
Forum > Questions > Where can I learn about energy?
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Fishwick [40]
2012-08-11 09:08:56 🔗
[12 years, 199 days ago]

Last time I played it was clan score, where can I read about it just to learn the basics? (Like why do I have an energy ratio, and how is it calculated)

neps [363]
2012-08-11 09:25:38 🔗
[12 years, 199 days ago]

Energy ratio:

The energy offset stat has been replaced with energy ratio, which is defined as total energy gained divided energy regen'd.

-October 1 Announcements

Energy ratio, along with level, wins, and ratio, are used to compute the energy your bot will generate per hour. (EPH)

Nosferatu [155]
2012-08-11 11:16:00 🔗
[12 years, 199 days ago]

And Ender hasn't released the exact formula, and most likely wont.

SaiyanZ [130]
2012-08-11 12:02:56 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

Where is little fishwick?

Fishwick [43]
2012-08-11 12:12:34 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

He hasn't been created, he's no longer little :)

Ender [1]
2012-08-11 12:34:18 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

Though now out of date, this writeup has the basics of the energy system:

What's changed since then is that energy per hour (EPH) is variable and not fixed at 20. The formula for this is what Nos is referring to. Though I haven't released the exact formula, I have specified what stats go into it at some point.

Fishwick [43]
2012-08-11 12:48:34 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

Alright cheers, so a bot can be inactive yet helping the clan, by accumulating energy and not being an ideal target for others to attack?

How much energy is accumulated, if a person had a 1.0 ratio, compared to say a 50.0 ratio? Is it a significant difference or say 20/hour compared to 35/hour

neps [363]
2012-08-11 17:35:33 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

1.00 ratio compared to 0.50 ratio will have a significant difference in EPH.

Gpof2 [130]
2012-08-11 19:17:00 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

3.0 is the highest that will change your EPH. Level and your number of wins are the other factors. Keep in mind there are less targets to fight for energy as you level up though.

Nosferatu [155]
2012-08-11 23:26:25 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

Energy ratio, along with level, wins, and ratio, are used to compute the energy your bot will generate per hour. (EPH)

3.0 is the highest that will change your EPH. Level and your number of wins are the other factors. Keep in mind there are less targets to fight for energy as you level up though.

I also believe 6.0 is the highest offset on your energy modifier(that being the number in parenthesis) will effect you EPH. Though you talking about being dormant I'll assume yours will be sitting at 1.00.

neps [363]
2012-08-12 00:31:12 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

Yep. EPH perks cap at (x6.00) for offset, 3.00 for ratio.

Forum > Questions > Where can I learn about energy?
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