top 250 energy month


silver Top 250 Energy Month (x0)
Top 250 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.


Top 250 Energy Month
Top 250 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
Number in existence:

Recently collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats unlocked
1 [150] Spawn Spawn <Gedankenexperiment> 6 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
2 [140] Bahamut Zero Dragon Summoner
<No Clan> 3 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
3 [358] Malachi Nosferatu <Valhalla> 53 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
4 [135] Fishwick Fishwick <Lusitania> 87 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
5 [165] FearandLoathing FearandLoathing
<Mount Wario> 6 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
6 [318] bluei bluei <Zero> 78 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
7 [246] Zyphere meh
<Mount Wario> 15 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
8 [405] Smeagol Smeagol
<Murloc Cartel> 43 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
9 [70] Machinae Supremacy Player One
<Strung Out> 40 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
10 [400] Sinister Shadows Sinister Shadows <In Sequence> 73 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
11 [318] Hallucinogen Hallucinogen
<Zero> 49 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
12 [318] Shattered Shattered
<Zero> 51 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
13 [150] Dark Lord Malachi <Solo Act> 4 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
14 [79] RTX GameOver
<Rapture> 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
15 [60] Duracell Duracell
<dogs> 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
16 [41] Little Neps little neps
<Lusitania> 122 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
17 [61] Mana Sama Mana Sama
<Silence is Golden> 3 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
18 [200] Shadow Dancer Ruthless <Gedankenexperiment> 13 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
19 [100] Insane Wurd <iPrint3D Company> 1 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]
20 [193] Coco Coco
<Rapture> 10 2024-12-31 23:59:59
[22 days ago]

Most times collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats times
1 [135] LittleCause LittleCause
<Rapture> 1 75
2 [122] TestCause TestCause
<Rapture> 1 75
<Rapture> 2 74
4 [248] Slammerz Aaronn
<Rapture> 12 74
5 [130] Crab Whistler Crab Whistler
35 72
6 [115] Heroine Overdose2
1 71
7 [100] Chapo Chapo
<Rapture> 5 69
8 [94] Tito Tito
<Rapture> 4 69
9 [125] Beelzebub Azurik <Solo Act> 2 68
10 [358] Malachi Nosferatu <Valhalla> 53 67
11 [66] FNIX FNIX
<Rapture> 9 66
12 [130] Glorfindel Glorfindel <Solo Act> 3 65
13 [312] Lord Megatron Vector Alpha 39 63
14 [65] Ideotik God Ideotik God <Solo Act> 19 63
15 [61] Mana Sama Mana Sama
<Silence is Golden> 3 62
16 [300] mnor mnor
<Rapture> 20 62
17 [78] Krazybot2 Krazed2
<Rapture> 1 61
18 [401] Eucliwood Hellscythe Eucliwood Hellscythe
<Rapture> 43 61
19 [65] Orifice Orifice <Silence is Golden> 2 61
20 [135] Fishwick Fishwick <Lusitania> 87 60