
Forum > Miscellaneous > many clans online?
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Flogxander [40]
2021-03-03 18:56:18 πŸ”—
[4 years, 4 days ago]

wtf I was told told ded gem

Luth [300]
2021-03-03 21:20:22 πŸ”—
[4 years, 4 days ago]


Flogxander [40]
2021-03-04 04:54:07 πŸ”—
[4 years, 3 days ago]

no u, I check this game once a month and it's finally interesting <3

Satanus Inaximasus [339]
2021-03-04 15:04:26 πŸ”—
[4 years, 3 days ago]

what the fuck is interesting about it? lol

spudmega [31]
2021-03-04 21:54:57 πŸ”—
[4 years, 3 days ago]

That's the spirit! :D

Sir Chimpus [23]
2021-03-05 07:29:26 πŸ”—
[4 years, 2 days ago]


Luthrin [104]
2021-03-05 23:40:31 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

Ots fucking silly if you ask me. Odd lifers with no lifers write on the forums to try and stir the few community members that still exist.. fucking sad really.. it's probably OT.

battleminion [334]
2021-03-06 07:38:47 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

I will only reply once and on this thread only, Luth the guy who doesnt play, yet calls other no life since they play, the guy, who "quit" (i was in chat when it "happened") gave all his bots away and like 2 days later magically resurrected, you should check your Sodium levels man seems way too high for your age, also you are the one in a clan of a current cheater and an ex-cheater banned, so plz refrain from stupid comments about our playstyles. Have a good day on that.

P.S : Not sure why you have a hardon for me and Zac but you should get some medical attention for that disorder. =)

Fab11 [125]
2021-03-06 07:53:14 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

lets be 1905, not 1917

Luthrin [104]
2021-03-06 09:45:54 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

I swear, I found myself arguing with now what appears to be a doctor... dear god, its hopeless.

Jumping on forums or chats breifly equates to access salt? hmm ok...

Believing you and Zac might be partners in real life is no crime Doc.

Luthrin [104]
2021-03-06 09:49:50 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]


I gave all my bots away to my clan members months ago, way before I quit.

Ace Ventura [300]
2021-03-06 11:53:11 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

Old man, take your shit talk somewhere else, for example to chat where you talk all the time :) One :* for ya

jaffar777 [280]
2021-03-06 14:00:03 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

Luth is a great guy, there's no denying that.

Also, battle minion, I think that's a low blow to keep bringing up the history of cheaters and the recent suffering Strung Out has endured. You portray us like we promote and tolerate cheating which simply isn't the case.

Every major clan has had one cheater at a point which sucks but is the reality.

Anyhoo, the real conversation should be about how the energy scoring has picked up a lot this month which is awesome! Great job to Apex for making things interesting :) but we at Strung Out plan to beat you! :D

Execute [394]
2021-03-06 14:02:09 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

Luth you are the one being toxic here don't be surprised when people reply especially when you keep mentioning names.

What is cringe/offensive about someone asking if the game is dead or why there are many clans online, and why would you say that to stir the community it's not exactly controversial? You always have to work out that it's someone else like a big conspiracy when really its probably just an old player checking in.

You have turned a simple question into salt for no reason then accused others of stirring shit at the same time.

Zizu [41]
2021-03-06 14:04:31 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

Good luck to you too jaffar. Rest of yall need to go back to sleep

battleminion [334]
2021-03-06 14:13:44 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

no point elaborating on the things i said but i welcome the challenge u speak of nxt month jaff =)

jaffar666 [34]
2021-03-06 17:11:14 πŸ”—
[4 years, 1 day ago]

Haha right on guys :D. LETS GOOOOO! lol

Power Sledgehammer [28]
2021-03-07 05:53:57 πŸ”—
[4 years, 0 days ago]
You always have to work out that it's someone else like a big conspiracy when really its probably just an old player checking in.

Maybe IRL whenever he meets someone new for the first time he punches them in the face and accuses them of being someone else.

Luthrin [104]
2021-03-08 19:17:20 πŸ”—
[3 years, 364 days ago]

See how Zach did that, OT? he didn't have to bring up my excess salt intake...

Zach it's no conspiracy that people log into random bots pretending to be somone else entirely, if you don't believe that then you are being naïve. My Intuition tells me this gentlemen whom created the OP bot just over a year ago (which places him in a time with great epic battles between exs and so) is just an Apex member trying to boast his efforts and pat his ago.

SO some random 'new' player, as you put it. (with a top clan trophy BTW) posts on the forums doing exactly what you are accuseing me of; stirring the community.. and thats my assessment and i think my evidence for such a conclusion is sound. Im not saying i haven't made mistakes, but this one is too obvious.

battleminion [334]
2021-03-08 19:39:56 πŸ”—
[3 years, 364 days ago]

yes Luth because ur awesome detective intuiton wasnt wronf last time when u thought neps was me convinced for your life bcause i logged in to check a bmail at the same time that same intuition

yoyve clearly gone off the deep end but i wish you well man

and on a last point the so called player who is new with a top clan plat who isnt in Apex was in SO when he got that plat so plz dont soil our good reputations with petty shit like that but hey your intuition has always been right

on a side note jaff im coming for you mudda sucka (no dissrespect this is a michael bl;ackson quote) next month i wanna get some competition from you ^_^

Luthrin [104]
2021-03-08 20:36:42 πŸ”—
[3 years, 364 days ago]

I have a story for you child, listen closely. Sunmoon who is now known as neps wasnt always so. Once upon a time the 'new' player, Sunmoon,was an unknown player scoring in pace to beat the highest EVER monthly energy record that zach holds, all the while remaining anonymous, willfully might i add. WHy did I believe you could be sunmoon? cause yoyur crazy active AND once I was online at 3 am bots time which is our time, and i know you dont often come on that early in the morning. Anyways I was watching sunmoon score to see if i could spot him acing because not knowing who he was, i was inclined to observe him. he and Lyraid were online no one else. You then logged on and a minute later both you and sunmoon logged off at the same time... so no it obviously wasnt you, but who can blame me for thinking is was. And everyone knows i also thought it could have been ville, it wasn't like i was being as definitive as I am now.

everything else you said confirms that your 12, 13 tops. the fact the op bot was in SO is irrelevant hence why i left that bit of information out. The point is he was in a very active clan with active opposition, even earned him self a spot in the top 20 of the best clan. A clan he is no longer with anyone and now comes on to forums to praise our obvious second place this month? yeah.. ok...

Luthrin [104]
2021-03-08 20:40:12 πŸ”—
[3 years, 364 days ago]

OT wwere you ever apart of Strung Out?...yes! so STFU you Montreal Candians bitch.

Execute [394]
2021-03-09 05:42:41 πŸ”—
[3 years, 363 days ago]

Luth, this is my last post here because it's just pointless. Arguing with you is impossible because you dont read what anyone else types.

Zach it's no conspiracy that people log into random bots pretending to be somone else entirely

I totally agree however you seem to think every bot that makes a forum thread is someone pretending to be someone else. So rather than me being naive maybe you are being incredibly paranoid/unfriendly.

SO some random 'new' player, as you put it.

That's not how I put it? I actually said he was probably an old player which is the opposite of new..

A clan he is no longer with anyone and now comes on to forums to praise our obvious second place this month? yeah.. ok...

Where on earth did anyone mention strungs 2nd place?! Am I missing some invisible font?

Luthrin [104]
2021-03-09 09:46:58 πŸ”—
[3 years, 363 days ago]
Zach it's no conspiracy that people log into random bots pretending to be someone else entirely
Zach: I totally agree however you seem to think every bot that makes a forum thread is someone pretending to be someone else. So rather than me being naive maybe you are being incredibly paranoid/unfriendly.

Cool, Im glad we agree. I'm sure we can also agree that there has been a theme of these child like posts of late where the poster seemingly purposely writes in a broken English, and as in this example always just jumps in and out of forums to cause trouble.

SO some random 'new' player, as you put it.
Zach: That's not how I put it? I actually said he was probably an old player which is the opposite of new..

See what you did there? you're using your own gut to make an assumption, but the truth is you don't know that he's an old player. Also, when did we start denying facts? the bot is just over a year old, that's far from old, Zach. that's why I corrected you. 'SO' it seems it is you that's is not interpreting the information correcting here.

A clan he is no longer with anyone and now comes on to forums to praise our obvious second place this month? yeah.. ok...
Zach: Where on earth did anyone mention strungs 2nd place?! Am I missing some invisible font?

Again Im going to try to repeat the facts to you in the simplest way I can.

FACT: He won his trophy with Strung out...

What clan activity is happening right now, between which clans is all this activity taking place?. Sorry I find an "old player" worth mentioning of Strung Outs newly formed opposition, also coming from an old member of Strung isnt a cringe factor for a current player.. Like me?

Zach its not invisible per se, it's establishing the facts and yes sometimes having to read between the lines especially when deceit is afoot

So OT, the next time you wont to insight and direct forum activity towards the fall of Strung Out and the Rise of Apex, I will be there to shit on your pussy persona, your a fake bitch and I know it, can't stand behind your name. Anyone ever wonder why the OP has nothing to say? lol a fucking troll just like OT.

Bs01 [300]
2021-03-09 10:19:51 πŸ”—
[3 years, 363 days ago]

Luth i would like to begin by saying thank you for taking the time to write me material i could read on the bowl, you have no idea how much this means !!!

also after reading all that you still seem too salty man, you may think what u want of me, but all this shit not done by me =)

dont need to stoop to your lvl of petty

Have a good day mate

P.S : in case i realy need to say this its OT.

Gpof2 [131]
2021-03-09 11:25:00 πŸ”—
[3 years, 363 days ago]

This is a good circus act.

jaffar777 [280]
2021-03-10 12:38:10 πŸ”—
[3 years, 362 days ago]

I see what you said battle minion, Its on like donkey kong!:D

Hopefully I can return next month in fine form to challenge you, it will depend on how busy work is but I hope to challenge and beat you none the less! I always can appreciate a good rivalry :D

battleminion [334]
2021-03-10 12:44:05 πŸ”—
[3 years, 362 days ago]

a little heads up tho i have the last 2 weeks of april off so u better bring your A game =)

may the best canadian WIN ^_^

jaffar777 [280]
2021-03-10 13:28:31 πŸ”—
[3 years, 362 days ago]

Haha well I don't have the last two weeks off in April, 50+ hour work weeks BUT I can play at work so yes may the best Canadian win! :D

Ill just have to score ALOT in the first 2 weeks to make it interesting lol

Forum > Miscellaneous > many clans online?
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