
Forum > Suggestions > Buffs
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Doosan [13]
2017-11-16 14:49:15 πŸ”—
[7 years, 68 days ago]

Here's a novel suggestion for you Mr. Enders. (If you even bother to read this, who knows.)

  1. Would it be possible to increase the buffs amount or number of fights from 1000 fights to 10,000 fights?

(Not every player has trophy points that flood into their account via certain plats every single month.)

The fact is that buffs can be used up in a very short amount of time like anywhere from an hour to 2 hours depending on how fast you are able to click.)

Why be so stingy Mr. Enders? At least acknowledge long term and active players by either making trophy points go farther or increase the number of fights?

  1. Would it be possible to at least get rid of the time limit on when you can buy buffs? If a player burns up an energy buff in an hour, why in the world can't they buy another energy buff immediately or every hour? Doesn't make any sense.

Sir, you act like you are a new and not so improved version of stingy flor with the way he angrily handled and interacted with the players. Why not at least make a gesture that you care even if that care is very small.

Another suggestion.

  1. Why can't you out of the goodness of your heart give out free buffs around the holidays, like Christmas, new years, boxing day for our French friends and any other holidays that might happen around the world. Perhaps just give these gifts to bots that have recently been logged in to.

We all know that you essentially have given up on doing anything as far as this game is concerned but showing a little bit of holiday spirit or preferably getting rid of a few of flors stingy practices would go a long way to showing that you at least care even if it's just a tiny gesture. That would go a long way in the eyes of long term players.

Cheers and happy holidays for your Korean friends at Doosan...

Fishwick [135]
2017-11-16 15:12:29 πŸ”—
[7 years, 68 days ago]

Being slightly less passive aggressive might make suggestions more likely to be read and implemented by Ender.

Buff management is somewhere that users get a little bit of creativity in altering their experience, which I think is good. If we give everyone 10k fights per buff, everyone has the same buffs and it never becomes "which buff should I use" or "can I afford to use the 3rd grade of this buff, or should I use the 2nd until mid way through the month" or something. Players should still be rewarding for collecting trophy points - there is no reason to collect trophies if everyone can afford every buff anyway. I think there's a decent balance at the minute, many scorers can use big buffs for a long time, but if you completely neglect your trophy points, constantly buying 250% energy without thinking, you'll soon start to struggle.

That being said, more random holiday buffs and stuff would be cool for active players. We've seen them a few times as apologies, but sometimes just a merry christmas buff might be cool too. Not gamebreaking bugs that make people put up insane scores or levelling sessions, just a bit of fun occasionally. We could give the 10 bots that spent the most time online a buff to show thanks for playing often.

getting rid of a few of flors stingy practices

Buffs didn't exist in bots2, so the fact we even have them at all show's we've moved away from flors stingy practices!

Jack Sparrow [33]
2017-11-16 15:28:42 πŸ”—
[7 years, 68 days ago]
(Not every player has trophy points that flood into their account via certain plats every single month.)

Would it be possible to at least get rid of the time limit on when you can buy buffs? If a player burns up an energy buff in an hour, why in the world can't they buy another energy buff immediately or every hour? Doesn't make any sense.

surely these 2 statements alone contradict each other ...

Gpof2 [131]
2017-11-16 15:37:24 πŸ”—
[7 years, 68 days ago]

surely these 2 statements alone contradict each other ...

I was going to say the same thing lol. Holiday themed buffs even if it's only a small 100 time buff or something would be pretty cool.

Shadowofdeath 19 [110]
2017-11-16 17:35:22 πŸ”—
[7 years, 68 days ago]

At least someone made a good word here.. I mean on gpof

Doosan [13]
2017-11-17 14:46:34 πŸ”—
[7 years, 67 days ago]

First of all Fish, keep your analysis and opinion of what you think are passive aggressive traits to yourself. It isnÒ€ℒt needed or wanted and the topic poster did not asked you for it. If someone wants your opinion then they will yank your chain and then you can spew out your same old bs.

This suggestion is aimed at the games owner because you Fish are powerless to do anything other than provide your constant one sided opinions no matter what the suggestion is. I am being quite respectful to Mr. Ender because he deserves the respect due to his position in this game. You however do not deserve anything simply because you are nothing here.

Secondly, who even asked you Fish for your opinion on this suggestion? Are you the voice of this game, because you are always the first one to spout off your biased baloney? You seem to enjoy being the mouth piece for Mr. Ender with your one sided opinions that only apply to you.

How do I base my opinion about your motivations concerning this suggestion? Please take a look at your profile Fish which clearly shows how this suggestion doesnÒ€ℒt even apply to you. Why donÒ€ℒt you count the amount of trophy points that you have. That would seem to indicate that you could probably keep using the 250% energy buff or any buff for that matter every day for the next year! Plus you rarely do much scoring anymore, so why do you even care?

I will give you credit though Fish because you do have a rather impressive record which obviously has been built up over time. However, take away the clan platinum trophies (which only a very few players have) and that would cut your points in half, but itÒ€ℒs still a lot. You would not even benefit from this suggestion other than by it making your 15,605 trophy points be pretty much useless. Your attempt at disputing this suggestion is totally meaningless so perhaps you should stuff a sock in it when the need to tell the world how things should work comes over you?

So, Mr. Ender, would it be possible for you to at least address this suggestion in your own words and maybe tell a certain forum moderator to keep his trap shut because nobody asked him anything.

Thank you sir and have a wonderful holiday season. (It would be nice to see your thoughts on this but IÒ€ℒm not going to hold my breath.)

Executed [130]
2017-11-17 15:02:43 πŸ”—
[7 years, 67 days ago]

Trophy points dont win shit in scoring i started 16 days into September with roughly half my fights being no buff scoring and took 1st place. The idea of longer buffs is nice and all but unnecessary.

Omega Supreme [60]
2017-11-17 15:11:15 πŸ”—
[7 years, 67 days ago]

Seriously struggling to understand this tho, as i get its a way of improving it for those without "MEGA" Trophy points, KIND OF...

But answer me a question longer buffs would benefit everyone ... correct?? So what seriously would be the point in changing it?

I was brought up with a good saying ... "if it isn't broke don't fix it"

And i love the way that you say Fish has no power and his opinion means nothing?? Well i kinda think Ender himself thinks different by the fact that Fishwick is a Moderator...

Chriseps [168]
2017-11-17 15:14:11 πŸ”—
[7 years, 67 days ago]

oh and.. yaaaaawn doosan.. yaaaaawn

Arkuden [32]
2017-11-17 21:05:17 πŸ”—
[7 years, 67 days ago]

I got enjoyment out of reading this. Thanks for that guys

Crab Whistler [130]
2017-11-18 09:29:53 πŸ”—
[7 years, 66 days ago]


You made me log in.

Pothead2 [100]
2017-11-18 17:12:54 πŸ”—
[7 years, 66 days ago]

Hi guys.

Retirement [71]
2017-11-19 01:55:41 πŸ”—
[7 years, 66 days ago]

Fish got put to sleep with that last comment from the topic poster omlord.

Im just here to talk shit tbh. Dont care about buffs :)

Gpof2 [131]
2017-11-19 10:28:39 πŸ”—
[7 years, 65 days ago]

Fish got put to sleep with that last comment from the topic poster omlord.

Yea, a guy sharing his opinions told another guy that nobody wants to hear his thoughts or opinions and should stuff it. He really got him good. /s

I wasn't going to say anything more, but the hypocrisy in OP's second post is way too abundant not to. I don't get how anyone can expect to have their suggestions be taken seriously if they just tell everyone who disagrees or thinks differently to stfu.

Esvrainzas [250]
2017-11-19 12:02:15 πŸ”—
[7 years, 65 days ago]

I'm pretty sure that buying more than 1 buff per day was already suggested and Ender stated his position on that matter. However, after been looking for that thread for a while, I was unable to find it. Maybe other person can find it and link it here?

dragonrose [40]
Head Moderator
2017-11-21 12:22:22 πŸ”—
[7 years, 63 days ago]

there are long lost forum spammers in this thread acting very restrained


Forum > Suggestions > Buffs
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