
ZalTheTarnished [51]
2025-02-17 09:48:49 🔗
[41 days ago]

So we have the Today's Heists thing and all which is nice, but what about adding a total +energy a clan has gained on a daily basis stat? So for example it's be like this:

  • Lusitania +920,385 energy
  • Tarnished + 560,300 energy
  • Strung Out + 259,000 energy
  • etc.

    Could be from 12 midnight to 12 midnight the next day. Why I say this is because it's always a pain to figure out how much one clan has gained per day if you're in second/third place etc. and you're trying to beat them. I know it's always +400k or more probably but it'd be nice to actually see the number.

God Malachorn [30]
2025-02-17 09:52:22 🔗
[41 days ago]


Simple. Nice. Clean.

I love just seeing numbers and such.


Gpof2 [138]
2025-02-17 10:38:43 🔗
[41 days ago]

Yes please. Maybe as a new column named "energy day" for the HoF and clan page and even within a specific clans page. So this could show individuals daily gains as well.

Also side-suggestion; After saying it as "energy day" to match the current "energy month" column, perhaps that should be changed to read "monthly energy" lol

Fishwick [135]
2025-02-19 08:21:57 🔗
[39 days ago]

+1 for a column