suit up


bronze Suit Up
Equipped an item in every slot.


Suit Up
Equipped an item in every slot.
Number in existence:

Recently collected

logo rank level botname username clan plats unlocked
1 [117] The Red Prince The Red Prince
<No Clan> 2 2024-12-02 19:43:24
[5 hours ago]
2 [139] Sebille Sebille <No Clan> 2 2024-12-02 17:36:29
[7 hours ago]
3 [8] Rudy Rudy
2024-12-02 14:16:13
[10 hours ago]
4 [59] Future Perfect Timesplitters 2024-12-02 12:43:08
[12 hours ago]
5 [74] EsvTheTarnished EsvTheTarnished
<Tarnished> 2024-12-01 19:48:38
[29 hours ago]
6 [22] The Malachorn The Malachorn <Tarnished> 1 2024-11-30 21:41:34
[2 days ago]
7 [32] Boltor SuperKCM 2024-11-30 21:27:27
[2 days ago]
8 [135] Fane Fane <No Clan> 2 2024-11-30 18:56:08
[2 days ago]
9 [130] Lohse Lohse
<No Clan> 2 2024-11-30 17:44:58
[2 days ago]
10 [97] DrEvilZal DrEvilZal <Tarnished> 1 2024-11-29 18:01:38
[3 days ago]
11 [66] Fully Tarnished Fully Tarnished <Tarnished> 1 2024-11-29 09:23:15
[3 days ago]
12 [45] OneHitWonder Kashie 2024-11-29 04:45:41
[3 days ago]
13 [31] pusskiss pusskiss 2024-11-28 19:45:23
[4 days ago]
14 [27] God Malachorn God Malachorn <Tarnished> 1 2024-11-28 17:31:49
[4 days ago]
15 [50] ZalTheTarnished ZalTheTarnished <Tarnished> 1 2024-11-28 16:47:13
[4 days ago]
16 [50] Sarada Sarada <Lusitania> 2024-11-28 00:04:07
[5 days ago]
17 [76] Goat558 FienteloDSS 1 2024-11-27 09:16:15
[5 days ago]
18 [30] Rohain Bitterbynde02 1 2024-11-27 01:28:16
[5 days ago]
19 [33] meamoneynow moneyme
2024-11-26 19:30:13
[6 days ago]
20 [27] Imrhien Bitterbynde01 1 2024-11-26 18:59:44
[6 days ago]