
Forum > Clans > Graveyard Clans.
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Plantronicz [6]
2023-10-06 12:47:58 🔗
[1 year, 112 days ago]

I don't get it... there is literally 10 clans that are running by ONE or maybe TWO people why don't you drop your shitty egos join up and give apex a go? "chainsaw man" are the only ones that are going for anything right now the rest of you should be ashamed.....

Rapture - literally died years ago and everyone in their is dead. Mount Wario - gave it a go a few times but not enough scorers. Halo - not really got the firepower to compete... The North - only one active clan member.... The dogs- just casual players. Pirate haven - they decide once in a blue moon to score. Trump Tower - pirates second clan... silence is golden - i dont even know what they are doing?

you guys should settle your shitty disagreements and join or atleast make a clan where you can challenge apex and get this game kicking again.

its getting BORING watching apex win every month! get your acts together!

Neo2 [44]
2023-10-06 13:13:19 🔗
[1 year, 112 days ago]

I wish that could happen. People are stuck in their ways though. I would love to see the unity of people work things out and be like ya know what, you're right, let's do this! We aren't going for the win exactly. For me I don't have all the time or focus to give. I just semi afk this. I have been around since bots2 and met amazing people from the game including bots4. I don't think this game will be alive and kicking anytime soon if ever again. Most of the big time players retired and moved on with life. I only came back after 5+ years to see what was going on. I have decent boys, nothing too extreme, but the problem is exactly that. We have active people outside of apex in all different clans, just come up with an idea of a clan name. Make some bots as a team. In theory I would say 10 active people could give apex a real run if their big hitters like zizu aren't active. Nothing against the rest of the clan but zizu could win first by himself if he wanted to. Peet is a great person and so is OT. I've known them for quite sometime and very friendly great wholesome people.

Sinister Shadows [392]
2023-10-06 14:13:16 🔗
[1 year, 112 days ago]

The concept/idea is a good one but coming from someone who is masquerading behind a troll name imitating a clan member of ours, also not playing the game or using a real bot doesnt really justify the intent of calling out others and ego trips not joining. Everyone is always criticizing Apex isnt beatable, we have so many dumpers etc etc, the reason why is the pessimistic attitude is the easiest to go by instead of investing the thousands of hours we did to get what we have , saying its impossible instead of doing the work is alot easier. So to end i agree with the idea but ppl are prob at a state instead of joining up to beat us its more of a "i'll die in [x]clan with no effort involved", the idea of everyone wanting to beat/win a month isnt what everyone has in mind !!! Just my 2 cents :P ill prob egt flammed or insulted but hey comes with the turf i guess XD

Neo2 [44]
2023-10-06 14:23:49 🔗
[1 year, 112 days ago]

Sinister I haven't seen you in ages! How have you been? But yes I wish people would stop making excuses as it is. Look I have no dumpers and I'm over 250k this month semi afking. It's not like you need dumpers to win, just helps

Juv0 [115]
2023-10-06 14:38:53 🔗
[1 year, 112 days ago]

i agree... i have been trying ages to get the "one man clans" to make a clan but they all seem to wanna stay in their own clans because it was "created years ago" or everyone wants to be the "owner". i have been trying for sometime to get people to join or make a clan so its a bit of competition but they make excuses immediately oh apex are too "strong" they are quitting before even trying!

its nothing against the apex boys as i know them all they're nice guys.. but to me its quite boring being in one clan that dominates for me maybe the one man clans should join together and at least give you guys a go? because the game has no spark whatsoever, it's one thing apex winning top spot each month but with nobody even competing? thats shit altogether.

Chainsaw Man [75]
2023-10-06 18:44:37 🔗
[1 year, 112 days ago]

Well I've been trying to get people more active and chatting with people. People do have lives and I don't blame them for focusing on them than say 8 hours a day on this game. Apex is a formidable opponent and yes, it would be nice if we could all be in one clan together and say go for 10 million or something to actually challenge Apex (even then I'm not 100% sure we'd win, they have tons of dumpers).

As for the other top clans, Rapture exists mostly to keep energy ranks, Mount Wario is semi active I think but they might have other stuff to do, who knows, Halo is lead by JuVo, possibly the most fun person on this game and he tries hard to do what he does, The North I have no idea, Dogs i think are Bazza's clan, Pirate Haven is pretty much dead I think except for Pirate but he has like 2 other clans now, and Silence is Golden is Cosby's clan of extra stuff that he keeps going mostly for the energy records I think. After Escapism died his clan became 5rd or something in energy.

I think it's not really the other clans fault but the fact the game has essentially stagnated for years. There's games that come out all the time now and even ones that cost millions of dollars die out faster than this game does. Games go from 50,000 players to like 5 in a matter of months.

We're just trying to have a bit of fun :) If anyone wants to join and help they are free to.

Forum > Clans > Graveyard Clans.
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