august 2011 clans

Bots for this month's records are incorrectly capped at level 114. See for details.
Bot Rankings

Clan Rankings

rank clan (id) owner members plats ratio energy energy month
60 <Badger Den> Allotrope [114] 4 0.52 42,998 18,215 (x0.32)
12 <Synergos> Alysha [59] 20 1.99 169,002 140,937 (x1.14)
99 <Ice Cream Surprise> Angelina Jolie [114] 1 0.63 4,844 4,844 (x1.04)
138 <dSc> Angelov [94] 2 1.16 397 397 (x0.04)
149 <Nazgul Riders> ANNIHILATOR [114] 1 0.17 532 160 (x0.01)
142 <Rough Riders> Audiophobic [58] 1 0.02 740 360 (x0.02)
130 <South Park> AWESOMO [114] 1 1.07 989 669 (x0.05)
13 <Ruckus> axle [55] 4 39.55 138,027 138,027 (x9.06)
17 <Ego Sum Deus> Azurik [114] 6 0.79 101,526 100,745 (x1.67)
34 <ROFL> Beh [38] 16 0.27 48,020 48,020 (x0.26)
14 <USB> Berserk [76] 20 2.63 121,967 121,967 (x1.34)
89 <snow midgets> bex [114] 4 0.34 6,553 6,553 (x0.69)
40 <Pokemon> Blastoise [68] 16 0.37 34,547 34,547 (x0.35)
143 <Blood River> Blood River [70] 2 0.41 3,822 356 (x0.01)
95 <BOTS Emporium> BooKitty [80] 8 0.08 5,036 5,036 (x0.09)
84 <Castaways> boss vly [73] 3 0.01 9,502 8,442 (x0.19)
136 <Braden> braden [24] 2 0.70 404 404 (x0.67)
122 <420> CalIBomber420 2 [83] 3 0.24 2,206 1,698 (x0.05)
96 <Not Neps> CashCow [88] 20 0.00 5,022 5,022 (x0.04)
63 <Crap Corner> Chiyo chan [47] 3 0.60 17,611 17,611 (x0.59)
118 <Iron Skull> ClanLord [114] 6 0.80 2,046 2,046 (x0.27)
72 <Moose Mafia> clr [69] 6 0.28 11,664 11,664 (x1.05)
57 <Crystal Castles> CrystalCastles [32] 6 0.12 19,171 19,171 (x0.82)
16 <Cataclysmic> cwgarza [85] 20 1.80 108,946 108,946 (x1.30)
78 <Dark Star> Dark Entity [106] 3 1.17 9,273 9,273 (x2.58)
67 <Windows> Debian [60] 7 0.24 15,946 15,946 (x0.74)
80 <Pimpalu balius> Dog [106] 3 1.85 8,803 8,803 (x1.08)
51 <See what happens> dothisforlife [58] 2 3.96 22,432 22,432 (x1.28)
35 <Why you attackMe> Draoi [114] 17 0.43 53,468 46,933 (x0.22)
27 <Cyberdyne Systems> DrummingDude [70] 10 1.83 62,042 62,042 (x3.33)
81 <the natives> dunkeylips [98] 3 0.44 8,798 8,798 (x0.68)
132 <HANG COOL TEDDYBEAR> DUNNO [69] 1 0.25 529 529 (x0.70)
9 <Sine Iustitia> Dux [74] 16 3.28 278,974 234,610 (x1.38)
100 <Only Hope> EarlyDemise [79] 4 0.15 4,726 4,726 (x0.14)
107 <Ofgen> EON [110] 3 1.77 3,609 3,609 (x0.54)
58 <Mecha Boosack> EPIC [114] 7 0.31 18,923 18,823 (x0.34)
134 <rape me> exhale [82] 1 1.16 3,051 418 (x0.03)
113 <Invictus> Falken [61] 2 0.36 3,330 2,720 (x0.09)
54 <Slim Chance> Final Orders [61] 2 7.42 20,270 20,270 (x1.93)
135 <Solitary Confinement> Forever Unknown [83] 2 0.01 826 406 (x0.01)
106 <Circus> Gandalf [82] 9 0.35 4,953 3,945 (x0.05)
25 <Chivas Regal> Gilbert [32] 18 1.33 76,401 76,401 (x0.97)
86 <Resonance> Good HopeINTEL [105] 5 2.82 7,646 7,646 (x0.71)
19 <Google Plus> Google [63] 7 3.33 111,591 89,017 (x1.11)
2 <Atreides> gr33n [64] 19 3.40 1,447,736 986,876 (x4.06)
104 <Power Rangers> Green Ranger [114] 1 0.65 4,313 4,313 (x0.61)
65 <The Sith Trainees> gunsmith [46] 10 1.31 17,384 17,384 (x1.45)
141 <Clanu lu Peste> Haha [70] 4 0.18 3,182 360 (x0.01)
93 <Zero> Hallucinogen [114] 3 0.66 5,791 5,791 (x0.30)
114 <Satans Spawn> hAVIK [33] 2 0.08 9,909 2,693 (x0.09)
56 <PAIN> Hawk666 [55] 2 2.45 19,580 19,580 (x1.84)
154 <Beat Down> Hivemind [73] 1 0.05 20 20 (x0.00)
48 <Xenophobia> Hobo [113] 8 1.59 24,754 24,754 (x0.97)
129 <Anarchy> Hog5150 [63] 1 0.29 704 704 (x0.50)
18 <Synced> HowWeRoll [113] 16 0.82 291,513 90,248 (x0.38)
11 <Infinite Stratos> humbucker01 [71] 4 4.28 150,718 150,718 (x5.82)
43 <Zen> Ilithrial [114] 18 0.46 39,523 32,708 (x0.14)
83 <The Tribe> J1gsaw [68] 2 4.63 8,725 8,725 (x1.17)
133 <College Humor> JakeandAmir [23] 5 2.50 480 480 (x1.00)
102 <terminaters> jayden [54] 4 0.08 4,566 4,566 (x0.49)
42 <Hollywood Hoes> Jessica Alba [114] 5 0.74 55,884 33,262 (x0.48)
127 <Holocaust> JSOPX [91] 1 0.31 956 887 (x0.06)
73 <Seiiki> Kijiri [76] 1 0.78 16,508 11,140 (x0.76)
68 <Akinyemi> Kings [69] 2 0.63 29,399 14,975 (x0.51)
115 <Baboon Face> klaja26 [58] 2 0.51 2,444 2,444 (x0.55)
52 <The Winners> Koreans FTW [62] 4 1.02 22,408 22,408 (x0.88)
85 <Random Neps> Kudos [114] 5 0.05 8,057 8,057 (x0.31)
131 <Destiny> KurgV3 [27] 8 7.48 650 650 (x1.02)
112 <The A Team> Littledawg [91] 4 0.10 6,569 2,847 (x0.06)
62 <Krenshaw Krew> lunchbox [86] 5 0.85 17,805 17,805 (x0.87)
49 <Dexies pwnage> Mainor II [114] 14 0.54 61,478 23,476 (x0.12)
30 <Mandalorian Gods> Mandalorian [53] 12 0.83 57,146 57,146 (x0.77)
31 <Melange> Messiah [102] 13 0.39 59,959 55,463 (x0.33)
146 <Unholy Alliance> Mikey [70] 1 0.49 590 192 (x0.01)
53 <Black Flames> Mithrandon [114] 12 0.23 35,557 21,840 (x0.16)
41 <MOD SQUAD> mod475 [63] 3 4.99 34,075 34,075 (x3.40)
66 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [101] 7 0.52 18,452 16,269 (x0.16)
152 <Polo> Muugi 4 [78] 2 0.05 40 40 (x0.00)
21 <Crystal Planet> Muugi 6 [56] 2 10.58 87,578 87,578 (x5.18)
97 <BloodThirstyKillers> MyLittlePwny [78] 5 0.28 13,668 5,002 (x0.07)
55 <the killers> nathan180 [72] 15 2.06 19,888 19,888 (x1.09)
8 <Heartattack And Vine> neps [114] 20 6.69 497,059 247,087 (x1.10)
92 <Anger Bangers> Nevermore [92] 2 0.19 6,260 5,793 (x0.20)
79 <The Shadow Angels> nick1973 [72] 16 0.24 14,823 9,259 (x0.04)
39 <Down and Dirty> Nickelback [64] 14 13.25 40,304 40,164 (x1.80)
144 <Immortalis> Nightmare V2 [68] 1 2.24 239 239 (x0.80)
69 <Manhattan> norel [66] 2 4.75 12,639 12,639 (x3.02)
47 <The Lonely Island> Nosferatu [108] 5 1.93 24,974 24,974 (x6.24)
91 <SGC> Oden [66] 2 0.26 5,842 5,842 (x0.44)
77 <Bottom dwelling nom> of Intelligence [65] 1 0.89 9,625 9,625 (x1.21)
4 <Rapture> Off [114] 20 4.17 808,035 560,603 (x2.78)
88 <Clan Whatever> oOo [55] 1 5.87 6,603 6,603 (x1.00)
75 <The Glorious> palikka [71] 8 0.49 22,508 10,226 (x0.10)
101 <When Worlds Collide> pandax [75] 5 0.55 4,622 4,622 (x0.54)
33 <Hells Angels> Persephone [31] 5 2.63 48,114 48,114 (x1.09)
64 <Kowazi> PopThatPussy [80] 4 0.71 17,562 17,562 (x0.40)
28 <SlutOrama> Redbeer [87] 17 0.17 61,308 61,308 (x0.46)
108 <Mercy> Richard [49] 5 0.15 3,368 3,368 (x0.14)
44 <Bots Of Sweden> RiggsonINT [114] 12 0.49 75,443 30,441 (x0.22)
151 <Toon Town> Roger [58] 1 0.02 40 40 (x0.00)
145 <sClan> s01 [37] 2 0.23 220 220 (x0.32)
23 <gradol> Sasaki [56] 4 11.53 154,288 80,907 (x1.37)
50 <Revenant> Scythe [63] 17 0.25 22,773 22,773 (x0.14)
1 <Eternal> Sera [108] 20 6.12 2,655,764 1,852,949 (x6.30)
10 <Infinity> Seras [84] 20 0.57 190,366 167,998 (x0.68)
70 <simplyshredded> seven [112] 19 1.15 12,616 12,616 (x0.54)
32 <Killer Beez> Shogun [96] 4 1.56 52,478 52,478 (x0.98)
124 <Dominance> SideZ [87] 2 0.29 1,417 1,417 (x0.43)
111 <The Answer> Sir [77] 1 0.90 2,893 2,893 (x0.26)
20 <The SithLords> sithlord [69] 20 2.44 88,956 88,956 (x0.92)
45 <Shadows of Darkness> Skylordious [64] 7 2.31 29,810 29,810 (x0.59)
140 <AnGeLs AbOaRd> slyleo3 [85] 2 0.89 380 380 (x0.14)
153 <Free Energy> Someuseriii [94] 1 0.01 20 20 (x0.00)
123 <Maids> Soul Release [67] 7 0.17 1,616 1,616 (x0.05)
125 <The Question> Spam [99] 5 0.14 1,937 975 (x0.01)
155 <Bots Without Hats> Sparky [78] 1 0.03 62 2 (x0.00)
29 <Vendetta> Sphinx [81] 7 1.09 68,124 60,607 (x0.65)
119 <Australia> Spirit3 [91] 4 0.05 2,567 2,013 (x0.03)
87 <killa m fer> stardummy [70] 2 1.84 7,453 7,453 (x1.06)
61 <THIZZL4R3 BONZORS> STEET [69] 7 1.46 45,877 18,184 (x0.18)
110 <Affliction> stewie [91] 5 0.20 3,136 3,136 (x0.06)
82 <Venom> SushiKing [63] 3 0.30 21,439 8,768 (x0.20)
26 <ya basterds> SweetCandy [90] 10 0.68 67,102 67,102 (x0.80)
147 <EasyWins> TechnoKiller [30] 4 0.02 172 172 (x0.01)
15 <Knights Templar> The Pirate [110] 17 0.95 201,593 115,481 (x0.55)
7 <The Reason> TheCause [114] 20 1.99 365,896 307,194 (x1.95)
103 <FlamingDeath> TheElect [64] 3 0.30 4,472 4,472 (x0.22)
137 <Memory> theoctagon [90] 1 0.75 424 402 (x0.03)
109 <Dog Boy Daze> TheRareCreature [67] 6 0.41 5,745 3,352 (x0.04)
5 <The Bruces> Thoros [106] 20 4.39 753,365 545,729 (x2.59)
59 <Freaked Good> Tiberius [63] 2 4.27 18,471 18,471 (x1.06)
117 <tik e mart> tiki [59] 6 0.07 2,346 2,346 (x0.04)
94 <TeamINT by Neps> tint01 [23] 20 0.01 5,682 5,682 (x0.15)
6 <Civilian> Tintin [73] 20 4.28 480,648 480,648 (x3.15)
3 <Philippines> tjay [94] 20 5.71 849,487 636,735 (x3.26)
37 <Diablo> Ufopia [62] 6 1.37 119,658 44,760 (x0.51)
76 <Umbrella Corporation> Umbrella1 [96] 16 0.17 10,516 9,818 (x0.05)
90 <EBC> Unstoppable [38] 1 0.36 6,516 6,516 (x0.84)
24 <Starry Night> Van Gogh [64] 11 14.08 80,065 80,065 (x1.52)
120 <Default> Vestia [56] 1 1.31 1,768 1,768 (x0.82)
74 <Justice> Vindicate [114] 2 1.69 10,246 10,246 (x8.83)
128 <Ludus> w02 [21] 3 0.00 840 840 (x0.10)
139 <Drolje mrtve> whore01 [31] 5 0.00 382 382 (x0.02)
116 <Eternal Whores 1> whore1203 [34] 7 0.00 2,406 2,406 (x0.09)
150 <WeLoveEnergy> WhoreNumberThree [24] 4 0.17 128 128 (x1.60)
148 <Husaria> wilczek [84] 1 3.08 172 172 (x2.87)
126 <Widzman Clan> witit [78] 1 2.52 938 938 (x2.13)
36 <Trollface> Xenolution [78] 6 1.94 46,416 46,416 (x2.33)
98 <Doristars> xKissKissBangBangx [52] 4 4.00 4,904 4,904 (x3.61)
105 <Whores Da Boss> xXJWinkXx [109] 7 0.38 4,273 4,273 (x0.06)
22 <Noblesse Oblige> Yulia [72] 7 1.74 154,253 84,735 (x1.04)
71 <Dawn of Destiny> Zal [100] 12 0.34 24,978 12,102 (x0.07)
38 <Eternity> Zefix [84] 8 0.14 63,870 41,531 (x0.41)
121 <ZeClan> ZeOne [30] 20 0.10 1,750 1,750 (x0.23)
46 <Veg and Fruits> zlywilk [64] 2 4.51 27,420 27,420 (x3.56)