:50:34] <bahamutzero> did kofi ever tell you
[20:50:37] <bahamutzero> how much his parents know about bots
[20:50:45] <bahamutzero> we're sitting there playing in the living room for a bit
[20:50:47] <Ender> that's what i mean...if i rename a bot called "nigger", do i have to rename "die croatians"? and what about "die fat people"?
[20:50:49] <bahamutzero> "Oh look they're playing bots
[20:50:54] <bahamutzero> I thought the Russians made it die"
[20:50:58] <bahamutzero> "NO DAD THE FUCKING CROATIANS"
[20:51:05] <bahamutzero> "Oh right those dirty croatians sorry kyle"
[20:51:09] <dragonrose> haha
[20:51:16] <Ender> lol that's great
[20:51:18] <Jane> Levelup: Steel Rat [74] gained 1 level.
[20:51:22] <bahamutzero> eh I think offensive usernames like that should be monitored
[20:51:29] <dragonrose> i agree
[20:51:30] <bahamutzero> they could be in good intent/funny whatever
[20:51:39] <bahamutzero> and this is coming from me
[20:51:42] <bahamutzero> who insults everyone
[20:51:46] <bahamutzero> so either it's a really good or really bad idea
[20:52:03] <Ender> heh yeah, you of all people suggesting this erica is making me take it more seriously
[20:52:08] <Jane> Levelup: xamirado [40] gained 1 level.
[20:52:16] <Ender> i just don't want to have to deal with deciding what stays and what goes
[20:52:30] <Ender> i mean this is a game where we rape whores to get ahead
[20:52:36] <Caruso> lol
[20:52:41] <bahamutzero> we used to
[20:52:41] <dragonrose> not anymore
[20:52:44] <bahamutzero> now we steal energy
[20:52:52] <bahamutzero> That sounds like some anime shit
[20:53:07] <bahamutzero> get a crab whistler
[20:53:14] <ForThePeople> Ender: you are changing the terms for less vulger ness
[20:53:21] <ForThePeople> you took out the term rape
[20:53:31] <Ender> yeah, but i don't stop anyone else from referring to it as rape
[20:53:39] <Ender> i only control what's in my power to control
[20:53:44] <Ender> though i guess i could technically control everything
[20:53:47] <Ender> but i don't want to do that
[20:53:58] <Jane> Levelup: Cybertraxxx [50] gained 1 level.
[20:54:03] <bahamutzero> well the rape thing will stop
[20:54:06] <bahamutzero> at least
[20:54:13] <ForThePeople> we could tie up bahamutzero and make an example of him
[20:54:14] <bahamutzero> well not stop but use will go way lowr
[20:54:36] <Ender> yeah...i think a policy of "allow, but discourage" is the way to go
[20:54:38] <Jane> Levelup: Pukis2 [64] <ArmagedoN> gained 1 level.
[20:54:51] <Ender> but i'm not convinced that's the right solution
[20:55:44] <Ender> i do have some limits...i did decided no gore, nudity, or cp for images
[20:55:46] <ForThePeople> forum post it
[20:55:48] <Ender> decide even
[20:55:51] <Ender> yeah i might
[20:55:51] <ForThePeople> let the community decide

So, what do others think?

ActiveX [28]
Head Moderator
2011-03-16 16:32:40 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

I think names that are designed to deliberately incite should not be allowed.

Satanus Inaximasus [104]
2011-03-16 16:36:24 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

about the racist names tbh i dont think you should be arsed about that as many would say my name is offencive which is just idiotic to be honest anybody that takes anything offencive when its on the internet or either in real life need to realise there is more to life then crying about shit that doesnt actually stop there life from going on

also the rape comments i cand understand that bothering people but when in the game there is a comment saying 119 until rape limit it would be stupid to try stop people from using it in a jokey way as it would be hypocritical to be honest

*Satanic Jesus...

Jans [69]
2011-03-16 17:09:48 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

Things only get ugly when ugly things happen. In Bots2 cheating got way out of hand because of lack of supervision. That's bound to cause a lot of frustration. If the game is clean, the forums will stay clean.

People just have to bear in mind kiddos play this too. So no porn. But lets not get too frigid and correct about it. So what if someone posts something offensive. Being offended is a personal matter. What's offensive to you might be normal to me, and vice versa.

The only thing that pisses me off is when noobs are scoffed. Maybe this would help: a clear separation between the social forums and a separate "support section" where players can ask questions, report bugs, etc. In this section, people should refrain from rivalry, personal relations and banter.

Boba Fett [59]
2011-03-16 18:49:36 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

As Ender said, the problem is where to draw the line. I think its best to simply not have one, that way everyone can have the names they want and be happy. And if someone's name offends you, then rape the crap out of it or something.

doDoT [91]
2011-03-16 22:30:01 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

I'd say very little moderation, only if the matter is very explicit content. For the rest it shouldn't be monitored expect for the porn, etc.
I think what Jans suggested about 2 different forums might help also.

BigShot [47]
2011-03-17 01:37:48 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

Yes id say very little moderation too. Lol i remember people making whore bots of porn stars like Pamela Anderson but none of that is offensive. However there should be a "report" link on every profile and clan profile if they have dirty pictures.

GessGuitar1 [48]
2011-03-17 02:15:32 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

very little moderation... i agree. and maybe every picture posted has to be reviewed before its made visible.

Jans [69]
2011-03-17 02:22:36 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

If you go to a neighborhood where windows have bars or are blinded. Where everything is fenced off, barbed wire. Cameras everywhere. That does set some expectations, doesn't it? Not the friendliest place.

"Dont spam!" signs everywhere and "Report this as offensive!" links at every post say the same thing. The premise should be everyone already knows whats unwanted / offensive behaviour. Of course there will be some that dont, or dont care. Some of those will always be around. No need to make them the centre of attention :)

Ninja [66]
2011-03-17 02:28:06 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

i agree!

Draoi [91]
2011-03-17 04:05:26 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

I would suggest removing/preventing hate/racial language. ie; something that could start a lawsuit about hate crimes.

Ninja [67]
2011-03-17 04:09:34 🔗
[13 years, 347 days ago]

i'll hate crime your fish... but seriously... lawsuits are bad...

MixalisOwen [43]
2011-03-17 13:07:00 🔗
[13 years, 346 days ago]

I'm agianst a filter on bot names, but maybe add a name change system if someones name is offensive. if someone want's a bot named "OneCoolNigger" I don't care because its probably not coming from hate or malice, but if there's a name like "KillAllJews" that's kinda messed up.

I have a bot names "its vagina"
Terminatrix crushed its vagina with enormous power with its war hammer.

I find that funny to read when I'm training, because I'm very immature.

CharlieSheen [56]
2011-03-17 19:20:25 🔗
[13 years, 346 days ago]

I simply do not care about Black/White/Jew/Hitler/Croatian/Dwarfs nicknames. If someone wants to make bot called HopeYouGetGangRapedByBlackJewsihKKKMembersYouRetardedCroatian im fine with that.

For me its just sarcasm.

ONLY thing that I hope wont happen is nick stealing.

~ Smelly Croatian Tito

number [49]
2011-03-17 19:21:47 🔗
[13 years, 346 days ago]

who would want to steal Nick?

Heidfeld is an awesome driver tho!

ps. Bok tito!

ComedicName [99]
2011-03-17 20:14:39 🔗
[13 years, 346 days ago]

As I stand I would say as little moderation as possible.
Sure it opens up for some violation of personal beliefs or some offense taken, but as long as what little moderation provided keeps it within the bounds of the law, anything else goes.

In the ideal, I'd say no moderation whatsoever, but again, we have laws.
Depending on how much work has to be put into this, I'd say find the strictest (but still reasonable) laws that you have to abide by and limit the site to those.

Takusic [132]
2011-03-22 16:41:01 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Moderation is for bitches! hahaha!

Champion [77]
2011-03-22 16:59:40 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

It's a mature community, it should be as lightly moderated as possible

bluei [53]
2011-03-22 20:08:47 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

HAHAHAHA the combination of those last two posts was gold!

Ninja [77]
2011-03-22 20:11:48 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]


Forum > Suggestions > Offensive content and moderation
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