
Forum > Suggestions > Signature/Alias Field
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jaffar777 [280]
2021-03-10 13:52:21 🔗
[3 years, 362 days ago]

I seem to have a hard time figuring out who is some of the time do to multiple bots being used by one person (I often do this myself).

I think it would be easier if there was a better way to identify players in the game via Alias/AKA.

Now I could totally be unaware of possible options already in place and could be the only one with this problem but I think having a field where you enter your "Alias" or AKA field would be great.

Every Bmail or post on a forum would have at the bottom automatically the players signature or alias similar to what you would find in a traditional email via Outlook/gmail etc. That way I think it would be easier for players to know exactly who is talking and at what time (especially new players).

Obviously this could create a lot of extra work for players but I think for those willing to set that up would be useful for further discussion and interactions overall in the future.

If this idea is stupid or there are already controls in place that answer this don't mind little ol me lol


jaffar666 [34]
2021-03-24 17:24:44 🔗
[3 years, 348 days ago]

Ok good chat. I wont let the door hit me on the way out :p

Player Ten [60]
2021-03-25 06:05:50 🔗
[3 years, 347 days ago]

I like your suggestion.

Execute [396]
2021-03-25 07:53:28 🔗
[3 years, 347 days ago]

Meh, most players usually do what you did and put "-jaffar", many players can tell simply by looking at a bots colour too, not a terrible suggestion though.

I would prefer Ender to just log in fix the email situation and cleared up the bans etc.

jaffar666 [34]
2021-03-30 18:28:39 🔗
[3 years, 342 days ago]

I agree with you Zach, most players already know or can figure it out via color etc but i'm not most players lol. Also, kinda lazy so instead of typing "-Jaffar" everytime it would just auto-populate.

What is wrong with the email situation? I haven't noticed anything on my end...Also, I haven't really seen Ender for a VERY long time. I think the last time he interacted in the game publicly was when eps and you lost access to a bunch of your bots via trki.

Bots feels like a ghost town now. :(

Execute [396]
2021-03-30 18:39:51 🔗
[3 years, 342 days ago]

It's not a terrible suggestion like I said, I can think of many updates that alter the actual gameplay I would much prefer though, besides none of them will likely happen anyway.

Nobody knows what's happened to Ender people have tried contacting him numerous ways without any joy, hopefully it's nothing serious and he will be back soon.

Anything needing an email is unavailable at the moment so star transfers, bot resets, finding lost treasures etc etc.

Fab10 [125]
2021-03-30 18:40:56 🔗
[3 years, 342 days ago]

i heard he was jailed for robbing people

Luth [300]
2021-03-31 09:10:46 🔗
[3 years, 341 days ago]

Everything happens for a reason. When Ender returns a lot of folks are going bye bye

battleminion [340]
2021-03-31 15:45:54 🔗
[3 years, 341 days ago]

nah just the cheater/s*

jaffar666 [34]
2021-04-01 15:09:50 🔗
[3 years, 340 days ago]

So can you buy stars at this point? It sounds like its just a email thing. Perhaps Ender froze that feature for some reason?

I think since the whole TRKI debacle the game and its creator have degraded. At This point as much as I hate cheating, is there any point to culling cheaters? I guess its a moot topic.

battleminion [340]
2021-04-01 15:12:28 🔗
[3 years, 340 days ago]

yes Jaff u can still buy stars directly from ender only, u cant buy from anyone playing, or do anything requiring a email confirmation so that really sucks i agree =(

Samulii [38]
2021-08-10 05:23:19 🔗
[3 years, 209 days ago]

This would be very nice feature as forums+bmail play a major part in bots4. If you end up implementing this Ed please fix email first ;D

Forum > Suggestions > Signature/Alias Field
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