february 2011 bots

Clan Rankings

Bot Rankings

rank level botname username clan plats wins losses energy energy month
1 [74] AquaRegia Emanuel <1337 Scripters> 4,389 697 4,206 4,206 (x6.78)
2 [85] Shadowfax Shadowfax <Aflac Insurance Inc> 2,500 860 2,886 2,886 (x4.65)
3 [96] Intsecuris Intsecuris <-ID-> 7,679 1,527 2,645 2,645 (x4.27)
4 [81] Holy Lucifer ForThePeople <Dark Legacy> 3,088 1,515 2,257 2,257 (x3.64)
5 [114] FNIX FNIX <ArmagedoN> 16,390 8,769 2,026 2,026 (x3.27)
6 [39] Demon Of Judgement Asmodeus <Rise of Nations> 615 669 1,960 1,960 (x3.16)
7 [73] Paria Nales <Roadkill> 3,438 1,579 1,681 1,681 (x2.71)
8 [80] Dynamitecop Dynamitecop <Rise of Nations> 2,879 1,759 1,332 1,332 (x2.15)
9 [57] Baked StonedNOwning <-ID-> 429 215 1,303 1,303 (x2.10)
10 [113] Off Off <ArmagedoN> 1,803 1,942 1,299 1,299 (x2.10)
11 [40] rada Rader11 <Rise of Nations> 143 293 1,280 1,280 (x2.06)
12 [102] Boo Bazza <ArmagedoN> 13,554 3,464 1,218 1,218 (x1.96)
13 [94] ComedicName ComedicName <-ID-> 1,181 871 1,139 1,139 (x1.84)
14 [90] doDoT doDoT <-ID-> 1,429 2,038 1,123 1,123 (x2.16)
15 [59] Masterath Masterath <ArmagedoN> 1,981 272 1,117 1,117 (x1.80)
16 [114] Bahamut Zero Dragon Summoner <Fuck You> 600 305 1,114 1,114 (x1.80)
17 [64] zvEr PrPrO <ArmagedoN> 747 590 1,099 1,099 (x1.77)
18 [65] The Relic Zal <Dawn of Destiny> 468 397 1,073 1,073 (x1.73)
19 [78] seraphina dot2 <ArmagedoN> 203 48 1,067 1,067 (x1.72)
20 [71] eXport eXport <-ID-> 1,144 914 1,051 1,051 (x1.88)
21 [69] erio erio <-ID-> 878 955 934 934 (x1.51)
22 [70] BasheR BasheR <ArmagedoN> 16,410 373 876 876 (x1.41)
23 [60] Leipelouie Leipelouie <ArmagedoN> 907 558 811 811 (x1.31)
24 [114] The Warden The Warden <ArmagedoN> 1,664 1,935 794 794 (x1.28)
25 [81] Aloysius surge <-ID-> 1,588 1,455 654 654 (x3.27)
26 [35] Azure-Dream Angelo <Dawn of Destiny> 317 57 636 636 (x1.03)
27 [49] Lindane Wraithan <-ID-> 94 15 580 580 (x0.97)
28 [35] dragonrose dragonrose <-ID-> 148 384 564 564 (x0.91)
29 [51] conthedon conthedon <-ID-> 301 693 560 560 (x1.00)
30 [114] TheCause TheCause <-ID-> 6,644 5,344 541 541 (x0.87)
31 [28] The Teddy Bear Vrexu <-ID-> 344 441 540 540 (x1.00)
32 [85] RAIDEN tontofac3 <-ID-> 6,893 1,898 449 449 (x0.72)
33 [70] 122110beta Shoegazer <ArmagedoN> 12,530 641 397 397 (x0.90)
34 [51] Boktor Jans <Aflac Insurance Inc> 602 246 260 260 (x1.00)
35 [114] Hapi Takusic <Hapi Daze> 4,929 4,802 213 213 (x1.07)
36 [80] kaapo kaapo <Rise of Nations> 1,281 1,148 140 140 (x0.23)
37 [75] Chapo Chapo <Rise of Nations> 1,738 1,760 124 124 (x0.20)
38 [37] bex bex <Rise of Nations> 237 167 120 120 (x1.00)
39 [69] BizzyNaut GessGuitar <Just For Kick's> 649 876 120 120 (x0.21)
41 [79] Radylyt Lyrad <Testing clan> 187 269 100 100 (x0.16)
42 [65] lunchbox lunchbox <Krenshaw Krew> 553 769 80 80 (x1.00)
43 [63] ReToX ReToX <-ID-> 1,290 920 80 80 (x0.13)
44 [110] Carrion Sirens Song <Rise of Nations> 1,772 4,136 60 60 (x0.10)
45 [81] The Answer The Answer <Rise of Nations> 196 3,160 60 60 (x0.10)
46 [78] Smexy Voxymaus <ArmagedoN> 294 194 54 54 (x0.09)
47 [93] spud spud <Testing clan> 528 852 40 40 (x0.06)
48 [99] Torn Pride Tucks <Aflac Insurance Inc> 1,359 741 40 40 (x0.10)