
Forum > Miscellaneous > Trainmates Run.
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Drunk Ville [2]
2013-01-25 13:42:32 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

As an active forum reader judging off the history of the game (dating back to bots1) I will say that Trainmates run is over. With Neps selling out, which is proof to the rest of bots is happening, Draoi being done and Escapism having a grasp on the current game at hand, Trainmate will not play them at their own game.

Funny thing, you know what floR knew (and Ender didn't) and I could spend a lot of time arguing this point, but I'm not for the sake of my own sanity, is that freaked builds are the death of this game, and you all can take that for whatever you want, but there was a reason that floR never allowed those principles to come through, and now that thats what this game has evolved into, it will die.

Here's a great question; if Ender had never banned Tintin for cheating, where would this game be right now? Because what it comes down to is the core concepts of cheating. The basic philosophy of bots2 was that freaking was cheating, to the point to were it was not even allowed. Again, I am an ignorant american who has had way to much Evan Willaims to even speak a bit of truth, but truth be told if Tintins clan had kept going and there was a constant battle between 1st and second (12Monkeys and Black and White, Black and White and Immortalis, Immortalis and Rapture, Rapture and Boondocks, ect) this game would keep going, but one clan had control and it died. I know it's dead because of the online times that I see, and you are all niave to think that it is not, it is wishful thinking at best. Don't sit there and say that auto clicking was the crime, EVERYONE was auto clicking, weather they admit to it at not, regardless of their own pride, or self ego, arrogance, everyone cheated. I'd be willing to bet that even stu00 cheated, (stu00 out clanscored Roffler when Roffler was ACing on three bots, it is mathmacitally impossible for stu00 to beat him at a cheaters game) IF IT WASN'T FOR AUTOCLICKERS TRAINMATE WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BEATEN AT ALL.

I don't know what the point to this post is, because I am heavily drunk, but I LOVE bots, and I really hope it doesn't die out during an Escpaism run. Just all food for thought.

Oh I rememebr what it was about. I beat Trainmate. Nobody else has ever done that, ever! I'm the best at this game hands down and none of you have jack shit on me!

noob1 [37]
2013-01-25 13:45:43 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

I approve this message.

Rith [130]
2013-01-25 13:50:26 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

Ville your special. sure you arent on drugs as well?

Drunk Ville [2]
2013-01-25 13:53:12 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]


Jans [87]
2013-01-25 14:05:33 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

I dont really like these bitter reminiscing posts. "The old days were better". See forum/7/4711

Maybe the old days were better, who knows. But Bots2 is ten years ago. A fucking decade. A lot has changed since then. I'm starting to get grey hair. Most of you have pubes now. And there are so many 'free' online games now, which all look amazing. It's harder for Bots4 to attract new players than it was for the old game.

Lack of (new) players kills any game. But so does fatalistic whining. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Rith [130]
2013-01-25 14:08:44 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

I say feed him to nos.

noob2 [38]
2013-01-25 15:25:02 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

I'm starting to get grey hair.

Where? I never knew you had any hair. Or are you referring to the hair in your ears and nose?

Ville [39]
2013-01-25 15:44:32 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

That's either Eric or one of the Eternal guys. Someone with a little to much time on their hands. It's funny to see that I got under someones skin enough for them to go off and make a bot and intimated me with. I'm honestly a little flattered.

I don't smoke as much weed as I used to, but I do drink. Just wish I could have owned the name "drunk ville" to myself sigh

I guess I could always make a "drunker ville" right?

On a serious level it takes a coward to make fun of someone and run instead of actually answering a post with dignity and respect, when clearly you have none. That's the problem with the game today. We've got more people would rather spend time fucking off than actually doing something (I fit this quota at times)

But thank you for the acknowledgment. The way Ender replied to my thread I saw some respect for it. If the creator of the game can respect what I have to say, maybe you should too?

Go Fuck Yourself.

~ A soon to be "Drunker" Ville


p.s.s. By the by, I'm the best there is, was and ever will be, I'm the stuff dreams are made of

Drunk Ville [27]
2013-01-25 16:08:16 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

o o 20 questions! I love 20 questions! Or statements, whatevs!

That's either Eric or one of the Eternal guys.


Someone with a little to much time on their hands.

I got time on my hands says the ville who responds with an even longer post (in pure original content).

I'm honestly a little flattered.

I'm honestly a little flatulent.

I don't smoke as much weed as I used to, but I do drink.

The first step to getting help is admitting you have a problem.

Just wish I could have owned the name "drunk ville" to myself sigh

Your too drunk to think of such an awesome name.

I guess I could always make a "drunker ville" right?

Seems kinda redundant.

On a serious level it takes a coward to make fun of someone and run instead of actually answering a post with dignity and respect, when clearly you have none.

I could post a serious comment on your eternal's run post if this wasn't so much more fun.

That's the problem with the game today.

Nobody has dignity and respect? I'm pretty sure that's what's wrong with everything.

We've got more people would rather spend time fucking off than actually doing something (I fit this quota at times)

Whoa whoa, don't get to the acceptance step just yet.

But thank you for the acknowledgment.

You're welcome.

The way Ender replied to my thread I saw some respect for it.

Ender said your post was FUD. FUD means fear, uncertainty and doubt. OH BURNNNNNN!

If the creator of the game can respect what I have to say, maybe you should too?

Refer to last answer.

Go Fuck Yourself.

Now now there is no need for vulgar language young man!

~ A soon to be "Drunker" Ville

Don't go get alcohol poisoning :)


At what?

p.s.s. By the by, I'm the best there is, was and ever will be, I'm the stuff dreams are made of

Sucky dreams maybe.

George [45]
2013-01-25 16:11:54 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

^ this guy has no life. GG WP

Rith [130]
2013-01-25 16:12:34 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

Either that or he is really board.

George [45]
2013-01-25 16:13:50 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

eh i call it no life. to make the same post, under someone else's name but the post is slightly more retarded. yes i fixed that the post is the same but slightly more retarded

KnOwNoFeAr1 [121]
2013-01-25 16:15:04 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

think they need to find something else to do besides venting on each other in the forums

Rith [130]
2013-01-25 16:15:21 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

just because they are trolling someone doesnt mean they have no life. They just dont have anything better to do right now it seems o_o

dragonrose [51]
Head Moderator
2013-01-25 16:15:32 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

Ender said your post was FUD. FUD means fear, uncertainty and doubt. OH BURNNNNNN!

oh i thought FUD was a Female Urination Device ... both applies i guess :P

Rith [130]
2013-01-25 16:16:01 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

lol rose :p

Sith master [60]
2013-01-25 16:16:53 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]


noob2 [40]
2013-01-25 16:18:50 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

Someone finally found the trusty TrollΒ΄s Shoe and Flame Shield.

Good times!

Rith [130]
2013-01-25 16:19:31 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]


George [45]
2013-01-25 16:21:04 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

quick everyone to the roflocoptor!

Rith [130]
2013-01-25 16:23:51 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]


Drunk Ville [27]
2013-01-25 16:24:02 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

Mad, you're all mad I tells ya!

User Name [281]
2013-01-25 20:56:13 πŸ”—
[12 years, 43 days ago]

Just wish I could have owned the name "drunk ville" to myself sigh

Your too drunk to think of such an awesome name.

I almost assumed Draoi, but he missed You're.....

Dragon Summoner [130]
2013-01-26 23:28:25 πŸ”—
[12 years, 41 days ago]

I'm honored that you thought it was me, but no, it's not.

I'm too busy autoclicking while playing dota and stealing dotakeys personally to make threads like these.

DarkNinjaMaster [63]
2013-01-27 08:40:17 πŸ”—
[12 years, 41 days ago]

This thread could have come straight out of bots1.

Now that I'm here it's officially pointless spam.

noob7 [36]
2013-01-27 08:42:20 πŸ”—
[12 years, 41 days ago]

Super Secret Ninja Mega Death & Carnage Punch!

KiNG ERiC [41]
2013-01-27 11:43:58 πŸ”—
[12 years, 41 days ago]

I like how i get brought into it because im a very active player! and have the whole world to write it

Forum > Miscellaneous > Trainmates Run.
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