
Forum > Suggestions > Equipment Damage Option
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Viper X [80]
2011-06-13 13:01:17 🔗
[13 years, 270 days ago]

This is only a cosmetic suggestion of no major significance, but for those of us who actually like to watch our fights at times instead of doing other things and only clicking train/fight again, it might be nice with an option (or another way to handle it) to turn off the equipment damage messages in combat.

They serve little to no practical purpose, except perhaps for finding out what armor/shield your opponent is wearing, and add a ton of clutter to the fight log. Before equipment damage was enabled, it looked so much cleaner - even more so now that the chance for equipment to take damage seemingly is higher than it was in Bots2. I could be wrong about the last part though, maybe it just has been too long.

Either way, what you really want to know is when a piece of equipment reaches a certain durability, or when it loses all durability and starts to break down - not every single time out of 2000 or 4000 and so forth that it loses a single point.

Mental [98]
2011-06-13 13:25:12 🔗
[13 years, 270 days ago]

Nice would be nice to have option to turn on/off damage messages

Ender [57]
2011-06-13 14:30:46 🔗
[13 years, 270 days ago]

The amount of equipment damage spam will probably go down when I retweak how the checks are performed (only checking your armor when you take a hit, etc.).

That being said, I'll consider adding this.

Bazza [108]
2011-06-25 08:46:59 🔗
[13 years, 258 days ago]

It would be very nice if it was not shown in the first place. I hate my opponents fighting me 10/20 times online, just so he/her can check my build.

DarkNinjaMaster [75]
2011-06-25 20:35:07 🔗
[13 years, 258 days ago]

personally I like being able to fight you 10/20 times so I can check your build.

Although if I was really good it would only need to be once, and then because I can see your weapons and the amount of absorb, I would probably be able to figure out your build in a couple of hits.

But I'm not Pauss so yeah.

bluei [71]
2011-06-25 21:57:09 🔗
[13 years, 258 days ago]

Now that you can equip gear without the stats I think this is less of a problem. Like if I have answerers equipped I could have like 180str/90 dex or something even without redissing.

Forum > Suggestions > Equipment Damage Option
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