
asd81 [58]
Boo16 [321]
Founded on:
2024-09-28 07:54:56 [84 days ago]
IRC channel:
Trophy points:
Average level:
Daily tax:
3,823,685 [11.6 days of tax]
Energy total:
Energy month:
144,515 (x0.74)


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2024 293rd 141st 132nd


rank logo level rank botname username plats wins losses ratio energy energy month EPH status manage
1 [57] Recruit asd89 asd89 9 6,370 0.00 40,100 9,800 (x1.00) 20 offline
2 [57] Recruit asd100 asd100 9 6,484 0.00 29,880 9,800 (x1.00) 20 offline
3 [53] Recruit asd94 asd94 7 5,766 0.00 27,149 9,100 (x0.93) 20 offline
4 [53] Recruit asd92 asd92 7 5,822 0.00 33,903 8,520 (x0.87) 20 offline
5 [57] Recruit asd103 asd103 9 6,045 0.00 29,418 8,500 (x0.87) 20 offline
6 [57] Recruit asd102 asd102 9 6,281 0.00 32,705 8,460 (x0.86) 20 offline
7 [57] Recruit asd104 asd104 11 5,850 0.00 32,618 8,460 (x0.86) 20 offline
8 [58] Recruit asd97 asd97 8 7,624 0.00 35,310 8,068 (x0.82) 20 offline
9 [58] Recruit asd105 asd105 9 6,170 0.00 33,361 8,040 (x0.82) 20 offline
10 [57] Recruit asd107 asd107 41 5,468 0.01 37,256 6,956 (x0.71) 20 offline
11 [57] Recruit asd99 asd99 9 5,836 0.00 36,944 6,644 (x0.68) 20 offline
12 [57] Recruit asd109 asd109 9 5,910 0.00 36,924 6,624 (x0.68) 20 offline
13 [58] Recruit asd108 asd108 9 5,971 0.00 36,484 6,184 (x0.63) 20 offline
14 [58] Recruit asd84 asd84 9 6,118 0.00 34,970 6,180 (x0.63) 20 offline
15 [53] Recruit asd95 asd95 10 5,518 0.00 32,520 6,180 (x0.63) 20 offline
16 [58] Recruit asd113 asd113 10 5,861 0.00 36,515 6,180 (x0.63) 20 offline
17 [57] Recruit asd111 asd111 10 5,862 0.00 33,075 6,175 (x0.63) 20 offline
18 [57] Recruit asd88 asd88 12 5,834 0.00 35,424 5,124 (x0.52) 20 offline
19 [58] Recruit asd106 asd106 9 6,352 0.00 35,102 4,772 (x0.49) 20 offline
20 [58] Recruit asd101 asd101 9 6,817 0.00 29,000 4,748 (x0.48) 20 offline
21 [58] Recruit asd85 asd85 7 6,048 0.00 34,040 4,732 (x0.48) 20 offline
22 [58] Recruit asd119 asd119 10 5,645 0.00 33,815 4,724 (x0.48) 20 offline
23 [58] Commander asd81 asd81 7 6,108 0.00 35,020 4,720 (x0.48) 20 offline
24 [58] Recruit asd86 asd86 7 6,058 0.00 35,016 4,716 (x0.48) 20 offline
25 [58] Recruit asd112 asd112 11 6,172 0.00 34,058 4,704 (x0.48) 20 offline
26 [58] Recruit asd82 asd82 9 6,327 0.00 35,011 4,686 (x0.48) 20 offline
27 [58] Recruit asd118 asd118 10 6,039 0.00 33,556 4,684 (x0.48) 20 offline
28 [58] Recruit asd83 asd83 13 6,296 0.00 34,262 4,680 (x0.48) 20 offline
29 [59] Recruit asd110 asd110 10 6,126 0.00 34,096 3,796 (x0.39) 20 offline
30 [54] Recruit asd96 asd96 7 6,696 0.00 27,544 3,760 (x0.38) 20 offline
31 [53] Recruit asd114 asd114 7 6,561 0.00 19,848 3,742 (x0.38) 20 offline
32 [53] Recruit asd93 asd93 7 5,436 0.00 12,152 3,728 (x0.38) 20 offline
33 [53] Recruit asd115 asd115 8 6,649 0.00 15,291 3,720 (x0.38) 20 offline
34 [56] Recruit asd116 asd116 9 5,350 0.00 22,320 3,164 (x0.32) 20 offline
35 [57] Recruit asd90 asd90 11 6,152 0.00 30,506 2,978 (x0.30) 20 offline
36 [57] Recruit asd87 asd87 10 6,435 0.00 29,419 2,855 (x0.29) 20 offline
37 [55] Recruit asd117 asd117 11 5,044 0.00 28,145 1,840 (x0.19) 20 offline
38 [58] Recruit asd120 asd120 11 6,321 0.00 17,948 1,408 (x0.14) 20 offline
39 [54] Recruit asd91 asd91 7 5,883 0.00 23,069 55 (x0.01) 20 offline
40 [54] Recruit asd98 asd98 7 5,740 0.00 25,669 24 (x0.00) 20 offline


The members of <ASD3> have not collected any platinum trophies.