254 correlation (3+ ratio)
235 vonclausewitz (3+ ratio, altho now it's at 2.9 it will be back up soon)
207 chickenbites
207 drabinoti (3+ ratio)
196 silentcontrol (3+ ratio)
150 snape
146 trainer1000
145 motivation
145 trainer998
botmail me or find me on the chat for leveling or windumping inquiries.
-I don't sell bots. I don't make bots for people.
-The price is 1 star or 10$USD for a full rape, you click. (3.0+ ratio whores of course)
-The price is 1 star or 10$USD for 1200 windumps, I click. (can take 48=72 hours sometimes, depending on real life obligations)
-The listed bots level up often so check the level of the bot before PM'ing me
-I don't energy-dump.
Thank you for your time. Have a good day everyone.
- Simon