
Forum > Miscellaneous > Eps versus neps
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Jusiui Fromage [4]
2019-09-21 09:39:59 πŸ”—
[5 years, 157 days ago]

Eps has shown himself to be the reincarnation of neps. But is he better? Who would win in a clicking showdown between these 2 Titans of the game if they were both at the peak of their power and playing at the same time.

Legit question though, who would win at leveling and energizing and in general. The numbers these 2 have posted speak for themselves.

These versus battles I always find fun and this forum is a bit dull lets hear what the server thinks.

El Hefe [396]
2019-09-21 09:41:30 πŸ”—
[5 years, 157 days ago]

fuck eps, yay neps \o/

Destruct [130]
2019-09-21 11:34:05 πŸ”—
[5 years, 157 days ago]

hard to compare 2 very different time periods of play

Fishwick [135]
2019-09-21 12:11:37 πŸ”—
[5 years, 157 days ago]

Depends how you wanna compare, Eps easily clicks more, but Neps was one of the handful of people that essentially invented how the game should be played.

Ave1 [70]
2019-09-21 15:54:00 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

And its still same person ;)

El Hefe [396]
2019-09-21 15:54:54 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

shh.. that be a secretzess

Jusiui Fromage [4]
2019-09-22 01:25:40 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

I know it's hard to compare them. Eps would win in a leveling or energizing contest for me as he has too much raw clicking potential.

Neps better at invention and being better all around.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-09-22 04:02:18 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

Roffler would best them both put together lol

Gpof2 [131]
2019-09-22 06:39:23 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

Agree mostly with what's been said.

essentially invented how the game should be played

Might just be semantics I'm picking out, but I don't think neps really invented much of anything. He was just the first person to really utilize the methods that became meta in a large capacity. Rivan was trying to buy dumpers before neps was even using them, and Bazza was using dumpers as far back as the beta.

What neps did do was engage (and do exceptionally well) in basically every aspect of the game. He was taking all the top stat trophies and had a nutty reset/trophy bot. I don't think he was an innovative builder at the time, but he did make a set of tournament bots when tournies came out which only a handful of people have done even to this day. Not to mention he was a big team player, like most of early Eternal was.

Neps, Myriad, and Rene are the only players that I'd consider top tier when it comes to having such a large variety of accolades.

Jusiui Fromage [7]
2019-09-22 07:52:16 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

If he played now Gpof do you think he would utilize new metas to beat Eps for top energy? Having somebody above him would also help neps and his resolve since he never really had an opponent?

Also a tier list and other versus battles would be fun. You should make a tier list or do a bots history post Gpof since you know bots history well.

Gpof2 [131]
2019-09-22 08:02:34 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

The competition would definitely make him score more. If neps focused on only scoring I could see him taking some top finishes from eps, but I don't think it would be every month cause even neps took breaks from scoring. Boring answer I know but that's what I think is most likely.

A tier list oh man.. I know for a fact I'd forget people or some things they've done and then feel bad lmao. Interesting idea though could be fun even if it's just for laughs.

Fishwick [135]
2019-09-22 09:05:16 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

Tier list sounds like the perfect thing to get people frothing at the mouth and make the forum more active, as well as make 80% of the playerbase hate you. Let's cause some shit:

S tier: Neps, Rene, Myriad, Rivan

A tier: Shoe, Shoy, Lyrad, Eps

B tier: Gpof, Esvrainzas, Pothead, Bazza, Lobster, TheCause

C tier: Benny, Fifty, Nos, Samulii, Cosby

D tier: Leader2, Rith, Leaders brother, Pirate, Zal, Luthrin

F tier: The rest, Cheaters

I will admit some of those placings are bit biased and intended to get the conversation going, I could have easily left some off instead of "insulting" them - that D tier alone will no doubt have people mad at me. Important to note D doesn't mean absolute dogshit, 80% of the player base are worse, just means C is better

Ignores the first year or two of bots a little too, as I wasn't around for the early eternal/Draoi/Thing/Blitz days. And I left off some people I definitely have a decent opinion of, but were in the "public" eye a bit less (e.g. Cali, House Bitch, Xerex, etc)

Destruct [130]
2019-09-22 09:45:07 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

not a terrible tier list

Gpof2 [131]
2019-09-22 10:25:25 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

I know he falls into cheaters, but does Alan get his own tier anyway

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-09-22 14:11:10 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

Interesting thread. Neps would definitively beat Eps. Proof: http://bots4.net/trophies/193

Neps was very competitive and wouldn't lose 1st place when he decided to score that month.

As to Fish's tier list, I'm placed too high. I've never scored more than 1M by myself and Benny and Lobster pulled big numbers. I guess I played very regularly during all these years and benefited a lot from my clan members.

El Hefe [396]
2019-09-22 14:22:47 πŸ”—
[5 years, 156 days ago]

agreed.. please place that nobody with the rest of the nobodies in the lowest tier

Cosby [196]
2019-09-22 15:39:46 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

Pretty fair assessment

Although, I'd put myself at B- at least. Long term, I can see a C rating, but I'm already at nearly 2M this month myself across all my active scoring bots. My problem is that my focus is too broad (PH, SIG, Strung Out, etc)...

Also, I don't use dumpers, which probably hurts my rating.

Cosby [196]
2019-09-22 16:02:30 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

Also: http://bots4.net/profile/37303/stil

I'd give a B ranking.

Fishwick [135]
2019-09-22 18:33:22 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

If minus and plus categories existed then yeah there's definitely some people that I'd instantly move up/down a little, and scores are more noticable on individual bots rather than your entire army :p Gpof say's hes doing an indepth one with all sorts of factors and categories so we'll see what he comes up with

There's definitely a bias towards more controversial people. Stil is a beast of a scorer but is pretty quiet and stays out of trouble so I didn't put him in or I'd have been there all day

Fishwick [135]
2019-09-22 18:37:38 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

And Esv... you are #3 energy of ALL TIME, have trained basically half of all Escapism members to learn what you know and even led the clan for a bit. If anything B was harsh ha

El Hefe [396]
2019-09-22 18:43:47 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

ha indeed.. dont compare me to mr boring plz.. i own that nobody in every single way:) leave the guy alone and let him raise another man's child in his own peace..

now.. if we are going to do a list of all time heroes on this game.. might as well keep me out of it altogether.. about all these people have either quit and/or are prolly dead already.. IM NOT DEAD! tho i might be close, (sh)it hasnt happened yet, so either make a list including new people, or make a list down memory lane and leave me out :)

i know if the name-giver (?) of this thread, but i dont deserve to be in the hall of fame yet, ty :)

Ender [1]
2019-09-22 18:54:35 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

Fun thread!

/me takes off his game admin hat

My 2 cents: The accomplishments that always stand out most in my eyes are the ones that require some combination of not just clicking/scoring/etc. but also longevity and/or bringing people together (i.e. leadership). There are certain things you simply can't do unless you've stuck around for a long time and have demonstrated consistency and sustained performance. The trophies that I think capture this essence most are all capped at once per month:

  • George Washington: Owner of top clan. Awarded end of each month. (most: Rene 28x, Shoe 16x, Esv 12x)
  • Top Clan: Member of top clan. Awarded end of each month. (most: Gpof 58x, Myriad 45x, Apex 38x, Esv 38x)
  • Top Energy Month: Top monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month. (most: Neps 11x, Pothead 9x, Eps 8x)

Shadow Of Death [336]
2019-09-22 18:55:37 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

Eps made the best point so far by his last comment. If you are planning to live around here by your old glory, pack up and leave forever. Simple.

Fishwick [135]
2019-09-22 18:59:35 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

Psssh don't mention the most top clan trophy, you'll make Gpofs head even bigger about it! He timed his ship-jump from Eternal to Escapism perfectly

El Hefe [396]
2019-09-22 19:07:31 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

g-puff daddy's head is big enough for sure..

i dont think just being in a clan, when not actively participating, should be such a big deal.. both other of enders pointers are significantly more indicators of eeuhh something i was gonna say but forgot now..

ok poffy and fishy, this may be one of those rants we were talking about earlier.. idk..

imma be quiet now i think.. i still feel its too much honor that this thread, fun as it is, indeedy, bears my name.. but hey, im a modest guy

Fishwick [135]
2019-09-22 19:18:54 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

For me when it comes to the top players, it's about who is terrifying to piss off in what is a pvp game. I took a few kudos for repairs from one of potheads kudo whores once, and he decided to start onlining Escapism among other things

Unfortunately for him, Rene was playing at the time and decided to take 100k energy off Eternal, a clan full of pretty strong bots, with something like an 85% win rate in a matter of hours

Pic, stolen from Gpofs profile

El Hefe [396]
2019-09-22 19:21:54 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]


Shadow Of Death [336]
2019-09-22 19:24:16 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

And that 100k energy made a difference? Think not

Destruct [130]
2019-09-22 20:30:31 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

that 100k further accelerated potheads mental collapse and helped spur him into deleting eternal by clanning a bunch of his shit dumpers while shoes was inactive so ya id say it was important

hater [92]
2019-09-23 01:32:12 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

Not noticable. And fishdick list is obviously subjective for clan escapism.

Arkuden [356]
2019-09-23 09:08:08 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

That's a pretty fair list.. now I have a couple of things to say

Shadow: it's cute how well eps has you trained, backing up everything he says even though you were not mentioned anywhere. Yet there you are protecting your master. you deserve a tasty treat. Good boy :)

Fifty: clearly you can not read, there are people named from all over the bots community i think your just a little upset that your name was left out?

and I +1 with Esv, Neps was a competitive son of a bitch and losing was not in his DNA as with Eps if someone gets too much of a lead he caves in. Both Tea and I have beat him for first at least 7 times now its not hard.. anyone could do it if they had the time :P

Domestic Violence [79]
2019-09-23 09:59:34 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

Ok there Arkuden, you show off settle down. Reborn and eps have been the only two clan members of strung out for awhile before anyone else decided to join.. so yeah makes sense that he would back up his clan mate you ass hat.

I never had the pleasure of meeting neps but i always hear great things about him, not just his gaming but who he was personality wize seems well liked by the bots community. Eps has been nothing but a sarcastic silly guy that seems to have a big heart even though his jokes might mislead you he's actual a good fucking guy!

As for being in the D list... pfft!! i'm at least comparable to Ender! Boss shit!

<3 <3 <3

Shadow Of Death [336]
2019-09-23 09:59:38 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

Says the man who is buying everything with money without doing a shit himself, so better shut up because without those fellas in the clan, you would suck on your own, and btw it's very easy to be the part of the strongest crew from the beginning, point is trying to do something to make this game alive, the only fellas around here doing so are the ones that are not in there. :*

P.s. get down from my dick and play your own game, because the only one insulting and jerking on people are here is you, so if fishwick ever realizes that and not look at you as a clanmate than he should do something about it.

Domestic Violence [79]
2019-09-23 10:03:48 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

P.S there is a player on the D-list that according to Ender has achieved one of the best accolades in the game, the "gorge Washington trophy" can you guess who the D-list member is.. uhuh This guy right here! I can be a show off too haha!

El Hefe [396]
2019-09-23 12:07:15 πŸ”—
[5 years, 155 days ago]

lol at arkuden :)

i collapse when someone gets the lead? as i have clearly specified multiple times, i dont race anyone, idc about clans or competition in the very least way. i just play my own game for my personal passtime. i wont go any faster or slower when other people do more or less.

you getting scared shitless of me for no reason at all is fun to see i admit, but i cba to really care.

now stop being angry cause you were denied access to things and be a nice guy like me, never insulting or offending other people. ^^

hater [92]
2019-09-23 17:21:36 πŸ”—
[5 years, 154 days ago]

Tru tru Eps od nicest guy here i like his way :D and i hope he will be successfull this month! Beer to him

Gpof2 [131]
2019-09-23 17:41:38 πŸ”—
[5 years, 154 days ago]

Can't let eps take my precious top clan trophy from me D:<

I took a few kudos for repairs from one of potheads kudo whores once

That was me on your bot homie, old age fogging up your memory.

Arkuden [356]
2019-09-23 22:29:10 πŸ”—
[5 years, 154 days ago]

Reborn: I wasn't insulting you? If anything I thought it was a complement on how well trained you are... AND I did say you deserved a tasty treat :)

However though a reply to your comment about me.. I'm a little confused what exactly have I brought? the only 2 things i have paid for is my 2 main bots. However all the achievements are from me. I have built everything I own, including the ratio whores, they may not be mine but i helped boost the wins on them and then leveled and built them all along with some help of OT.

You say I join a clan that dominates the game? I agree with you i did at first.. Though as soon as the Escapism streak was broken everyone went idle and i have been the main reason of Escapism winning when they have over the past 12 months. even having months where i could have won with just my score alone. So you saying I would be nothing without them is incorrect i could still win :P

Now back to you for a minute, I just wanted to add this for fun.. You sir would be nothing without our resources. Everything you have built has been with our ratio whores sucking up our ass, your just butt hurt your not aloud to use them anymore so you should be grateful for what you have now. Because without us you wouldn't have any of it :)

Eps: I don't understand how im scared of you? lol I'm actually confused as to what there is even to be scared about lol :P though your right you dont race anymore, but in the past when you did you lost every time :)

G0ds wrath [42]
2019-09-24 04:28:12 πŸ”—
[5 years, 154 days ago]

Lobster, I thank only OT and Teacup, nobody else, specially not to you, you never owned rws, in all these years you play this and I already have all the rws I need of my own, and once again thanks only to OT and Teacup, and in some ways to Kevin, so you are using theirs as well, nothing better in any of those things than me before. :) And I am not ahamed of anything I have done, because I play this for fun, nothing else, life is short to pay attention on bots too much so enjoy playing your game, because nobody would type about you before you type about someone else.


Domestic Violence [79]
2019-09-24 09:46:42 πŸ”—
[5 years, 154 days ago]

Lobster - "I'm a little confused what exactly have I brought?"

Lobster - "the only 2 things i have paid for is my 2 main bots" .. LOL

Lobster - "I have built everything I own, including the ratio whores"

Then goes on to say..

Lobster - "they may not be mine but i helped boost the wins on them and then leveled and built them all along with some help of OT"

Talk about sugar coating eh? nothing you say has any consistency.

Lobster - "You say I join a clan that dominates the game?" (you'd expect him to retort right around here, yet..) "I agree with you i did at first.." YAY (+1 Reborn) \o/

Lobster - "Now back to you for a minute, I just wanted to add this for fun.. You sir would be nothing without our resources."

LMFAO!!! everyone has in one way or another relied on others to assist and support while becoming an established player. One of the top players to ever grace the game, Execute (Kev) has made quite the name for himself and has dominated as a top tear player for the past couple years... Just because I am the one to introduce him to Otto thus unfolding a future allied with the dynasty that is excapsim doesn't give me the right to try and take credit for his accomplishments.

Reborn arguably owns the most tourney bots in the game and he has achieved that through hard work regardless of the support he has received from others. we all support each other for the most part so running around like you are solely responsible for escapism' success over the past 12 month is plain distasteful and telling of your character which is nothing short of boastful and childish.

Destruct [130]
2019-09-24 21:03:21 πŸ”—
[5 years, 153 days ago]

Being able to network and use other peoples resources at this point in the game is the smart way to go about things. IDK why people knock on using other peoples shit lol. Luthrin telling me to seek otto out for advice is probably the only reason i stuck around this time.

Gpof2 [131]
2019-09-24 21:04:58 πŸ”—
[5 years, 153 days ago]

Being able to network and use other peoples resources at this point in the game is the smart way to go about things.


I'm basically a professional mooch at this point.

Destruct [130]
2019-09-24 21:06:23 πŸ”—
[5 years, 153 days ago]

Its ok gpof Ill always be here to tempt you with uprapes

Nosferatu [281]
2019-09-25 23:33:29 πŸ”—
[5 years, 152 days ago]

The fact my name is mentioned at all is fairly nice. I was a B Tier at best in Bots2. By the time Bots4 was up and running and I actually started playing I was well behind the curve. I guess the only thing I have currently is longevity. I'm not sure of many people that are older than I am in the overall length of Bots2 to Bots4, let's see if if we can find one. I began playing Bots2 in April of 2003.

Bazza [331]
2019-09-25 23:48:48 πŸ”—
[5 years, 152 days ago]


hater [92]
2019-09-26 01:17:26 πŸ”—
[5 years, 152 days ago]

I starter Play bots2 around 2001

Storm of Memories [150]
2019-09-26 06:34:58 πŸ”—
[5 years, 152 days ago]

In 2003 August, SamHane from Kiss of Death and 12M introduced me to Bots2

Dinamita [42]
2019-09-26 06:37:26 πŸ”—
[5 years, 152 days ago]

12M were my idols!

Shadow Of Death [336]
2019-09-26 06:40:14 πŸ”—
[5 years, 152 days ago]

Long live the Age of Champions

Earthy [91]
2019-09-26 09:36:59 πŸ”—
[5 years, 152 days ago]

Final Awakening around 2003

Boondox [366]
2019-09-26 13:04:53 πŸ”—
[5 years, 152 days ago]

i started 2002/2003 but stopped playing within 6 months then came back again at start of 2004ish

Maleficent 2 [30]
2019-09-27 11:44:04 πŸ”—
[5 years, 151 days ago]

2003 I believe.

Dynamitecop [300]
2019-09-28 04:32:15 πŸ”—
[5 years, 150 days ago]

February 16th 2004 - Old but not obsolete you might say

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-04 14:55:26 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

right.. lets put the spotlights on the forum back on me..

yay me!

as205 [18]
2019-10-04 14:59:56 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

agreed! epsie vs nepsie 4 life!

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-04 15:05:47 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

So who's better, Eps or Executed? I guess who get the win this month could answer the question :P

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-04 15:14:17 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

oh look.. mr no boring no humor at all is still alive..

can i get a there was much rejoicing..? no..?

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-04 15:20:08 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

No entiendo que dices jefe! Mejor en mexicano porfa

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-04 15:21:36 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

seu filho estÑ morto devido à sua culpa?

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-05 03:57:55 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

He dicho en mexicano hombre! Y me hablas en brasileño pero tb entiendo. EstÑ vivo y muy mucho sano

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 05:35:28 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

hey i like to get to down to a personal level when talking to someone. but hey good thing i guess!

Luth [250]
2019-10-05 08:14:52 πŸ”—
[5 years, 143 days ago]

I have watched closely while some people score with 5 bots and I must say when 3 out of the 5 bots have the exact same fight lengths there is definitely something fishy. Also, I understand that lag might get 3 of the 5 windows to kind of jump respond together but then that beg the question, if you experience that sort or lag across 3 windows why use 5 bots? Anyways just some thoughts.........

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-05 18:33:52 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

How do you know the fight lengths?

With 5 bots it's easy to see their last active time the same. It's easier/faster to click in line instead of jumping between windows

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 18:50:17 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

esv. please.. just die or something, like we agreed you'd do.. you dont mean anything to the game, not now, not 'once upon a time'.. u are just 'collatoral'

no offense personally ofcourse, you are prolly just a normal guy like anyone else, but you did agree not to talk to me (for reasons obvious to anyone).. and now you still are doing so.. i cba to care about the little things like you obv.. but please, dont make me actually have to care.. life is so much sweeter with just regular people instead of.. well.. minor people like you..

if you really feel like posting msg of any kind, feel free ofc.. just.. well.. dont do it while real people are involved, ty.. again..

Destruct [130]
2019-10-05 18:58:03 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

that sort of lag is not as common as you would think happens once an hour or so usually :P

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:03:33 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

oh yeah.. on that matter.. it seems like luth is attacking one player in specific.. personally, (even tho i dont bother to look at what others do) i dont have a single reason to assume whatsoever that kev would be cheating the game..

in my humble (and just slightly educated opinion), he is just scoring very very hard (and seriously abusing his dumpers, but hey who cares about them tbh) in a very fair way..

i dont see any reason to attack his way of scoring and personally id like to see more cheering to the outstanding achievement he is perfoming.

Destruct [130]
2019-10-05 19:05:34 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

more of an expected result than an achievement at this point.

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:06:38 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

aye.. youre slacking.. booo!

Destruct [130]
2019-10-05 19:07:14 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

share some beers for better results

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:08:56 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

id better not.. if i see the result of me drikning compared to how i score.. its just water for you my friend ^^

Destruct [130]
2019-10-05 19:09:46 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

lol :D its ok you do fine in your own way

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:11:29 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

^^ you sound like my mother.. thats what she used to say while i was in competition with other kids with "special abilities"

Destruct [130]
2019-10-05 19:12:15 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

im here for you

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:13:35 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

pfft dont embaress me in front of all these important people mom..

Destruct [130]
2019-10-05 19:14:58 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

be a good lad and take the trash out

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:16:40 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

im not stupid you know..

fucking took the trash out yesterday and its not going to be picked u for another week >.>

Destruct [130]
2019-10-05 19:17:39 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

you're grounded mister no more bots for u for a year

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:19:08 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]


eeuh i mean.. noooooooooo mommy i dont want to lick real life poussy, i want to click links instead!

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:20:41 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

now the FUCK you tell me what usa people eat after a night of drinking!

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-05 19:20:46 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

Going back to the OP, another proof neps was better than Eps is that he won the month in 11 of 13 top 10 finishes while Eps got 9 wins of 20 top10 finishes. Or maybe neps was just more competitive because Eps doesn't care about competition.

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:22:53 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

another useless, aye.. ty.. that was euhmm. the first post i did in this thread, neps was better than me.. yay..

now back to real life.. bye bye

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-05 19:27:13 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

But eps surely has the record for most energy and wins within 1 year. It would be cool if someone calculates that

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:31:55 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

what does it take to stop this nonsense.. sure.. i AM actually calculatig the fact that he is 'just portuguese'and therefore less intellectual than the rest of the world.. and even tho i can take a lot, one has to draw the line somewhere..

could you, very portugese please, stop talking and stay dead.. or.. in your language.. "culdsieebecoudsieebecooo"?

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-05 19:46:36 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

Between april'18 and april'19 eps got slightly more than 24M energy. I would need to test every year window of eps to see which is the record of energy in 12 months.

For wins the record could also be located in the time before eps started getting energy

El Hefe [397]
2019-10-05 19:50:18 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

awwww okay i cant pretend to stay 'mad' anymore.. wuvvv you Pepe..

lets praise me for something i dont want, yesh! yay me so good, just not as good as other people.. yayyy!

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-05 20:00:24 πŸ”—
[5 years, 142 days ago]

I gotta increase my post count to stay in top20 forum users

Pothead2 [1]
2019-11-28 06:14:12 πŸ”—
[5 years, 89 days ago]

B tier from fish, high praise indeed.

Would put bazza in s tier though and probably Lyrad.

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