With size of playerbase especially, seems flawed for game to so incentivize the clans.
And the trophy system giving same weight for 2-10 and then all the way down being effectively same place through 100th clan? Just seems to very much want to encourage wrong.
Owner still gets trophy... so would effectively be six trophies for placement. And this would potentially want to encourage more people to consider creating real clans. Dumpers and such wouldn't have entire clan continuously getting buffs needed.
People placing in 6-20 spots might be encourage to score elsewhere. More people encouraged to create. Even 2-10 spots would potentially become a more competitive region.
And... just less trophy points overall (a plus, imo).
This is where I've thought I would, personally, want to start - since today seems to be suggestion day.
I for one 100% support the dumb hoarding system that says that a bot with 778 wins should have 5.6 million energy and 2,792 trophy points in comparison it hasn't been on in 11 years, 266 days. One day when it logs on he'll/she'll be like "WHOA I'M TOP 100 ENERGY COOL!" or others with like 10-20k trophy points will be like "OMG YEAH I DID SO MUCH!" xD
I mean, sure I could actually score ~6.4 million million energy that it'd take like 200k wins with buffs and cost like let's see...9,000 trophy points while I only gain like 90-180 a month or so. I for one love supporting people that haven't played in over a decade rather than the active player base.
Btw I support every decision Ender ever made on this game now even if it's dumb because certain people have shown me the errors of my ways and that everything is perfect and flawless and Ender is a God that can't be wrong.
Not so sure on this.
Sure, you can set it to a cap of 5, maybe there's a few months of jostling, competition, and some clans split a bit, but before you know it there's an alliance of 5 of the top 8 scorers in the game and no other clan can ever remotely come close. Never will be able to unless they learn how to score 2m+ a month each which isn't possible without huge infrastructure. As an example, Lusitania managed to dethrone Apex by having more and varied lowbie scorers, rather than recruiting elite scorers that could beat Zac and Aldin on individual bots in a single month which we probably still couldn't do.
It's asking for a monopoly to form, even more so than you may already think one is, I think this would make it inevitable. It would make new players, or those that play less a lot less valuable to clans and make the game all about the sweaty nerds that can do 5m months, and less about building a community of gamers.
It would also make dumpers more required than ever as it would mean energy needs to be funnelled into a few standout bots rather than spread across lots of different and new players. Clans wouldn't have as much a reason to recruit fresh blood. Devious tactics like onlining, levelling people past their low-ratio-targets etc would get 4x more powerful which is never good to encourage, etc.
I'd be up for changes to the clan meta and probably wouldn't even mind this change personally, but thats coming from someone that would probably easily win a month if I wanted to under the changes. I think this a) makes dumpers have more power, and b) harms new players which is always gonna be a no from me.
It's unrelated but agreed on it being very silly that Rapture and Silence is Golden are the majority of the top 100 energy all time. Those ranks should just be energy actively gained, rather than energy generated.
but before you know it there's an alliance of 5 of the top 8 scorers in the game
Perhaps I wasn't clear?
This seems completely illogical to me
The game currently gives the clan trophy to its top 20 scoring bots and also the founder.
It currently incentivizes the best scorers to be in the same clan...
This month, for example, me and SinGin have ALL 5 of our top 5 energy-gaining bots. Literally no one else would get a trophy.
If you had the 8 best players all together then half are probably not going to get that trophy.
Would very much incentive smaller clans and a lot more competition then at the 2-10 spots especially, even if those clans would all get golds.
Having said that, the playerbase does not have to play "optimally" (though I very much think majority of playerbase seems to gravitate towards this).
But... the game would still benefit from not having a "rich get richer" effect by overcompensating some "super clan" and so greatly encouraging future success based on past results.
I'm not saying you'd have 8 top players, I'm saying you'd get 5 of the top 8, and those 5 would win every month comfortably if they wanted to
The real interesting thing, imo, is that the dumper strategy would be hit by lessening TPs there... but it also makes strengthens the dumper strategy inasmuch as players are more rewarded here to focus on less bots and not going wide by scoring too heavily on multiple.
I'm not saying you'd have 8 top players, I'm saying you'd get 5 of the top 8, and those 5 would win every month comfortably if they wanted to
As opposed to the current system trying to get all top 20 scorers in the same clan?
That's... what the current system suggests the playerbase to do...
Pretending your fears were valid (they aren't), that would STILL be a better system...
I think it's more along this idea:
If the top 5 players in the clan get say, 1 mill, 800k, 600k, etc. and the other 15 get between 60k or 100k or something then currently they also get a top 20 clan platinum even though they didn't really do anything. If I got 100k on a bot in the top 10 clans but I was in the 2nd place clan and got top 20 in it I'd only get a gold trophy but I still get something for barely nothing. There's also plenty of bots languishing in clans for years with 700 wins like I said before that have top 100 energy that have gathered hundreds of trophies for absolutely nothing.
I think the top 5 thing has merit though. I would also suggest that the compensation for a top 5 would be like 500+ trophy points though then so recover some of the trophy points used. The only major downside I could see to it is less of an incentive for the other 15 in the clan to help out though.
I'd rather just get rid of trophies/trophy points for inactive bots though.
I don't think dumper TPs would be hit, other than to punish new players again. Most existing dumper owners have clans with 4k+ tp's that could easily dump for years without running out. Whereas if new people tried to join in they'd have to work way harder. The meta would just be to make clans of 5x dumpers instead of 20x if only the top 5 got trophies, maybe scoring 100 energy a month to make sure you're top 100.
I wouldn't be against a sort of phased reduction in trophy points rather than the current system of #1 scorer gets the same TP's as #20, and #21 gets nothing. Maybe a plat for top 5 in a winning clan, gold for top 10, silver for top 15, bronze for top 20. But wouldn't agree when it comes to limiting energy contributions to just 5 bots (which I took as a given, as most people wouldn't leave their clan or found their own otherwise, the plats are only a big deal for non-scoring bots generally, rather than it affecting active scoring bots)
Agreed on preventing trophies for inactive bots, maybe that should be suggested separately
I don't think dumper TPs would be hit, other than to punish new players again. Most existing dumper owners have clans with 4k+ tp's that could easily dump for years without running out. Whereas if new people tried to join in they'd have to work way harder.
Yes to all this. Still a hit to dumpers. And not insignificant if value is increased and it is a much bigger hit to newer players. Interesting, imo. A lot of people like rewards for established players more than I do as well. Personally the biggest "fault" change would have though, imo.
The meta would just be to make clans of 5x dumpers instead of 20x if only the top 5 got trophies, maybe scoring 100 energy a month to make sure you're top 100.
Old ideal clans of dumpers can currently still top 100. Wouldn't be able to even come close in clans of 5 - top 20 bots would still contribute to placement...
Instead of handicapping the active clans player bases on rewards to nullify rewards on dumper clans / crappy bots etc. Ender could just set a minimum energy threshold a clan has to reach in a month to qualify for rewards that exceeds what 20 bots generating 60 eph could reach. It would force people that want those free rewards to work a little to maintain them.
The game rewards I individual effort via top 10 and top 100 and top 250 monthly energy rewards.
I think that makes a lot of sense.
Clan rewards exist to encourage... what exactly? Existing inside of a clan?
The argument could be that they should exist to encourage competition and player activity... but that clearly isn't how anything is working.
So if they want to actually achieve that then they must also be limited to try and encourage the existence of potentially more clans that would have to actively fight it out to get those rewards... and also actual competition in those individual clans to place in the top whatever to qualify for those rewards.
The current system just has the game actively discouraging increased player activity and competition and actively nudging players towards the creation of one big clan where they could congregate and get almost free platinum trophies. Even worse, it actively then makes competition (and player activity) below that top placement seem almost completely pointless and utterly unrewarding, as the next 9 placements seem effectively irrelevant.
Personally, I'd go a little farther and want to also only give golds to 2-5, silvers to 6-10, and bronzes to 11-50... but, meh, one step at a time...
Obviously the playerbase just loves basically "free trophies" and isn't going to care about anything else... but the system makes absolutely no sense and is actually harmful to everyone that plays this game and the game itself.
Instead of handicapping the active clans
You know what's really handicapping this game? A game that is completely unrewarding and, rather than fostering activity, is completely working against players wanting to be active.
There is virtually no clan competition at all. The game could try to encourage that instead of discouraging it.
There is almost no incentive to compete within a clan.
Now, maybe you're a top scorer going for a record? Great! This changes nothing for you... minus making your efforts more rewarding relative to overall.
You go for top 10s? Changes nothing for you... minus potentially making your efforts less rewarding if you are in a clan with an excessive amount of top scorers that has likely created an unhealthy power imbalance in game.
You're a mediocre contributor wanting to ride coattails of others? Well... bad news for you. If you want to earn those rewards... you might be better off going to a different clan - absolutely.
The fact that it also works against dumpers and such? That's just upside and a natural side effect of changing the system to not grossly reward low activity and high rewards as, honestly, being optimal strategy.
If the game isnβt rewarding for you in the current setup have you tried retirement itβs a nice concept where the things you gripe about no longer effect you itβs working wonders for me /s
While I agree the current energy system has some major flaws itβs really all we have to work with atm. I find it highly unlikely ender makes some sweeping changes to it at all. Itβs not ideal to have this old ass bots that sit in old ass clans but hey they did it for 11 years good for them for free tp. Any active player is going to score enough to by pass the issue it causes.
I think we're all in agreement that 11 year old bots with 700 wins and 5.7 million energy is dumb and that the current idling system rewards inactive bots too much vs. what active players gain per month. The problem is what would actually work to prevent it now/in the future or maybe retroactively even. I think Ender has enough ideas for now to think about if he ever gets around to reading any of our posts the past month or so. Mind you we've also had 11+ years of complaining about the energy system too and yet here we are, still complaining about it lol.
What we really need is Ender to do more :/ Or log in more than a few hours or so for 3 days a month currently. it's not us that have a lack of ideas, it's just that he has a lack of time to work on them or maybe he just doesn't agree and doesn't tell us lol. Even if we come up with a perfect idea it might not work out after all.
Honestly he could just add monthly trophies for other things as well. Top wins for the month being the big one to help active players in a given month.
I still say top trains should be a leaderboard but thatβs been said for years and will never get done. Though I suppose the top level cat does cover that.
Most Trains
Most Losses
Most Experience farmed
Most Kudos farmed
Highest Ratio
The list goes on.. xD
If the game isnβt rewarding for you in the current setup have you tried retirement itβs a nice concept where the things you gripe about no longer effect you itβs working wonders for me /s
While I agree the current energy system has some major flaws itβs really all we have to work with atm. I find it highly unlikely ender makes some sweeping changes to it at all. Itβs not ideal to have this old ass bots that sit in old ass clans but hey they did it for 11 years good for them for free tp. Any active player is going to score enough to by pass the issue it causes.
Imagine a world where we didn't always throw out hands up and constantly suggest even the idea of change makes you ignorant and you should feel some sorta change.
βThe right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.β -Margaret Chase Smith
...besides, there's value in simply thinking about things and thought experiments for the simple sake of thought experiments, imo.
Sorry, I don't ever want to be the person who's just saying "who cares?" "why bother?" and "just shuddup already."