
AA1 [41]
Denarii [168]
Founded on:
2024-07-01 19:12:09 [68 days ago]
IRC channel:
Trophy points:
Average level:
Daily tax:
1,485,440 [44 days of tax]
Energy total:
Energy month:
43,108 (x0.65)


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2024 191st 236th


rank logo level rank botname username plats wins losses ratio energy energy month EPH status manage
1 [38] Recruit Diphthamide AA33 1 101 4,042 0.02 15,858 2,728 (x0.82) 20 offline
2 [39] Recruit Threonine AA17 1 104 8,699 0.01 13,869 2,724 (x0.82) 20 offline
3 [39] Recruit Tryptophan AA18 1 102 8,579 0.01 16,828 2,720 (x0.81) 20 offline
4 [38] Recruit Nitroarginine AA35 1 101 3,813 0.03 16,510 2,720 (x0.81) 20 offline
5 [38] Recruit Furanomycin AA30 1 101 5,304 0.02 15,606 2,700 (x0.81) 20 offline
6 [39] Recruit Methionine AA13 1 103 8,436 0.01 12,123 2,608 (x0.78) 20 offline
7 [39] Recruit Saccharopine AA31 1 101 5,249 0.02 8,743 2,504 (x0.75) 20 offline
8 [39] Recruit Thyronine AA27 1 101 5,319 0.02 14,257 2,288 (x0.69) 20 offline
9 [38] Recruit Hypusine AA24 1 100 5,115 0.02 17,624 2,040 (x0.61) 20 offline
10 [38] Recruit Mimosine AA28 1 100 4,731 0.02 17,908 2,040 (x0.61) 20 offline
11 [38] Recruit Allysine AA29 1 202 4,873 0.04 17,720 2,040 (x0.61) 20 offline
12 [38] Recruit Ergothioneine AA32 1 101 4,204 0.02 17,160 2,040 (x0.61) 20 offline
13 [38] Recruit Lanthionine AA25 1 101 4,783 0.02 18,172 1,992 (x0.60) 20 offline
14 [39] Recruit Citrulline AA23 1 100 5,231 0.02 15,932 1,856 (x0.56) 20 offline
15 [39] Recruit Valine AA20 1 103 8,020 0.01 13,096 1,704 (x0.51) 20 offline
16 [39] Recruit GABA AA22 1 101 5,850 0.02 9,166 1,696 (x0.51) 20 offline
17 [40] Recruit Phenylalanine AA14 1 103 9,474 0.01 7,801 1,688 (x0.51) 20 offline
18 [40] Recruit Aspartate AA4 1 104 10,528 0.01 13,810 1,680 (x0.50) 20 offline
19 [39] Recruit Muscazone AA34 1 101 4,282 0.02 13,642 1,680 (x0.50) 20 offline
20 [40] Recruit Arginine AA2 1 103 12,431 0.01 7,853 1,660 (x0.50) 20 offline
21 [40] Recruit Glutamate AA6 1 103 10,625 0.01 9,685 1,660 (x0.50) 20 offline
22 [40] Recruit Glycine AA8 1 103 10,436 0.01 8,442 1,660 (x0.50) 20 offline
23 [40] Recruit Proline AA15 1 103 8,959 0.01 15,985 1,660 (x0.50) 20 offline
24 [40] Recruit Tyrosine AA19 1 103 8,639 0.01 9,724 1,644 (x0.49) 20 offline
25 [40] Recruit Histidine AA9 1 103 9,068 0.01 12,837 1,640 (x0.49) 20 offline
26 [40] Recruit Isoleucine AA10 1 103 9,460 0.01 11,867 1,640 (x0.49) 20 offline
27 [40] Recruit Lysine AA12 1 103 9,608 0.01 8,930 1,640 (x0.49) 20 offline
28 [40] Recruit Serine AA16 1 104 9,595 0.01 7,734 1,640 (x0.49) 20 offline
29 [39] Recruit Canaline AA26 1 101 5,105 0.02 7,323 1,620 (x0.49) 20 offline
30 [40] Recruit Cysteine AA5 1 103 10,739 0.01 6,141 696 (x0.21) 20 offline
31 [40] Recruit Leucine AA11 1 103 10,386 0.01 5,060 680 (x0.20) 20 offline
32 [41] Commander Alanine AA1 1 107 11,408 0.01 12,316 548 (x0.16) 20 offline
33 [41] Recruit Asparagine AA3 1 105 11,487 0.01 10,097 548 (x0.16) 20 offline
34 [41] Recruit Glutamine AA7 1 103 9,746 0.01 14,275 540 (x0.16) 20 offline
35 [41] Recruit Ornithine AA21 1 102 6,130 0.02 6,838 540 (x0.16) 20 offline


The members of <AA1> have collected 35 platinum trophies:

times name description
100.0 Ratio Have a 100.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.