march 2011 bots

Bots for this month's records are incorrectly capped at level 114. See for details.
Clan Rankings

Bot Rankings

rank level botname username clan plats wins losses energy energy month
1 [74] Mr Grey Mr Grey <Aflac Insurance Inc> 5,918 651 90,111 90,111 (x9.90)
2 [79] Demon Soul Vision <Ascendance> 4,948 1,023 78,171 78,171 (x20.90)
3 [82] Pukalasas Pukis <ArmagedoN> 6,334 2,116 65,851 65,851 (x5.80)
4 [75] Punisher Punisher <ArmagedoN> 5,151 1,978 62,314 62,314 (x4.59)
5 [106] Boo Bazza <Aflac Insurance Inc> 19,156 5,762 60,134 60,134 (x4.57)
6 [78] Pukutis Pukis2 <ArmagedoN> 4,356 1,691 55,307 55,307 (x6.05)
7 [82] BasheR BasheR <ArmagedoN> 24,428 1,770 52,083 51,207 (x3.45)
8 [71] crumble crumble <Aflac Insurance Inc> 3,151 1,165 50,104 50,104 (x5.79)
9 [67] andriusha andriusha <Ragatke> 2,884 403 46,865 46,865 (x12.60)
10 [68] Twisted Reflection Warbringer <Ascendance> 2,669 444 44,906 44,906 (x13.61)
11 [77] Talisker Samuli <Aflac Insurance Inc> 3,480 1,159 44,114 44,114 (x3.86)
12 [87] Ciuc Ciuc <Faith> 6,692 2,674 40,969 40,969 (x5.07)
13 [69] Metroplex Kerrod <Ascendance> 2,498 438 38,211 38,211 (x13.09)
14 [77] SveT1mas Robertas <Ragatke> 4,255 658 37,198 37,198 (x5.24)
15 [83] Vengeance Rivan <Ascendance> 7,406 1,537 36,018 36,018 (x3.57)
16 [72] LittleCause LittleCause <Faith> 2,304 604 35,651 35,651 (x7.78)
17 [81] Number Two Number Two <Guild Of AwesomeMen> 2,947 2,061 35,085 35,085 (x3.24)
18 [69] ProphetView ProphetView <Faith> 2,277 659 34,797 34,797 (x9.72)
19 [84] Thronar JB6BigDog <The Covenant> 5,345 3,092 33,437 33,437 (x4.09)
20 [75] Escargot Alllotrope <Aflac Insurance Inc> 2,500 1,169 32,769 32,769 (x3.90)
21 [85] Syzygy Champion <Aflac Insurance Inc> 7,693 4,077 32,742 32,742 (x7.21)
22 [98] MarVeL MarVeL <Faith> 3,846 2,050 31,579 31,579 (x4.19)
23 [80] FlamingShadow Blitz <Ascendance> 4,012 1,832 30,889 30,889 (x4.29)
24 [76] Dark Raiden tontoface <Publix> 2,583 946 30,807 30,807 (x2.70)
26 [96] Shadowfax Shadowfax <Aflac Insurance Inc> 4,567 1,942 31,800 28,914 (x1.95)
27 [75] Mater Pas <ArmagedoN> 1,972 723 28,846 28,846 (x12.99)
28 [71] Alice DreamSweet <-ID-> 2,096 591 28,349 28,349 (x3.45)
29 [69] excalibur King Arthur <-ID-> 2,409 1,272 28,334 28,334 (x2.68)
30 [87] VonLichtenstein Alex <The Covenant> 6,059 933 27,462 27,462 (x3.06)
31 [58] Impurity axle2 <Evil Empire> 2,191 523 26,685 26,685 (x3.92)
32 [70] Xegde Xegde <Publix> 2,043 777 26,593 26,593 (x13.30)
33 [64] ATOMIC MOUSE Mouse <Aflac Insurance Inc> 1,869 261 26,218 26,218 (x6.59)
34 [68] Supremacy xxBlitzxx <Ascendance> 1,698 333 25,897 25,897 (x8.99)
35 [76] Adversary axle <ArmagedoN> 2,644 541 25,645 25,645 (x1.89)
36 [78] Fasaderobot Fasader <Guild Of AwesomeMen> 2,349 1,455 25,526 25,526 (x2.35)
37 [63] Machinae Supremacy Player One <Aflac Insurance Inc> 1,496 218 24,639 24,639 (x6.22)
38 [68] number number <Guild Of AwesomeMen> 1,822 539 22,958 22,958 (x3.09)
39 [69] WINNING CharlieSheen <ArmagedoN> 2,606 847 22,237 22,237 (x3.02)
40 [66] Belgarath Belgarath <Faith> 1,401 280 22,190 22,190 (x4.95)
41 [68] 762 Random <Guild Of AwesomeMen> 1,580 752 21,977 21,977 (x2.61)
42 [74] Boktor Jans <Aflac Insurance Inc> 4,042 2,617 21,208 20,948 (x1.41)
43 [60] Nyyrikki MixalisOwen <Dark Legacy> 1,252 334 20,613 20,613 (x2.81)
44 [62] Sneakattack sneakattack <NME> 1,317 274 20,579 20,579 (x3.06)
45 [92] Holy Lucifer ForThePeople <Dark Legacy> 4,562 2,241 22,204 19,947 (x1.34)
46 [114] CloudNine Timbuktu <Ascendance> 7,913 2,933 19,885 19,885 (x2.18)
47 [62] GhostRider GhostHunter <Ascendance> 1,050 205 19,420 19,420 (x5.49)
48 [83] 772 PPA2011 <Mafia> 6,189 1,535 19,263 19,263 (x1.70)
49 [91] Virustron Virus <Publix> 2,929 2,286 18,286 18,286 (x1.73)
50 [91] doDoT doDoT <Aflac Insurance Inc> 2,617 2,846 18,282 18,282 (x1.43)
51 [76] Who Guess <ArmagedoN> 1,981 1,338 18,212 18,212 (x3.50)
52 [100] Allotrope Allotrope <Aflac Insurance Inc> 991 1,550 17,927 17,927 (x1.57)
53 [68] Duden jappo <ArmagedoN> 2,394 1,344 17,746 17,746 (x1.70)
54 [69] numbertwo numbertwo <Guild Of AwesomeMen> 1,932 1,221 16,572 16,572 (x1.85)
55 [56] larry mranders <The Covenant> 1,027 272 16,379 16,379 (x2.16)
56 [58] RunTest TestRun <Aflac Insurance Inc> 1,563 444 16,198 16,198 (x2.47)
57 [76] The GreatOne Jabroni <ArmagedoN> 2,123 829 15,874 15,874 (x2.91)
58 [69] DemonDriver Darklord <Ascendance> 1,386 252 15,590 15,590 (x8.47)
59 [48] Xan Champion2 <Aflac Insurance Inc> 867 206 15,470 15,470 (x9.67)
60 [76] ChaoZph mfchaoz <The Covenant> 5,491 1,733 15,440 15,440 (x1.83)
61 [78] Marcaine Marcaine <Autobots> 5,687 1,021 15,089 15,089 (x7.05)
62 [55] Tjappio Tjappio <ArmagedoN> 1,433 689 14,737 14,737 (x1.42)
63 [114] Hapi Takusic <Aflac Insurance Inc> 5,109 4,857 14,092 14,092 (x1.21)
64 [114] Bahamut Zero Dragon Summoner <Aflac Insurance Inc> 688 339 14,060 14,060 (x1.07)
65 [85] Radylyt Lyrad <Dark Legacy> 1,127 878 14,056 14,056 (x1.53)
66 [73] andrius andrius <Ragatke> 2,735 1,184 13,796 13,796 (x2.45)
67 [71] Alan 2 Alan 2 <-ID-> 1,766 1,183 13,787 13,787 (x2.36)
68 [55] Alan 3 Alan 3 <-ID-> 900 407 13,738 13,738 (x2.58)
69 [61] Ezio Jaredx <Publix> 884 384 13,526 13,526 (x3.54)
70 [79] ChainSaw Roten <Saw> 1,757 809 13,516 13,516 (x5.93)
71 [65] hairyballz tlegend <ArmagedoN> 2,859 712 13,022 13,022 (x1.29)
72 [60] Digiwave noiZ <Teabagging Zion> 903 493 12,992 12,992 (x1.90)
73 [114] Off Off <Armageddon> 2,528 2,628 12,836 12,836 (x1.13)
74 [112] ghost ignacio <Publix> 4,143 3,262 12,812 12,812 (x1.12)
75 [74] paulius1 Paulius <Ragatke> 1,665 747 12,750 12,750 (x2.53)
76 [114] FNIX FNIX <Armageddon> 16,996 9,207 12,608 12,608 (x1.11)
77 [76] Quintus Quintus <Guild Of AwesomeMen> 1,756 1,580 12,570 12,570 (x1.16)
78 [60] frankTHEtank eint <The Covenant> 1,248 402 11,811 11,811 (x15.54)
79 [47] DeBiLiTaToR XdB <ArmagedoN> 811 220 11,729 11,729 (x6.31)
80 [83] Spawn Spawn <Dark Legacy> 1,581 678 11,345 11,345 (x2.32)
81 [48] Moonshine xBlitzx <Ascendance> 711 372 11,341 11,341 (x1.51)
82 [47] LightReverser2 MrPayment2 <The Covenant> 730 387 11,312 11,312 (x2.05)
83 [82] seraphina dot2 <Armageddon> 4,241 965 11,140 11,140 (x1.46)
84 [101] Intsecuris Intsecuris <Faith> 8,811 2,239 10,877 10,877 (x1.42)
85 [70] Poliam XiaoXiao <ArmagedoN> 3,035 1,608 10,438 10,438 (x1.14)
86 [63] Mr Brown Mr Brown <Aflac Insurance Inc> 1,656 456 10,220 10,220 (x63.88)
87 [80] ANOMALY drock <Evil Empire> 723 1,057 10,150 10,150 (x1.49)
88 [73] Archangel Gabriel <Faith> 908 766 10,099 10,099 (x1.56)
89 [69] g16 gelotot <Lethal Interjection> 1,376 915 9,674 9,674 (x2.00)
90 [60] round table Sir Lancelot <Cookies> 929 497 9,619 9,619 (x2.43)
91 [109] Torn Pride Tucks <Faith> 2,036 1,591 9,248 9,248 (x1.29)
92 [75] Lazerus Lazerus <Aflac Insurance Inc> 6,210 1,464 8,848 8,848 (x2.42)
93 [74] dexsir dexsir <Cookies> 1,380 1,165 8,688 8,688 (x1.11)
94 [54] Supreme Oppressor Quellor <Highway to Hell> 487 164 8,632 8,632 (x2.37)
95 [62] Ranjin Ranjin <ArmagedoN> 2,444 157 8,543 8,543 (x6.89)
96 [110] RAIDEN tontofac3 <Publix> 8,707 3,724 8,537 8,537 (x0.75)
97 [79] JaLoSjoS daikalaboto <The Covenant> 4,411 1,777 8,466 8,466 (x2.03)
99 [114] TheCause TheCause <Faith> 7,068 5,614 8,195 8,195 (x1.01)
100 [34] Ironhide Ironhide <Autobots> 954 1 8,124 8,124 (x10.16)