
God Malachorn [30]
2025-02-18 05:40:39 πŸ”—
[41 days ago]

Just a QoL improvement, possibly.

Just have noticed a clan that has all its bots not gaining energy and thought "too much of a hassle."

Personally, I'd probably still never use the option... but seems like if it's a feature in game to allow bots to not gain energy then it would make sense for you to just flip that switch for a whole clan.

Gpof2 [138]
2025-02-18 09:54:48 πŸ”—
[40 days ago]


Nice option to have if you want to put a clan dormant or whatever instead of declanning it or having to toggle every bot individually.

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2025-02-18 10:00:15 πŸ”—
[40 days ago]

At the same time I'd really like the accept all button to be implemented. Screw having to accept 20+ bots ONE BY GOD DAMN ONE. Hurry it up Ender. Just add the dang check box so we can do it.

Laurence [82]
2025-02-18 19:15:25 πŸ”—
[40 days ago]

I like both ideas, Zal & Mal. Let’s get it crackinnnnnnn