
Forum > Marketplace > Seling level 200 Ratio whore,
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Arkuden [130]
2018-06-19 22:37:37 🔗
[6 years, 218 days ago]

5 stars and its yours. also only takes 5 stars to whore :)

APT2 [141]
2018-06-20 06:42:30 🔗
[6 years, 218 days ago]


Optimon [200]
2018-06-20 06:45:07 🔗
[6 years, 218 days ago]
Level 200 dagger (x1)
                             STR  CON  DEX  INT  ARMOR
Spirit Forge                  +6  +10              460
Manic Cranium                 +7  +11       -15    160
Hellmouth                    +10   +6   -5          76
Troll Shoe                   +14   +8   -7   -8     91
dagger                 (2-4)
                             +37  +35  -12  -23    787

STR :  265 =  228+37         Left-hand  : 7.3-14.6
CON :  262 =  227+35         Right-hand : 0-0
DEX :  358 =  370-12         HP         : 2670
INT :    1 =   11-23         Block      : 19.25%
                             Absorb     : 56.11%
(generated using the Bots Unauthorized build calculator - permalink for this build)

Arkuden [130]
2018-06-20 08:16:34 🔗
[6 years, 218 days ago]

This can be closed. SOLD to Damon :)

NumberSix [219]
2018-06-20 09:03:37 🔗
[6 years, 218 days ago]

You and OT are doing things pretty clever bro :) nice

Arkuden [130]
2018-06-21 02:01:27 🔗
[6 years, 217 days ago]

We are brothers from different mothers :P

Forum > Marketplace > Seling level 200 Ratio whore,
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