
Asta [75]
2024-11-19 11:26:44 🔗
[95 days ago]

All it's used for is spamming the forums every day with worthless . posts etc. and when you think someone posted something, anything intelligent it's just some level 20 whore or something posting ., it's just so annoying -_- Not sure if you can even get rid of a trophy without taking all the points away from everyone or how it's done but this one is the most annoying by far.

Smeagol [400]
2024-11-19 12:43:47 🔗
[95 days ago]

Could change it to give credit when clicking the forum link instead, no spam :)

Nosferatu [355]
2024-11-19 13:01:10 🔗
[95 days ago]

Not sure how it's THAT annoying since we removed the most annoying factor and have consolidated it to a single thread rather than each individual bot creating a new thread. :)

The Sorceress [25]
2024-11-19 15:55:10 🔗
[95 days ago]

I think the most annoying part is the yellow number telling you there's a few new posts in forum... just to see it was only spam and there weren't REALLY any new posts.

The Sorceress [26]
2024-11-19 15:58:51 🔗
[95 days ago]

Basically, I just wish there was a way to not have posts in that thread show up as notifications of new posts or something.

Asta [75]
2024-11-20 10:49:53 🔗
[94 days ago]
Basically, I just wish there was a way to not have posts in that thread show up as notifications of new posts or something.

Probably would be more complicated to single out one thread to not receive notifications from a coding perspective.

Not sure how it's THAT annoying since we removed the most annoying factor and have consolidated it to a single thread rather than each individual bot creating a new thread. :)

It's still annoying though. It's not like any of those bots even use the free Bronze points for any damn thing. Most of them end up as whores or dumpers that barely, if ever, get used at all. It would just be better to rid of the thing forever then there wouldn't be the motivation to spam at all. It's just one dumb Bronze trophy after all. But there's literally over 8,000 of them from probably pure spam over the years :/

Ender [1]
2024-11-21 08:23:36 🔗
[93 days ago]

Totally agreed on the premise of this thread. I just logged in to see 50 forum posts and at least half are from dumper bot trophy spam.

I have a different take on how to fix this though. I know there aren't a lot of new players and so the idea of incentivizing someone to explore the social aspects of the game doesn't make complete sense, but I hope that changes over time, so I don't want to outright delete the trophy. My plan (current plan at least, may change once I actually sit down to do this) instead is to designate some trophies as "linkable" (or some better term I'll come up with. The idea is that these trophies would be automatically granted to your bot when you link an email if that email as associated with any bot that already has that trophy. The candidates I have in mind are Public Socializer, Private Socializer, and Messenger. The principle for deciding which trophies are linkable are whether acquiring that trophy has some sort of negative externality on the game (forum spam, bmail database spam, etc.).

Asta [75]
2024-11-21 09:02:00 🔗
[93 days ago]

Only thing I can see wrong with that Ender is that there's no real incentive to put in your e-mail currently per bot (especially when you're making hundreds of bots). Yes you have password reset but who is going to try and steal a hundred whores/low level dumpers? It might make the situation worse and prevent people from signing up their email if they can't get a new trophy every time they make a new bot (aka they'll just continue doing it the current way and won't care about e-mails).

Alternatively you could just add a new Bronze trophy to replace it and make it super easy to obtain for any bot that makes it past level 5 or something. Like say, distribute workshop points for the first time or buy a rusty spoon, something not forum spam related. That way there's an even trade, one trophy for another, just with less forum spam.

Prince Adam [23]
2024-11-21 09:12:40 🔗
[93 days ago]

I don't think the concern is the amount of trophy points possible, as much as the trophy being meant to incentivize certain activity.

My feelings: people want to play the way they want to play. And that's okay.

I'm not even for games trying to manipulate how someone chooses to play.

Someone doesn't want to post on the forums ever? Their prerogative, imo. They shouldn't feel "forced" to anyways.

Asmodeus [291]
2024-11-22 18:45:43 🔗
[92 days ago]

I would have thought the easiest fix for this would be to have a per-sub-forum checkbox that can turn off notifications. I can see this being useful for the Misc/Marketplace forums especially.

Gpof2 [138]
2024-11-22 20:43:20 🔗
[92 days ago]

I'm a fan of the solution idea you have for it Ed. Might be difficult to measure but I imagine any increase in email linking would eventually lead to less mail pestering you about account recoveries as well. So that in addition to some saved server storage, and streamlining multi bot creation for players, seems like an all around W to me.

Only thing I can see wrong with that Ender is that there's no real incentive to put in your e-mail currently per bot

This would be doing exactly that though. While it may not be enough to convince you personally to do it, it will be for others. This could also be a good excuse for Ed to set up the groundwork for any other email-wide type things in the future too.

Scabara [81]
2024-11-23 07:58:34 🔗
[91 days ago]

Would be really nice to kinda load in some trophies (and ideally some settings in future 👀) from your email.

I think people should be settings emails on all bots anyway really - it takes literally 10 seconds and avoids any risk to your bot, you even get a trophy! It's really useful viewing all bots associated with your email so you can have a top level view of all your bots, their clans, etc.

Asta [75]
2024-11-26 10:28:24 🔗
[88 days ago]

Funny enough this problem solved itself by banning mara lol.

Zach01 [382]
2024-11-26 11:05:15 🔗
[88 days ago]

LOLLL, and people say you aren't funny zal you just think you are :(

Asta [75]
2024-11-26 11:08:00 🔗
[88 days ago]

I just look on the bright side of things ;)

And I used to be way funnier. Mind you everyone used to be way funnier.