
Forum > Miscellaneous > April 2024
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Esvrainzas [300]
2024-04-22 19:33:24 🔗
[306 days ago]

What a month. Everyone got infected with the scoring bug haha

Anyway, Apex already beat the monthly record and there's still 1 week to the end of the month. Congratulations!!! Idk if this record will ever be broken!

Zach showed he is a beast scoring. I'm not sure how many millions he scored across all his bots and all the scatter dumping he did. It's really insane. Even if I had the same amount of free time that he has, I couldn't do it. I would not be able to play bots all day like he does, I just have to admire his mental focus for doing it, nice job man!

Also, so far Zach scored more than Aldin who is using just one bot. To me that clearly shows who's the current best scorer!

Regarding Lusitania, we already broke our January record and we should get close to 15M by the end of the month which is near the SO monthly record that persisted so many years.

I guess nowadays with so many resources it's easier to pull out big numbers than before. For example me, I got 1M energy in February playing like 2h or less per day. I never had scored 1M alone before when I didn't have kids...

To conclude this personal reflection, I'm proud about Lusitania's score. When your score is close to the existing record and even though that's not enough to win, you just need to admit your adversary is better and congratulate him. Well done Apex!

Sinister Shadows [400]
2024-04-22 19:39:43 🔗
[306 days ago]

Twas a fun time, a little bit of competition to get the record numbers beefed up !!

Ryuzu [75]
2024-04-22 19:46:39 🔗
[306 days ago]

Congratulations to everyone in both clans :)

I'm interested in seeing what the final scores will be though! Who knows, 20 million for Apex? Lusitinia 15+ million? Only 8 days to go and find out =D I'm honestly surprised there was 27 million+ energy available + scored this month. That's more than some entire years of 1st places on this game (of around 2-3 million or so per month).

Gpof2 [132]
2024-04-22 20:30:42 🔗
[306 days ago]

Definitely been some bonkers months lately, bunch of insane troopers you guys are

Execute [413]
2024-04-22 21:20:58 🔗
[306 days ago]

Nice thread to read, I'm still a little unsure how both clans are where they are but that's just how heavy the competition was to start.

On my part it's just scoring in the most efficient way, using 4 bots to drain ziz with de3 and then dumping and hitting dreads etc after that and also I have used a fair bit of hastened adventure because I felt the pressure early so that inflated my score quite a bit.

Anyway when the month was won we decided to sacrifice our efforts/power whatever you want to call it in future months and go all out to set a memorable record since Lusitania are pretty well prepared now it made sense so I have no doubt you will win very very soon if you keep trying. Hopefully now you guys know when we go ftw properly it will be tough though :D

But yeah awesome month by everyone which will no doubt be remembered and looked back at for a long time.

Mojo [130]
2024-04-22 23:46:26 🔗
[306 days ago]

Congrats for the record :) Huge effort & numbers from everybody this month!

Smeagol [375]
2024-04-23 03:24:15 🔗
[306 days ago]

Been interesting to follow, well done all.

FloySage [151]
2024-04-23 05:32:43 🔗
[306 days ago]

It has been an interesting month indeed, thumbs up, looking forward for more interesting months, seems like bots should be more alive after a month like this one.

We all have to make this game alive if the maintainer and creator of this game is not doing smth to make it more interesting! :)

Satanus Inaximasus [342]
2024-04-28 09:27:09 🔗
[301 days ago]

What zach showed is he has no life no job and can be arsed sit There and click fight again didnt really show hes a beast lol

Execute [413]
2024-04-28 09:53:28 🔗
[301 days ago]

Yawn, same old toxic community, what it showed is I played a lot this month and had the time to. It seems whenever you play this game everybody says "you have no job/life" but I guess that's all they can say, believe it or not I do work I do have a life go abroad on holidays and see friends/family etc, not that it would matter if I didn't work or spent my whole life playing bots without speaking to friends or family.

Luthrin of Lusitania [75]
2024-04-28 10:25:11 🔗
[300 days ago]

What do you do for a living, Zach?

Just curious.

Execute [413]
2024-04-28 10:38:29 🔗
[300 days ago]

It's completely and utterly none of your business and the fact anyone wonders what others do in life or comments on it is pretty disturbing, but I will tell you anyway... my friend owns a building company so when he gets a big job I will take some work if I feel like it, I also do other things on the side and own part of a food truck with family.

So there it is, anything else you would like to know maybe my past work experience or educational achievements? I went to the gym yesterday, my friend owns a British bulldog, yesterday was my mums birthday, I'm about to eat chicken skewers with salad.

Luthrin of Lusitania [75]
2024-04-28 19:05:46 🔗
[300 days ago]


pwn [1]
2024-04-29 09:08:20 🔗
[300 days ago]

Well played Zach. I remember back in 2014 when I did 1mil in one week people called me cheater and no life as well, I worked as CCTV Operator six 12 hour shifts laptop on a side was fun :)


PsychoCosby [48]
2024-04-29 13:22:26 🔗
[299 days ago]

Zach does what he does best. He stinks all day in his mom's basement, who has a mustache like Charles Bronson and testicles on her chin. When he's not clicking a mouse, he feeds on bugs and masturbates on bizarrely obese people who talk about their transition on TikTok. Get some help, Zach. And get some pussy, Cosby. Fucktard.

Ryuzu [76]
2024-04-29 13:36:18 🔗
[299 days ago]

Getting this thread back on track:

Grats to Apex for getting 20 million and Lusitinia for nearing their 15 million goal \o/ Only 200k more for Lusitinia to break the old record too :) Two record breaking clan achievements! Good work all of you.

Maybe it'd be nice to get Fishwick to stop scoring for 2 minutes though to clean up the dumb shit in this thread :/

Satanus Inaximasus [342]
2024-05-01 01:41:26 🔗
[298 days ago]

How is it two record breaking clan achievements? The record as already been broken so that record no longer stands.

Forum > Miscellaneous > April 2024
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