
Forum > Suggestions > Showroom Gear hiding
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Nosferatu [304]
2024-04-05 16:06:42 🔗
[340 days ago]

Can we get an option that hides gear that are too weak for us added as an option?

Seath [33]
2024-04-05 16:18:03 🔗
[340 days ago]

"Lemme try the military pick... Nope, okay I'll try morning star ....okay... maybe zweihander..? I give up"

TLDR - I feel your pain.

Scabara [78]
2024-04-05 16:18:19 🔗
[340 days ago]


Clay Banger [74]
2024-04-21 21:03:39 🔗
[324 days ago]

Is the formula for what is deemed too weak for your bot known?

Gpof2 [132]
2024-04-21 21:23:55 🔗
[324 days ago]

iirc the weapon needs to have a combined str+dex total of at least half of your bots combined base str+dex. And then of course does not apply to bots under level 50 of course.

MrZal2 [100]
2024-04-22 09:21:38 🔗
[323 days ago]

^ Yeah.

Fun fact, you can equip every bot with crab whistlers up to level 50. Got war clubs or blood swords etc.? Crab whistlers. At level 50 though? You'd have to use a tulwar or something else instead. Cool thing to know if you're into making ratio whores between level 2-49 :) You could whore a bot with 30k wins at level 49 with crab whistlers without needing to break anything to make it 0 damage lol.

But yeah, hiding gear would be helpful. I always thought maybe having an option where you pick an item and then have a message pop up while you're battling like "The item you want in the showroom is in!" would reduce wasting time on camping a lot too. Doesn't mean that the item would actually show up while you were online but it'd save you refreshing 30-60 times per hour plus it would allow you to keep scoring/fighting/training while doing it :)

Nosferatu [319]
2024-06-01 18:35:18 🔗
[283 days ago]


Fishwick [135]
2024-10-02 16:12:52 🔗
[160 days ago]

This was brought up again in chat and would be nice to have!

Wrote a tiny bit of JS in the meantime that will strip out any weapons you are overqualified for. Just run it on load of the showroom with greasemonkey or whatever people use these days. Uses the logic Gpof mentioned so if its wrong blame him

Make sure to replace the following variables with your base stats

var YOUR_BASE_STR = 364;
var YOUR_BASE_DEX = 94;

Asmodeus [200]
2024-10-03 16:48:45 🔗
[159 days ago]

Yeah we need this option. It doesn't make any sense to force players to scroll past a bunch of items they cannot equip.

mara142 [38]
2024-10-04 05:14:21 🔗
[158 days ago]

I wanted to purpose the same..make option to show items between str number xx to number xx and maybe add "check option" to hide normal armors to show white armors only

Ender [1]
2024-10-26 19:58:02 🔗
[136 days ago]

So basically the inverse of the "Show only equippable" checkbox added in 2018? I guess that should be renamed to something like "Hide too strong" and then this new checkbox would be "Hide too weak"? Or I could leave it as just "Show only equippable" and expand its functionality too hide too weak too.

Overall seems like a reasonable change, I added it to my list to try to come back to soon.

Azeryk [95]
2024-10-26 20:03:29 🔗
[136 days ago]

So basically the inverse of the "Show only equippable" checkbox added in 2018? I guess that should be renamed to something like "Hide too strong" and then this new checkbox would be "Hide too weak"? Or I could leave it as just "Show only equippable" and expand its functionality too hide too weak too.

I think 2 separate boxes would be ideal as "show only equip able" currently removes upper tier items as well and a lot of like to see those when showroom camping.

Gpof2 [138]
2024-10-26 20:14:40 🔗
[136 days ago]

Agreed on separate checkboxes. Not being able to see higher armors is annoying even with non freaked builds.

Asmodeus [276]
2024-10-26 20:26:21 🔗
[136 days ago]

Yeah, separate check marks would make the most sense. Could be as simple as "Hide high level items" & "Hide low level items". A further check box the overrides that makes Unique items visible at all times would be very handy.

Ender [1]
2024-10-26 21:21:36 🔗
[136 days ago]

Makes sense! Will think about how to make the settings flexible and easy to understand.

Ender [1]
2024-10-28 12:04:58 🔗
[134 days ago]

Alright, showroom settings are now expanded:

  • Hide "too strong" (existing setting, renamed from "Show only equippable")
  • Hide "too weak" (new setting)
  • Always show uniques (new setting)

Thanks for the suggestion!

Nosferatu [352]
2024-10-28 12:50:46 🔗
[134 days ago]

Any way to make the new settings default? At least for new bots anyway. I can't imagine anyone not wanting them, but I feel like they should be on by default and if we want them off then we can turn them off ourselves. Other than that, thanks for the addition, it will be greatly appreciated for those of us that build bots on the daily.

Albinius [303]
2024-10-28 13:07:29 🔗
[134 days ago]

Would probably be nice for new players, but any returning players might be very confused why they can suddenly only see 1/5th of the weapons that they were expecting to see

Smeagol [398]
2024-10-28 13:38:37 🔗
[134 days ago]

Or even better, remove the restriction to use lower level gears :)

Nosferatu [352]
2024-10-28 14:03:11 🔗
[134 days ago]

If you go that route, might as well allow unequipping gear.

Ender [1]
2024-11-04 08:33:26 🔗
[127 days ago]

I thought about what the default should be and I think having all items visible is important for new players (who can then discover a way to hide them, if they want to - rather than needing to discover a way to show something that wasn't there to begin with, which seems more confusing).

This also sounds like another small issue that would be resolved with a "meta account" that manages a fleet of bots, with settings like this being associated with the meta account rather than each bot. Something for me to think about...

Vegas [65]
2024-11-04 10:15:37 🔗
[127 days ago]

I agree, after thinking about it it was more selfish than really aiding in the game. New players should be able to see everything.

Gpof2 [138]
2024-11-04 10:54:46 🔗
[127 days ago]

This also sounds like another small issue that would be resolved with a "meta account" that manages a fleet of bots, with settings like this being associated with the meta account rather than each bot. Something for me to think about...

Would it be possible to have some option that saves settings in the browser from cache/cookie or whatever so that it applies to any bots you log into? Would be something that could be turned on by default without being detrimental to any new or unknowing players. This would also be convenient for shared bots so you don't have to look at disgusting showroom scroll bars every time you log into a ratio whore after somebody else :)

Execute [418]
2024-11-04 11:00:21 🔗
[127 days ago]

so you don't have to look at disgusting showroom scroll bars every time you log into a ratio whore after somebody else :)

Lmao, I know this feeling.

Vegas [65]
2024-11-04 11:38:42 🔗
[127 days ago]

I'll have you know I hated scrolling down the page in the showroom, it was atrocious. With this update I no longer have to do that so most of my bots have gone the way of the no-scrollbar. :/

Ender [1]
2024-11-05 08:38:09 🔗
[126 days ago]

Yeah that would technically be possible, but if I spend time on this problem I'd prefer to focus on the (at least current) long-term plan of the "meta account".

disgusting showroom scroll bars

Haha - maybe I'm missing a joke here, but anything obvious about them that could be improved? Is it their style, size, something else? Or just that you prefer having them off?

Shaftstop [100]
2024-11-05 09:39:28 🔗
[126 days ago]

Most people prefer to have them disabled and I was one of the few that preferred to have them turned on. As I hated scrolling down the page to find gear (even more of a nuisance when ordering). So mostly an inside joke between me and Gpof that's very old. :D

Ender [1]
2024-11-05 20:37:36 🔗
[126 days ago]

Oo gotcha!

Forum > Suggestions > Showroom Gear hiding
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