
Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-06 16:38:33 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Luth [250]


2019-10-06 16:31:14 [2 minutes ago]

I dont care wether you care or not, this is not about you, itas about me Luthrin an A-list player fucking up a clan at my will. Not just any clan one of the oldest and established clans. I have litterally change the face of your clan with nearly every bot in the negative. Again I dont care wether you care or not. Everyone looking at your clan will know you fucked up cause only your clan through out bots history will have so much in the negative and yes it will be screen captured and posted on forums. Every month, mark my words.

This guy has mental health problems lol

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-06 16:40:36 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Luth [250]


2019-10-06 16:38:19 [1 minute ago]

I like win wins. Luthrin goes down as the single player to drag rapture (which is owned by a gay autistic semen demon) through the mud. your clan is as ugly as your children are. glad we can both agree

Wow lol

Luth [250]
2019-10-06 16:47:53 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

posting fragments of our convo I see. I guess you cared more than you pretended too.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-06 16:50:01 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

It's just made me laugh that's all and sharing it with everybody else to have a laugh lol

Enjoy the rest of your night lol

Luth [250]
2019-10-06 16:50:22 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Look at rapture being anointed by conveniently a guy named Luthrin lol it's like Sodom and Gomorrah all over again lol

Mendoza [230]
2019-10-06 16:52:19 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

This has been incredibly amusing. Thank you so much! :D

Luth [250]
2019-10-06 17:05:03 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Stay tuned!

OldTime v7 [35]
2019-10-06 17:53:13 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

this game is such a waste of time where the only excitement is the way players insult each other on the forum

im so glad i quit months ago everyone should quit

ender do the world a favour and take this mess offline and keep it off

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-06 23:39:53 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Is this like a budget pothead or something?

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-07 03:25:52 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Gpof, kinda but then we are complimenting pothead lol

Sir Luthrin [175]
2019-10-07 09:51:51 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

I don't recall pothead ever raping Rapture bots.

G-pof why are you addressing me indirectly? I hear you had a small stature and suffer from napoleon syndrome but man up and address me directly you punk! I bet you look at the ground when you talk to people in real life.

SJ, this has nothing to do with you, this is about a single player eroding your top#10 clan. this is bots4 history in the making.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-07 12:21:34 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Lol what a fucking muppet attacking a bunch of bots that nobody uses lol

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-07 12:57:55 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Well I must admit it's fun to watch, not because I don't like Rapture but because it's a great effort putting a clan outside top 10 while some members of it are scoring.

trkimrki [314]
2019-10-07 13:05:54 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

2 people from rapture are "scoring", not that hard to get them out of top10 right ?

Boondox [367]
2019-10-07 14:06:05 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

Esv who are these "some" the 3 level 300+ bots which have no targets? lol

Esvrainzas [300]
2019-10-07 14:20:44 πŸ”—
[5 years, 141 days ago]

I change my previous post:

It's hard to get a clan out of top10 with 58 members.

Luthrin you just need to reduce their energy ratio to the point they reach ~20 eph. This way they will generate less energy and it will be easier to maintain them low.

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-07 14:54:22 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

I don't recall pothead ever raping Rapture bots.

Yea he tried raping Escapism, hence calling you the "budget" variant.

G-pof why are you addressing me indirectly?

I wasn't addressing you at all, the question I asked was about you and was directed to everybody else. Not to mention it was more of a rhetorical question to point out a comedic similarity.

suffer from napoleon syndrome

Says the guy trying to make a big deal out of attacking an irrelevant clan like it has some sort of meaning when literally nobody gives a shit lmao.

Luth [250]
2019-10-07 15:28:38 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Gpof, your last sentence is a perfect manifestation of what is better known as "small man syndrome". One, you speak for others by saying no one cares. Maybe they don't but it's not up to you to project how others feel, so stop that. thirdly, you admit the question was specifically about me yet deny that it is an indirect interaction because you asked the question (that was about me) to others? uhmm i dont know if you're full retard or partial retard but get your shit together, that is the exact definition of being indirect you fool.

SJ your clan has never looked better eh? lmfao!

Luth [250]
2019-10-07 15:30:59 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

And secondly, (lol) Potheads failed attack on escapism has no bearing on my successful attack on rapture.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-07 15:35:54 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

yep your attacks are very successful, attacking a bunch of bots that most of them havent been on for over 2 years lol

atleast pothead tried to fuck with bots of whose owners were active lol

Luth [250]
2019-10-07 15:38:06 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

dude, why cant you dump right now? oh thats right, i'm onlining you.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-07 15:40:31 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Lol the funny thing is your win dumping for me so I dont need too haha

Luth [250]
2019-10-07 15:52:34 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

I always give back especially when i have received soo much. That's Karma sucka

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-07 15:53:45 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

why is it karma? something has to happen to me for making you cry that would be karma but in all actual fact is that your doing fuck all to me and doing it to others lol

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-07 15:55:42 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

you admit the question was specifically about me yet deny that it is an indirect interaction because you asked the question (that was about me) to others?

I said I wasn't "addressing" you like you claimed I was. My question did not speak to you in any manner whatsoever, do you know what it means to address somebody?

Big Green Machine [56]
2019-10-07 15:58:33 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Yes and you better believe if I go, "hey SJ, G-pof if a fucking idiot" that i am indirectly addressing you. I repeat! get your head out of your ass, the world doesn't revolve around you small man.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-07 15:58:53 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Gpof we dont always agree but i think we can both agree on that Luth is a complete moron, we may aswel ignore him now aint we lol

Nosferatu [281]
2019-10-07 16:01:11 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Who do you continue to attempt to subtract pof from G, Luth?

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-07 16:02:08 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

if I go, "hey SJ, G-pof if a fucking idiot" that i am indirectly addressing you

No, you aren't, that's not addressing somebody. And world revolving around me, what are you on about? You're the one making a spectacle about how retarded you are.

we can both agree on that Luth is a complete moron

Without a doubt.

Big Green Machine [56]
2019-10-07 16:04:46 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

If you truly believe asking a derogatory question about someone in their presence isn't indirectly addressing them then you my friend are the retard. Go to school and learn people skills small man.

Big Green Machine [56]
2019-10-07 16:06:13 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Hey Nos, long time. G-pof is how I've always written it. now that i look at it im not sure why. lol maybe that's what it was on bots2

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-07 16:09:15 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

People skills has nothing to do with how proper english works or what words mean. And you criticizing somebodies people skills? That's fucking hilarious.

Big Green Machine [56]
2019-10-07 16:15:42 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

There you go again protecting your feelings and emotions. Keep that shit to yourself, facts don't care about how you feel and clearly you need the lesson in English sunshine. Because all you are trying to do is play a game of semantics. You know full well what you did was passive aggressive and very much aimed towards me do drop the antics you child! and man up!

Luthrin Tourney 90 [90]
2019-10-07 16:25:41 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Disregard everything i said previous to this. Its irrelevant. what matter is this.

You know full well what you did was passive aggressive and very much aimed towards me so drop the antics you child! and man up!

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-07 16:26:39 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

My feelings, what? I don't care what you think about me lmao. As for semantics, no, you are just wrong.

You know full well what you did was passive aggressive and very much aimed towards me

No shit? It wasn't meant to be passive, I was making a joke. I can just call you a fucking idiot directly if you prefer though?

Luthrin Tourney 90 [90]
2019-10-07 16:45:45 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Ok wait let me see if i follow you here. So, you admit that it was passive aggressive and aimed towards me... but it was not you indirectly addressing me? where are you going wrong with the logic here?

That instead of insulting me directly you choose to insult me indirectly. Which doesn't constitute an indirect communication? Addressing someone = Indicating who you are talking to/about. so while your question was directed to others it was in fact indirectly directed to me you fury tuna taco from hell. Get your ducks in a row. You indirectly addressed me.

Perhaps if we had had previous conversation on this thread you'd be right but we didn't.

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-07 17:20:41 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Addressing somebody means you are speaking to them. I was not speaking to you with my first comment.

Anyway have fun attacking an idle clan, I hope it brings you some sort of satisfaction.

ll Luthrin ll [70]
2019-10-07 17:58:39 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]
You know full well what you did was passive aggressive and very much aimed towards me
No shit? It wasn't meant to be passive, I was making a joke. I can just call you a fucking idiot directly if you prefer though?

So this is you admitting what you said was aimed towards me and you even compliment it with a sarcastic,

No shit?

You then go on to say

Addressing somebody means you are speaking to them.

So lets put two and two together here. You are talking about/addressing similarities between pothead and I, in front of me, in a derogatory way, to another player and I as the receiving end of your admitted derogatory statement which was addressing me?!? Is not you indirectly addressing me?!? god you fit the typical ignorant american perfectly, just plain stupid, and linguistically lacking.

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-07 19:27:40 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Do you know the difference between talking to someone and about someone? Retard.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-08 03:37:54 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

The funniest thing about this is luth is more pissed off with gpof than myself. And yet he still isnt attacking escapism but yet still attacks an idle clan it would be better to attack both clans make you more of an A-list player (as self proclaimed) if you attack rapture and escapism you will be known as GOD of bots lol

Luth [250]
2019-10-08 07:01:25 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Gpof you cant be this stupid. You admitted to talking about me in front of me but i am not allowed to assume because you are asking the question (that is about me) to another person that that isn't indirect communication!?!? that you are indirectly addressing me!?! how motherfucking stupid can you be!?!?!

Ok lets try this. If you, me and SJ are performing a circle jerk and I look at SJ and say Gpofs hand are to small for me, am I not "indirectly adressing" an issue I have with you Gpof!? yeah I am telling SJ about your tiny unpleasant hands but if i do it in your presence you stupid moron i am telling it to you!!!!! indirect but very much like you admitted you fool was aimed at me!! god you are such a stupid smart person.

Luthrin [101]
2019-10-08 07:06:04 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

SJ are you still babbling about some idle clan being raped? shut the fuck up and get over it. I have put nearly 50 bots in your clan in the negative this month. next month i will be more thorough to make sure the EPH stays low.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-08 07:08:59 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Hahaha lol I love how your scared of attacking escapism your proud of raping an idle clans bots but to much of a pussy to rape escapism bots lol

Luth [250]
2019-10-08 07:15:59 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

I am what I eat I SJ.

Also, I do not have a beef with escapism and realistically if I had I'd still would not be as successful at fucking them as I have been with Rapture.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-08 07:19:34 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Sl your proud of fucking a clan that's already fucked and nobody scores they just sitting there to never do anything WOW you really sre an A-list player as you stated lol carry on with what your doing :)

Luth [250]
2019-10-08 09:13:26 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

Sj you Moron, let me clarify something for you. I didn't say I was an A-list player, Gpof did.

Also, I could care less about your childish antics, much like Gpof you have zero to little touch with reality and an inability to observe it correctly.

I pity you both. Not because you are both small people with tiny fragile bodies. Rather because Gpof finds himself in cahoots with a guy that laughs at people who have lost their parents to cancer...

believe me the least of gpofs problems are his inability to observe reality accordingly and the way he participates.. and no this isn't me addressing gpof, this is me talking to SJ, not addressing issues with gpof, nonono


Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-08 09:16:18 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

are you sure you didnt say you were an A-List player? i would read back to yourself the bmail you sent me

just ccroll to the top and you will see that it was you that said you were an A-List player

Luth [250]
2019-10-08 09:29:35 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]


Sj, I was repeating what Gpof had researched.

Have a gander you punk.

Boondox [367]
2019-10-08 09:43:21 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

its ok you A-List player you i dont need to look

Luth [250]
2019-10-08 09:46:45 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

yet you still feel the need to engage^ you racist fruit.

Gminuspof, your level 250' Gpof3 and gpof5 suck. (rain in the excuses here) They together, some what forcefully, (cause they weren't much of a fight) paid my treasury for up to 80 days. Thanks o/

Destruct [130]
2019-10-08 10:03:24 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

gpof5 is a rw owned by me so i would hope it sucks :P

Boondox [367]
2019-10-08 10:20:00 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

whose racist? lol

Gpof2 [131]
2019-10-08 13:49:52 πŸ”—
[5 years, 140 days ago]

I don't own either of those bots, but glad to be of service.

NaturalBornWinner [250]
2019-10-09 03:11:42 πŸ”—
[5 years, 139 days ago]


Luth [250]
2019-10-09 06:32:11 πŸ”—
[5 years, 139 days ago]

Hey Naturalbornwinner, nice build.

Luth [250]
2019-10-09 06:36:10 πŸ”—
[5 years, 139 days ago]


You know, being among the top elite level 250's.. I'm a happy camper. Look NBW we side by side, allied!, ass frying! ass kissers, no wait, ass kickers, yeahhhh

Nosferatu [281]
2019-10-10 21:04:00 πŸ”—
[5 years, 137 days ago]

Also, I could care less about your childish antics, much like Gpof you have zero to little touch with reality and an inability to observe it correctly.

couldn't* care less. Also it bothers me you put the smaller number first in your ordering here, though I don't believe it's actually grammatically incorrect.

I pity you both. Not because you are both small people with tiny fragile bodies. Rather because Gpof finds himself in cahoots with a guy that laughs at people who have lost their parents to cancer...

I'm sure the irony would be lost so I won't bother explaining the fallacy here.

believe me the least of gpofs problems are his inability to observe reality accordingly and the way he participates.. and no this isn't me addressing gpof, this is me talking to SJ, not addressing issues with gpof, nonono

Something tells me this started off with his basically making a reference in jest, that you careened into something much bigger with him obliging you in your comments most likely for his humor (probably because he was bored).

LVL 70 [15]
2019-10-11 07:14:37 πŸ”—
[5 years, 137 days ago]
couldn't* care less.


I pity you both. Not because you are both small people with tiny fragile bodies. Rather because Gpof finds himself in cahoots with a guy that laughs at people who have lost their parents to cancer...
Nos - I'm sure the irony would be lost so I won't bother explaining the fallacy here.

Not sure what you mean here, although you have peaked my interest you guru you, please enlighten us?!

Something tells me this started off with his basically making a reference in jest

Well, you wouldn't have to rely on your intuition if you had took the time to read the sequence of events. ^

that you careened into something much bigger with him obliging you in your comments most likely for his humor (probably because he was bored).

Obviously he was bored. Or we can plainly state the truth, Gpof has never liked me. Hence his bias and even prejudice against me, which is plain as day.

Jerry or Gerry? I finally get to correct you. He can't "oblige" me when he initiated communication with negative, indirect insult. In fact it was I who obliged him when I, unlike him, directly spoke to him about his Napoleon syndrome.

Nosferatu [281]
2019-10-14 11:21:26 πŸ”—
[5 years, 134 days ago]

Not sure what you mean here, although you have peaked my interest you guru you, please enlighten us?!

The fact that this entire thread was started from what appears to be your direct assault on a clan because of said "guy that laughs at people who have lost their parents to cancer" only to have it come full circle and now have you playing the roll of attacked rather than attacker. Hence the irony.

Well, you wouldn't have to rely on your intuition if you had took the time to read the sequence of events. ^

I did read the entire thread, hence the statement to begin with, but the fact of the matter is I'm not Gpof so I can only assume until he comes out and either confirms or denies said assumption.

Obviously he was bored. Or we can plainly state the truth, Gpof has never liked me. Hence his bias and even prejudice against me, which is plain as day.

Regardless of whether a person likes or dislikes someone, I feel like this particular instance isn't that case but more based on the past experience of him in this game.

Is this like a budget pothead or something?

This was literally his statement. He was comparing your so-called actions to potheads, when he(Pothead) attempted to do the same thing.

I don't recall pothead ever raping Rapture bots.

G-pof why are you addressing me indirectly? I hear you had a small stature and suffer from napoleon syndrome but man up and address me directly you punk! I bet you look at the ground when you talk to people in real life.

This was your reaction, which based on my own personal opinion he wasn't actually addressing you or anyone in general, but rather making a personal observation. I wont deny his underlining tone of comparing your character to Pothead as well as your actions, hence the "budget" remark, that being said he didn't come out and full-blown attack you like you did. It seems to me you started the attack on him first.

SJ, this has nothing to do with you, this is about a single player eroding your top#10 clan. this is bots4 history in the making.

This is really confusing. You said this isn't about him, twice, yet your remarks afterwards speak different;y.

I like win wins. Luthrin goes down as the single player to drag rapture (which is owned by a gay autistic semen demon) through the mud. your clan is as ugly as your children are. glad we can both agree

You literally call him out, since he is the Owner.

Now I want to clarify here I am not defending the shit stain of the world that is named SJ here. I dislike him just as much as the next person (Gpof), but to me it seems like this entire thread seems to have been formed and blown out of proportion because you (Luth) took the bait of a troll (SJ) and then spiraled that out towards anyone else in the thread that didn't side with you (me aside since I didn't really take sides, nor do I now. I mean for all intent and purposes I'd love for you to demolish Rapture. It'd have my clan as the oldest clan still standing. :) )

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-15 01:57:13 πŸ”—
[5 years, 133 days ago]

When did I laugh at parents for dying of cancer?

I've said I hope people get cancer but cant recall myself laughing at people dying unless they are paedos

If anybody can find me where I've laughed then please do

Luthrin [101]
2019-10-15 15:51:47 πŸ”—
[5 years, 132 days ago]
Not sure what you mean here, although you have peaked my interest you guru you, please enlighten us?!
Nos - The fact that this entire thread was started from what appears to be your direct assault on a clan because of said "guy that laughs at people who have lost their parents to cancer" only to have it come full circle and now have you playing the roll of attacked rather than attacker. Hence the irony.

(Attacker) is manifest in my language towards SJ

(Attacked) is very clearly indicated in my tone towards Gpof.

Just as anyone would when and if they're being compared as the cheaper version of pothead.. especially by some lower class, analphabet individual with napoleon complex.

I wont deny his underlining tone of comparing your character to Pothead as well as your actions, hence the "budget" remark, that being said he didn't come out and full-blown attack you like you did.

If you read very carefully you will see that you are in fact contradicting yourself here. There is clearly a disconnect; I trust you can see it with a second look through.

Nos "full-blown"

the use of, "full blown" does not magically blow away facts nos. "full-blown attack" is very subjective. So by your own words taking it as an attack, however large of an attack, is still an attack.

A bitch boi whose use of:

Nos -underlining tones
that is unable or just can't be direct. Which is also why i used my power of intuition to predict that he probably talks to the floor in the face of authority.

I'm not arguing with his tactics when attacking me, i'm pointing out how it is indicative of my diagnoses of Napoleon Syndrome.

Well, you wouldn't have to rely on your intuition if you had took the time to read the sequence of events. ^
I did read the entire thread, hence the statement to begin with, but the fact of the matter is I'm not Gpof so I can only assume until he comes out and either confirms or denies said assumption.

To hold this assumption, Mr. Grammarly, about his motives then condone them is why I have decided to end this conversation here with you. You know better, Jerry. His attack if not directed at anyone still came with clear intent to insult. I am not going to be insulted by a tiny man with N.S. Ever.

Luthrin [101]
2019-10-15 15:59:35 πŸ”—
[5 years, 132 days ago]

I remember very clearly you mentioning someone getting cancer, that person saying that their parents died from cancer and you laughing claiming not to give a shit, something along those lines.

SJ, when it comes to a moral debate whether to confirm or deny anything about you, we are all to assume what? are we to give you the benefit of the doubt? I'm bad sometimes yes, but you cross the line just about every time S.J. So i give you one big middle finger, sunshine.

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-15 16:13:45 πŸ”—
[5 years, 132 days ago]

Luth why would I give a fuck that some bodies dad/mum as cancer? Please explain to why I should care?

Nosferatu [281]
2019-10-16 00:13:59 πŸ”—
[5 years, 132 days ago]

Ah Luth, I'm glad you took the time to at least make a valiant effort in creating complete retorts to some of my comments, regardless of how ignorant they are. For that, I applaud you. I'll just have to be left assuming that the ones you didn't comment on either went over your head or that they were correct, either way.

I further applaud you for taking the high road and "decided to end this conversation here with you". Would hate to make further attempts of trying to converse with you, since all you can clearly do is regurgitate the same argument, over and over. (I actually had to look up "Napoleon Complex". I laugh at your usage of this for Gpof. It LITERALLY makes zero sense.)

For that I won't even bother making remarks to yours, to point out their ignorance and failings. So I guess I'll just say adieu. .

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2019-10-16 03:17:36 πŸ”—
[5 years, 132 days ago]

Let me change what i said vause i just realised i missed about

Luth why should i give a shit about somebody having cancer who i dont know nor will never meet?

Luth [250]
2019-10-17 11:35:55 πŸ”—
[5 years, 131 days ago]
Nos- Ah Luth, I'm glad you took the time to at least make a valiant effort in creating complete retorts to some of my comments, regardless of how ignorant they are. For that, I applaud you. I'll just have to be left assuming that the ones you didn't comment on either went over your head or that they were correct, either way. I further applaud you for taking the high road and "decided to end this conversation here with you". Would hate to make further attempts of trying to converse with you, since all you can clearly do is regurgitate the same argument, over and over. (I actually had to look up "Napoleon Complex". I laugh at your usage of this for Gpof. It LITERALLY makes zero sense.) For that I won't even bother making remarks to yours, to point out their ignorance and failings. So I guess I'll just say adieu. .

blah blah blah..

you lost me at,"

Ah Luth, I'm glad

Any reasonable human being can see your remarks are probably best kept to yourself, Nos. Considering your posts of late are soaked with sarcasm and bring nothing of substance to the table.

like any reasonable human being; you too can decipher that G-pof engaged me in an attacking way, from your own mouth, verbatim. So, Jerry, settle down and keep your nose clean. Stop sticking up for bullies. AND definitely stop using grammarly when you respond to bots forum posts.

Luth [250]
2019-10-17 11:39:45 πŸ”—
[5 years, 131 days ago]

Sj... let me rip a page from Nos' book and pin it in the right place.

Everything you are saying, Sj, is a complete and utter fallacy. You are the walking, breathing definition of the word.

Pothead2 [1]
2019-11-25 09:20:02 πŸ”—
[5 years, 92 days ago]

Hello, 2 years and I'm still being talked about I must of done something right XD.

This is all the same shit I guess, everyone thinking they know it all and arguing over grammar like a bunch of rival politicians lol.

Storm of Memories [150]
2019-11-25 14:31:55 πŸ”—
[5 years, 91 days ago]

Zach my man! Good to see you on bots.

Pothead2 [1]
2019-11-25 17:04:47 πŸ”—
[5 years, 91 days ago]

Hey thanks mate appreciate that, I'm guessing its Sam if my memory is correct?

Just for the record while I'm here and don't know when I will next log on to check the forums/state of the game w.e..

I didn't "try" to rape escapism, I did and kind of succeeded to some effect. I just didn't have enough workshopped bots to do it enough and get the win I was hoping for. It was a bad idea in the end but I didn't have any others lol, besides Rene alone probably had 10x more workshopped bots than me and I ended up getting my ass handed to me :(.

I also disbanded eternal another bad idea, probably don't need to explain but for anyone that doesn't know I was acting out of anger after being scammed and tried to find any tool I could to negotiate with, I was also dissapointed in the clans activity at the time. I let people who have helped me the most down especially shoegazer and bazza who I doubt will ever forgive me.

But at the end of it all its only a game I haven't slept with anyone's mum or stole your iPhone while you were drunk, and I do try to come in each year and wish you all a merry Christmas :)

Legolas [90]
2019-11-26 00:11:03 πŸ”—
[5 years, 91 days ago]

wishing merry christmas in november lol you must be high

Satanus Inaximasus [337]
2019-11-26 04:57:55 πŸ”—
[5 years, 91 days ago]

pothead why do you give a fuck that they will never forgive you? you dont know the cunts you have never met the cunts and you never will so fuck em lol

Cephied0 [31]
2019-11-26 23:24:36 πŸ”—
[5 years, 90 days ago]


Pothead2 [1]
2019-11-28 04:40:17 πŸ”—
[5 years, 89 days ago]

Not sure who you are Legolas, probably luthrin or his girlfriend or something idk lol? You misread the sentence which was my fault as I should of changed the "and" to "to", also I haven't smoked weed in just under 2 years.

Sj, I don't want or expect them to forgive me but I do feel bad because they were innocent.

Satanus Inaximasus [337]
2019-11-28 04:48:03 πŸ”—
[5 years, 89 days ago]

its not your fault they were stupid enough to only have it so shoe could kick people you just brought in other bots they had 7 days to fix the problem and failed why feel bad when it was their fault? lol

Samuli [300]
2019-11-28 09:06:32 πŸ”—
[5 years, 89 days ago]

Yes Zach, it is me :)