
Forum > Suggestions > Upvoting posts/comments
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Laurence [80]
2024-10-01 18:14:09 🔗
[177 days ago]

Not that we need this implementation, but I think it would be a nice little addition if we could upvote and/or react (with emojis or something similar) to posts and comments. It would spice up the engagement a little bit on here and seems like it wouldn’t be too difficult to implement, although I’m no coding expert.

Renewal [24]
2024-10-01 18:17:50 🔗
[177 days ago]

...I would love to downvote all of Fishwick's comments!

poop emoji. eggplant emoji.

Rautu [100]
2024-10-02 08:49:29 🔗
[177 days ago]

Eggplant?? You get a boner from Fishwick's posts?

Fishwick [135]
2024-10-02 09:33:51 🔗
[177 days ago]

Who wouldn't.

Interesting idea, might spice things up a bit for better or worse, would have to be done well or it would look very janky and out of place on these very old forums

Malz [21]
2024-10-02 09:45:03 🔗
[177 days ago]

I eat Viagra like tic tacs - constant boner.

Malz [21]
2024-10-02 09:45:50 🔗
[177 days ago]

Also, everything Fish does kinda just turns me on, tbh.

Gpof2 [138]
2024-10-02 11:59:31 🔗
[177 days ago]

clown emoji

Ender [1]
2024-10-26 19:49:59 🔗
[152 days ago]

I agree this would be nice. There are probably a good chunk more people reading things on the forums and having opinions than care to actually type something out, so it would be nice to get a quick pulse on things.

I've had this idea myself before too and was kind of worried about people using multiple bots to brigade, needing to build in protections against that, and so on, but maybe I'm overthinking the risk.

Ender [1]
2024-12-01 20:43:53 🔗
[116 days ago]

This is now added!

Tilda Swinton [26]
2024-12-01 20:48:59 🔗
[116 days ago]

Are you supposed to be able to add one of each type of vote?

Is this old timey Chicago, where everyone just votes as much as they like? :P

Ender [1]
2024-12-01 20:51:00 🔗
[116 days ago]

Yeah, I did it like Discord where the same user can add multiple different reactions.

(Note that there is some protection logic around IP addresses to make it more difficult for someone to spam the quantity of a given reaction on a given post.)

KudoCH [17]
2024-12-01 20:51:16 🔗
[116 days ago]

Ok, this is cool

Tilda Swinton [26]
2024-12-01 20:57:51 🔗
[116 days ago]

This reminds me; who thinks apple pie is better than brussel sprouts?

(downvote if you like brussel more sprouts and UPVOTE if you like pie!)

Forum > Suggestions > Upvoting posts/comments
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