
Forum > Suggestions > Hall of Honor
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ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-20 09:49:45 🔗
[100 days ago]

Fairly simple idea: we have a Hall of Shame for cheaters, we have a Hall of Fame for people that can score/level way too much (which also leads to more cheating it seems), but how about something for people that haven't cheated at all over time or improved/supported the game? I feel like these people are the ones that actually have played the game the most over time and supported it through bad times and have put up with a lot of crap over the years from cheaters/trolls that said they cheated or the game is bad (ok that's me too but I normally suggested ways of fixing things) etc. It would just be nice to have them honored in some way. It wouldn't even need to have an achievement or trophy or anything. Maybe allowing them to have a comment about being on the list would be nice. Having a bots2 one would be nice to have alongside it.

I'll just give an example to make my point:

 Hall of Honor
 The people who have not cheated and have supported the game over the years, we salute you!
 - Nos
 - Zal
 - Fish
 - Esv
 - Zach
 - PeeT
 - Oldtime
 - JuVo
 - Mal
 - Benny
 - gr33n
 - Jans
 - Rose

The list goes on etc. It would showcase that you don't have to cheat to be good at the game/enjoy the game :)

God Malachorn [28]
2024-12-20 18:24:37 🔗
[100 days ago]

OMG, I wish Jans and 'rose were here.

This would be a perfect place for a good ol' fashioned flame war...

Jans, Jans, Jans?

dragonrose, dragonrose, dragonrose?

(they do operate by Beetlejuice rules and not Candyman rules, right?)

little neps [41]
2024-12-21 21:56:06 🔗
[99 days ago]

so the hall of fame that already exists

Forum > Suggestions > Hall of Honor
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