100k trains


platinum 100k Trains (x0)
Trained 100,000 times.


100k Trains
Trained 100,000 times.
Number in existence:

Recently collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats unlocked
1 [341] Vegan Project Vegan Project
<Murloc Cartel> 20 2025-01-18 00:04:57
[27 days ago]
2 [326] Carnivore Project Carnivore Project
<Murloc Cartel> 21 2024-09-07 03:24:06
[160 days ago]
3 [407] Smeagol Smeagol
<Murloc Cartel> 43 2023-12-31 16:59:20
[1 year, 45 days ago]
4 [287] Mendoza Mendoza
<Silence is Golden> 14 2023-11-17 12:36:43
[1 year, 89 days ago]
5 [383] Talisker Samuli
92 2023-06-13 00:19:17
[1 year, 247 days ago]
6 [350] Blackbeard The Pirate <Pirate Haven> 23 2022-10-22 21:23:37
[2 years, 115 days ago]
7 [385] Boo Bazza <In Sequence> 162 2021-05-12 08:29:59
[3 years, 278 days ago]
8 [376] Own You Own You 73 2020-11-24 08:34:35
[4 years, 82 days ago]
9 [400] diablek diablek
47 2020-08-13 20:34:17
[4 years, 185 days ago]
10 [232] Hephaestus EcoGoesUp
<Torment> 6 2020-02-24 04:52:26
[4 years, 356 days ago]
11 [160] Kirti Kirts 1 2019-10-18 19:12:19
[5 years, 120 days ago]
12 [350] no pain no gain
24 2018-12-28 07:25:05
[6 years, 49 days ago]
13 [418] Execute Execute <In Sequence> 156 2018-05-09 02:07:19
[6 years, 283 days ago]
14 [300] mnor mnor
<Rapture> 20 2017-11-06 03:53:44
[7 years, 101 days ago]
15 [220] Minion375 Doodeheefver
5 2016-01-09 11:46:09
[9 years, 38 days ago]
16 [358] Malachi Nosferatu <Valhalla> 53 2015-01-22 10:36:35
[10 years, 25 days ago]
17 [350] Bot Name User Name
<Storage> 40 2013-08-07 14:41:56
[11 years, 193 days ago]
18 [413] Radylyt Lyrad <Escapism> 205 2013-08-04 01:26:23
[11 years, 197 days ago]
19 [280] The Cyboork ActiveX
18 2013-05-27 16:18:18
[11 years, 265 days ago]
20 [255] Jaz Jaziran
13 2013-04-05 15:10:43
[11 years, 317 days ago]

Most times collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats times
1 [407] Smeagol Smeagol
<Murloc Cartel> 43 2
2 [385] Boo Bazza <In Sequence> 162 2
3 [341] Vegan Project Vegan Project
<Murloc Cartel> 20 1
4 [326] Carnivore Project Carnivore Project
<Murloc Cartel> 21 1
5 [287] Mendoza Mendoza
<Silence is Golden> 14 1
6 [383] Talisker Samuli
92 1
7 [350] Blackbeard The Pirate <Pirate Haven> 23 1
8 [376] Own You Own You 73 1
9 [400] diablek diablek
47 1
10 [232] Hephaestus EcoGoesUp
<Torment> 6 1
11 [160] Kirti Kirts 1 1
12 [350] no pain no gain
24 1
13 [418] Execute Execute <In Sequence> 156 1
14 [300] mnor mnor
<Rapture> 20 1
15 [220] Minion375 Doodeheefver
5 1
16 [358] Malachi Nosferatu <Valhalla> 53 1
17 [350] Bot Name User Name
<Storage> 40 1
18 [413] Radylyt Lyrad <Escapism> 205 1
19 [280] The Cyboork ActiveX
18 1
20 [255] Jaz Jaziran
13 1