
Forum > Clans > TARNISHED
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KingMalachorn [47]
2024-11-28 10:50:29 🔗
[100 days ago]

It's happening.

A new era in bots, as clan TARNISHED will be coming.

With meticulous planning, the future has been set.

December 1st begins the dawning of this new era.

You want in? The rules are simple: do what you want. It's our world, it belongs to us - do what you will with it. But we are one body, one team. Don't hurt your team - but anyone else can bugger right off!

TARNISHED: Because Eff you!

Angelo [112]
2024-12-26 16:40:58 🔗
[72 days ago]

Classic Mal

Singin [69]
2025-01-02 02:55:28 🔗
[65 days ago]

The fact that I can do whatever I feel like on any day and not be hated on for it is exactly what motivated me. I wouldnt have it any other way. This clan will be great whether it wins or not.

God Malachorn [28]
2025-01-02 03:00:17 🔗
[65 days ago]

Oh, it WILL be a winning clan!

It's a marathon and we're just starting... admittedly, the clan just kinda sprung up and didn't have a ton of planning to start...

But, we WILL win.

No pressure, ofc.

Still a place for anyone to play however they choose.

Never really gonna be a "rules" kinda clan. :P

Forum > Clans > TARNISHED
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