
Player info

United States

Bot info

[115] [HoF ranking: 3,702]
642 [HoF ranking: 11,047]
Energy month:
2012-02-25 21:01:22 [13 years, 0 days ago]
Played time:
6 hours, 17 minutes, 16 seconds
[5 seconds per day]
offline [last seen 7 years, 346 days ago]
0 new messages

Energy history

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2012 1,562nd 1,715th 2,215th 616th 162nd 368th 518th 903rd 81st 1,254th 357th
2013 564th 293rd 279th 578th 842nd 1,021st 439th

Tournament history

Anakin is not a joiner. They have never participated in a tournament!


Anakin Skywalker (nicknamed Ani by his mother and wife) was a legendary Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later served the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Born to Shmi Skywalker, later in life he became the secret husband of Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo and the father of the Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo. He was also the grandfather of Ben Skywalker, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo, as well as the great-grandfather of Allana and an ancestor of Nat, Kol, and Cade Skywalker. Although he would later become a crucial figure in the galaxy, Skywalker came from humble origins. He spent the first years of his life on Tatooine as a slave along with his mother. In 32 BBY, Skywalker met Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. After obtaining his freedom by having been bet on by Jinn and winning the Boonta Eve Classic, Skywalker went with Jinn and departed from Tatooine, though troubled by leaving behind his mother. Skywalker took part in the Battle of Naboo, destroying the Droid Control Station despite his young age. Soon after, he joined the Jedi Order, becoming a Padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Skywalker was believed to be (and indeed was) the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, one who would bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, which was why the Jedi Council chose to bend the Jedi Code and permit his training.

Skywalker and Kenobi traveled together on many missions in the ensuing decade. In 22 BBY, Skywalker was reunited with Padmé Amidala, the former queen of Naboo and new Senator of the Chommell Sector. He escorted her to Naboo due to the rising violence of the Separatist Crisis, and the two fought at the Battle of Geonosis, the beginning of the Clone Wars. In the midst of these events, Skywalker also endured the violent death of his mother. Skywalker and Amidala married soon after the battle, despite the Jedi Order's restrictions of Jedi marriages, which kept them from making their marriage public.

Skywalker fought in the Clone Wars with his master and became a Jedi Knight in 22 BBY, taking Ahsoka Tano as his own apprentice. Throughout the conflict, Skywalker became an icon to the public, known as the "Hero With No Fear". Skywalker and Kenobi, despite not being master and apprentice anymore, gained recognition as a formidable pair. Despite this, he carried with him a great sense of loss in addition to great anger. This was shown in 19 BBY at the Battle of Coruscant, when he decapitated an unarmed Count Dooku. He also learned that Amidala would soon have a child and experiences agonizing visions of her death. His inability to control these traits led to his downfall when, soon after, he turned to the dark side, believing that it was the only way to save his wife from death.

Apprenticed to Darth Sidious, better known as his friend Chancellor Palpatine, he became Darth Vader. The Galactic Empire was founded with Palpatine at the helm as Emperor, and after Vader led an attack on the Jedi Temple, the Jedi were exterminated by Order 66, with fewer than a hundred surviving. Two of the survivors were Grand Master Yoda and Skywalker's old master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Vader dueled his old master on the fiery world of Mustafar, and despite the Sith Lord's new abilities, he was defeated by his old master, and his body was so damaged by the lava that Sidious encased him in a dark life-sustaining suit that he would wear for the rest of his life. His children, Luke and Leia, were born at this time, though Vader remained unaware of their existence.

As a master of the dark side, Vader became the scourge of the Jedi, continuing the Great Jedi Purge which would last until 1 BBY. An extension of the Emperor's will, the Dark Lord was constantly on the move, traveling throughout the galaxy to defeat rebel uprisings or arrest corrupt Imperials. When Vader began planning to impress his Master before overthrowing him, he found, manipulated, and trained a "secret" Sith apprentice named Galen Marek to not only to help hunt down remaining Jedi, but also to expose the Emperor's enemies and have them destroyed. However, Vader's betrayal lead Marek to turn to the light side and sacrifice his life for the leaders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic to escape, thus starting the Galactic Civil War. Vader continued to train apprentices, this time, under Sidious's notice, including Flint, and the future Sith Lady Lumiya.

In 0 BBY, the Empire's great superweapon, the first Death Star was destroyed by a young Rebel pilot. Vader became obsessed with discovering the identity of this pilot and spent the next several years searching. Vader eventually learned that the pilot's name was Luke Skywalker and deduced that the boy was his son, born before the death of Amidala. Vader fought the Rebel Alliance while concocting a plan to turn his son to the dark side. Soon after the Battle of Hoth, Vader dueled his son and revealed to him that he was his father, which Luke refused to believe.

Darth Sidious, however, was aware of Vader's plans and initiated his own plot to make young Luke his apprentice. In 4 ABY, the two sides came together at Endor for one great battle to decide the fate of the galaxy. Luke surrendered to Vader and, in the throne room of the second Death Star, Sidious attempted to turn the young Jedi to the dark side by having him duel Vader. Luke defeated Vader, but refused to give himself to the darkness, proclaiming himself a Jedi like his father before him. When Sidious attempted to kill Luke using Force lightning, Anakin Skywalker emerged from Darth Vader and came to his son's rescue, saving him and killing the Emperor by throwing him down the main reactor core. Mortally wounded by the Force lightning, he died soon afterward, but he died as a Jedi once more, having redeemed himself by saving his son and fulfilling the prophecy of the Chosen One.



Anakin has collected 111 of 318 trophies:







Platinum (5)

Gold (13)

Silver (26)

silver Major DEX
200 base dexterity.
silver Triple Digits (x2)
Reached Level 100.
silver Pretty Aggressive (x2)
Make it to level 25 with under 10 trains.
silver Level 25 NaN (x2)
Make it to level 25 without losing a fight.
silver Trashed
Wear an item's durability down to 0.
silver X-Terminal
Beat X-Terminal.
silver Top 250 Energy Month (x1)
Top 250 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
silver 1k Losses (x1)
Lost 1,000 battles.
silver X-Bot
Beat X-Bot.
silver Titan XL
Beat Titan XL.
silver X-GF
Beat X-GF.
silver Terror TX
Beat Terror TX.
silver X-Telligence
Beat X-Telligence.
silver Turbo X
Beat Turbo X.
silver X-Terminator
Beat X-Terminator.
silver 1k Wins (x1)
Won 1,000 battles.
silver Well Insured
Buy the maximum amount of insurance
silver Leader
Found a clan.
silver Major STR
200 base strength.
silver Can't Touch This
Win a fight without being damaged.
silver 5.0 Ratio
Have a 5.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
silver Triple-Digit Damage
Did a 100+ damage hit in battle.
silver Master Thief
Take more than 1,000,000 kudos from another bot at once.
silver Seven Figures
Amassed a fortune of 1,000,000 kudos.
silver Snowflake
Equipped a unique item in every armor slot.
silver Quick Fingers
Beat someone to an item in the showroom.

Bronze (68)

bronze 100 Losses (x2)
Lost 100 battles.
bronze Top 1,000 Energy Month (x11)
Top 1,000 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Top 100 Clan (x6)
Member of top 100 clan. Awarded end of each month.
bronze Theodore Roosevelt (x8)
Lead a clan to top 100 as owner. Awarded end of each month.
bronze 10 Losses (x2)
Lost 10 battles.
bronze 10 Trains (x2)
Trained 10 times.
bronze 100 Wins (x2)
Won 100 battles.
bronze Level 75 (x2)
Reached level 75.
bronze Level 50 (x2)
Reached level 50.
bronze 10 Wins (x2)
Won 10 battles.
bronze Level 25 (x2)
Reached level 25.
bronze Mildly Aggressive (x2)
Make it to level 10 with under 10 trains.
bronze Level 10 NaN (x2)
Make it to level 10 without losing a fight.
bronze Double Digits (x2)
Reached level 10.
bronze Verified Email
Registered and verified an email address.
bronze Skin Of Your Teeth
Win a fight with less than 5 HP remaining.
bronze 100 Trains (x1)
Trained 100 times.
bronze Public Socializer
Make a post on the public forums.
bronze Messenger
Send a botmail.
bronze X-Professional
Beat X-Professional.
bronze Super GX
Beat Super GX.
bronze TX-666
Beat TX-666.
bronze Kamikaze FX
Beat Kamikaze FX.
bronze TVR Demon
Beat TVR Demon.
bronze X-Machine
Beat X-Machine.
bronze X-TerminA
Beat X-TerminA.
bronze TX-Guard
Beat TX-Guard.
bronze Terminatrix
Beat Terminatrix.
bronze Terminator 2002
Beat Terminator 2002.
bronze Terminator 2000
Beat Terminator 2000.
bronze T202
Beat T202.
bronze T101
Beat T101.
bronze T50.5
Beat T50.5.
bronze Infant
Beat Infant.
bronze Minor DEX
100 base dexterity.
bronze Dickhead
Attack another bot while it is online.
bronze Insured
Buy insurance.
bronze Follower
Join a clan.
bronze Quitter
Quit a clan.
bronze Lost In Space
Got lost in space.
bronze Yeller
Set your bot's battle cry, victory message, and defeat message.
bronze Beautiful Clan
Set your clan's profile image.
bronze Giver
Donate to a clan.
bronze Private Socializer
Make a post on your clan forum.
bronze On The Defense
Equipped a weapon and a shield.
bronze Represent
Select your country in your profile.
bronze Beautiful Bot
Set your bot's profile image.
bronze Beautiful You
Set your profile image.
bronze Beautiful Color
Change your bot's color
bronze 2.0 Ratio
Have a 2.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
bronze 1.0 Ratio
Have a 1.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
bronze Minor STR
100 base strength.
bronze Changed Your Mind
Spent a redistribution point.
bronze Unique Gloves
Equipped unique gloves.
bronze Suit Up
Equipped an item in every slot.
bronze Unique Helmet
Equipped a unique helmet.
bronze Unique Boots
Equipped unique boots.
bronze Unique Body
Equipped a unique body armor.
bronze Thief
Take more than 100,000 kudos from another bot at once.
bronze Six Figures
Amassed a fortune of 100,000 kudos.
bronze Double-Digit Damage
Did a 10+ damage hit in battle.
bronze Five Figures
Amassed a fortune of 10,000 kudos.
bronze Four Figures
Amassed a fortune of 1,000 kudos.
bronze Three Figures
Amassed a fortune of 100 kudos.
bronze Trainmate
Beat Trainmate.
bronze Flexibility
Bought a redistribution point.
bronze Herp Derp
Equip the worst weapon in the game.
bronze On The Offense
Equipped two weapons.


Shadows are faded memories of what once was. Skywalker has been reset 1 time:

when level wins losses ratio trains played message
2012-11-03 04:25:34
[12 years, 114 days ago]
120 5,401 2,421 2.23 211 1 day, 12 hours, 42 minutes, 51 seconds rebuild